NobilityandAristocracyThe SecondEstate inFrenchsociety wasmade up of...?Exemptionon allTaxesWhat was abenefit ofbeing part ofFrance'sFirst Estate?GunpowderOn July 14,Bastille day, amob stormedthe prisonlooking forwhat?AbbeSieyesWho inspiredthe ThirdEstate toseek power?TheGreatFearPeasantsriotedthroughoutFrance duringthis time.NapoleonBonaparteWho became theleader of Franceand takes powerafter a coup d'etatoverthrew theFrench Directory?ReignofTerrorMaximilianRobespierre andthe Jacobins arebest known forinstituting the?KingLouisXVIWhich FrenchKing wasconsidered anabsolutemonarch but aweak ruler.ARepublicIn 1792, theNationalConvention votedto abolish themonarchy anddeclare Francewhat?A BigSpenderMarieAntoninettewas knownfor being?FrequentExecutionsThe Reign ofTerror consistedof what to theenemies of theRevolution?PrinceMetternichWho restoredEurope's"legitimate"monarchies atthe Congress ofVienna?StormingtheBastilleWhatparticularevent startedthe FrenchRevolution?GeorgeDantonAfter leading theCommittee ofPublic Safety, whocalled for theexecution of KingLouis?Unify EuropeunderFrench RuleWhat wasone ofNapoleon'smain militarygoals?98%About whatpercentage ofFrance'spopulationbelonged to theThird Estate?HarshWinterWhich geographiccondition contributedto the defeat ofNapoleon's troopsduring the defeat ofNapoleon's troopsduring the invasion ofRussian?ThirdEstateWhich estate paidalmost all of thetaxes in the yearspreceding theFrenchRevolution?ElbaUponNapoleon'sdefeat, hewas exiled towhere?EstatesGeneralA type ofrepresentationwas the...?NoOneDuring theReign ofTerror, whowas safe fromthe guillotine?TheCult ofReasonWhat was France'sfirst establishedstate-sponsoredatheist religion madeto replaceCatholicism duringthe revolution?HaitiToussaintL'Ouverture leda successfulrevolutionagainst Frenchrule in?TheEstateSystemTheNapoleonicCodeeliminated...?EnlightenmentThismovementsideas inspiredcalls forchanges ingovernmentNobilityandAristocracyThe SecondEstate inFrenchsociety wasmade up of...?Exemptionon allTaxesWhat was abenefit ofbeing part ofFrance'sFirst Estate?GunpowderOn July 14,Bastille day, amob stormedthe prisonlooking forwhat?AbbeSieyesWho inspiredthe ThirdEstate toseek power?TheGreatFearPeasantsriotedthroughoutFrance duringthis time.NapoleonBonaparteWho became theleader of Franceand takes powerafter a coup d'etatoverthrew theFrench Directory?ReignofTerrorMaximilianRobespierre andthe Jacobins arebest known forinstituting the?KingLouisXVIWhich FrenchKing wasconsidered anabsolutemonarch but aweak ruler.ARepublicIn 1792, theNationalConvention votedto abolish themonarchy anddeclare Francewhat?A BigSpenderMarieAntoninettewas knownfor being?FrequentExecutionsThe Reign ofTerror consistedof what to theenemies of theRevolution?PrinceMetternichWho restoredEurope's"legitimate"monarchies atthe Congress ofVienna?StormingtheBastilleWhatparticularevent startedthe FrenchRevolution?GeorgeDantonAfter leading theCommittee ofPublic Safety, whocalled for theexecution of KingLouis?Unify EuropeunderFrench RuleWhat wasone ofNapoleon'smain militarygoals?98%About whatpercentage ofFrance'spopulationbelonged to theThird Estate?HarshWinterWhich geographiccondition contributedto the defeat ofNapoleon's troopsduring the defeat ofNapoleon's troopsduring the invasion ofRussian?ThirdEstateWhich estate paidalmost all of thetaxes in the yearspreceding theFrenchRevolution?ElbaUponNapoleon'sdefeat, hewas exiled towhere?EstatesGeneralA type ofrepresentationwas the...?NoOneDuring theReign ofTerror, whowas safe fromthe guillotine?TheCult ofReasonWhat was France'sfirst establishedstate-sponsoredatheist religion madeto replaceCatholicism duringthe revolution?HaitiToussaintL'Ouverture leda successfulrevolutionagainst Frenchrule in?TheEstateSystemTheNapoleonicCodeeliminated...?EnlightenmentThismovementsideas inspiredcalls forchanges ingovernment

French Revolution & Napoleon - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The Second Estate in French society was made up of...?
    Nobility and Aristocracy
  2. What was a benefit of being part of France's First Estate?
    Exemption on all Taxes
  3. On July 14, Bastille day, a mob stormed the prison looking for what?
  4. Who inspired the Third Estate to seek power?
    Abbe Sieyes
  5. Peasants rioted throughout France during this time.
    The Great Fear
  6. Who became the leader of France and takes power after a coup d'etat overthrew the French Directory?
    Napoleon Bonaparte
  7. Maximilian Robespierre and the Jacobins are best known for instituting the?
    Reign of Terror
  8. Which French King was considered an absolute monarch but a weak ruler.
    King Louis XVI
  9. In 1792, the National Convention voted to abolish the monarchy and declare France what?
    A Republic
  10. Marie Antoninette was known for being?
    A Big Spender
  11. The Reign of Terror consisted of what to the enemies of the Revolution?
    Frequent Executions
  12. Who restored Europe's "legitimate" monarchies at the Congress of Vienna?
    Prince Metternich
  13. What particular event started the French Revolution?
    Storming the Bastille
  14. After leading the Committee of Public Safety, who called for the execution of King Louis?
    George Danton
  15. What was one of Napoleon's main military goals?
    Unify Europe under French Rule
  16. About what percentage of France's population belonged to the Third Estate?
  17. Which geographic condition contributed to the defeat of Napoleon's troops during the defeat of Napoleon's troops during the invasion of Russian?
    Harsh Winter
  18. Which estate paid almost all of the taxes in the years preceding the French Revolution?
    Third Estate
  19. Upon Napoleon's defeat, he was exiled to where?
  20. A type of representation was the...?
    Estates General
  21. During the Reign of Terror, who was safe from the guillotine?
    No One
  22. What was France's first established state-sponsored atheist religion made to replace Catholicism during the revolution?
    The Cult of Reason
  23. Toussaint L'Ouverture led a successful revolution against French rule in?
  24. The Napoleonic Code eliminated...?
    The Estate System
  25. This movements ideas inspired calls for changes in government