I need to speak toDr. Reed. Whataccount is he onand how do Ireach him?Text,Cell, Patching?My webbrowser isn'tworking for theAuburn book.What do I do?I have to have my O2concentratorTONIGHT! Its notworking for me andI'm from out of town.Can you help themon 8457?Does GutterCap allowsolicitorcalls?What statesdoes BagbyCover?I need myAC fixedtonight on5484! Whodo you call?Copy and pastethe steps tochange Johnny toNO TEXT ifsomeone else ison call onto theFree SpaceDo you putany hospiceon hold?Explain.I have a cuethat reads toturn on theTorch- Whataccount is itreferring to?I've sent a techrequest for 8510..Where do I look tosee if my requesthas beenreceived?What is theSupervisoremail loginpassword?I need to get myGoogle web browserto work so I can seeour customerswebsites. Enter thesteps in the nextsquare >>>FREEVulcan Htg andAC has howmanylocations? Dothey serviceresidential?Do we dobusiness withTim Williams? Ifwe do, what'sthe companyname?How do Irequesttime off?Does UMChave anyafter hourssick clinictimes?Name anaccount thatshares OCwith West ALInternal MedI am a student and Ineed help on UA-8488 and I live inRiverside West and Ihave a plumbingproblem. What doyou do?Is GoodSamaritanaffilated withBridgeway orAffinity?How manypeople work@TherapeuticMassageWhat age doesBaypoint Hospitalsee? What aboutEastpointe? Lookat 5222 for helpWhere doyou findSealy'sSecuritySchedule?Where can youfind the website forChapel of theChimes? Hint:ItsNOT the one onthe relay.How do wehandle NPconsults for Dr.Pandey when8486 is on callfor him?I need to speak toDr. Reed. Whataccount is he onand how do Ireach him?Text,Cell, Patching?My webbrowser isn'tworking for theAuburn book.What do I do?I have to have my O2concentratorTONIGHT! Its notworking for me andI'm from out of town.Can you help themon 8457?Does GutterCap allowsolicitorcalls?What statesdoes BagbyCover?I need myAC fixedtonight on5484! Whodo you call?Copy and pastethe steps tochange Johnny toNO TEXT ifsomeone else ison call onto theFree SpaceDo you putany hospiceon hold?Explain.I have a cuethat reads toturn on theTorch- Whataccount is itreferring to?I've sent a techrequest for 8510..Where do I look tosee if my requesthas beenreceived?What is theSupervisoremail loginpassword?I need to get myGoogle web browserto work so I can seeour customerswebsites. Enter thesteps in the nextsquare >>>FREEVulcan Htg andAC has howmanylocations? Dothey serviceresidential?Do we dobusiness withTim Williams? Ifwe do, what'sthe companyname?How do Irequesttime off?Does UMChave anyafter hourssick clinictimes?Name anaccount thatshares OCwith West ALInternal MedI am a student and Ineed help on UA-8488 and I live inRiverside West and Ihave a plumbingproblem. What doyou do?Is GoodSamaritanaffilated withBridgeway orAffinity?How manypeople work@TherapeuticMassageWhat age doesBaypoint Hospitalsee? What aboutEastpointe? Lookat 5222 for helpWhere doyou findSealy'sSecuritySchedule?Where can youfind the website forChapel of theChimes? Hint:ItsNOT the one onthe relay.How do wehandle NPconsults for Dr.Pandey when8486 is on callfor him?


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I need to speak to Dr. Reed. What account is he on and how do I reach him?Text, Cell, Patching?
  2. My web browser isn't working for the Auburn book. What do I do?
  3. I have to have my O2 concentrator TONIGHT! Its not working for me and I'm from out of town. Can you help them on 8457?
  4. Does Gutter Cap allow solicitor calls?
  5. What states does Bagby Cover?
  6. I need my AC fixed tonight on 5484! Who do you call?
  7. Copy and paste the steps to change Johnny to NO TEXT if someone else is on call onto the Free Space
  8. Do you put any hospice on hold? Explain.
  9. I have a cue that reads to turn on the Torch- What account is it referring to?
  10. I've sent a tech request for 8510.. Where do I look to see if my request has been received?
  11. What is the Supervisor email login password?
  12. I need to get my Google web browser to work so I can see our customers websites. Enter the steps in the next square >>> FREE
  13. Vulcan Htg and AC has how many locations? Do they service residential?
  14. Do we do business with Tim Williams? If we do, what's the company name?
  15. How do I request time off?
  16. Does UMC have any after hours sick clinic times?
  17. Name an account that shares OC with West AL Internal Med
  18. I am a student and I need help on UA-8488 and I live in Riverside West and I have a plumbing problem. What do you do?
  19. Is Good Samaritan affilated with Bridgeway or Affinity?
  20. How many people work @ Therapeutic Massage
  21. What age does Baypoint Hospital see? What about Eastpointe? Look at 5222 for help
  22. Where do you find Sealy's Security Schedule?
  23. Where can you find the website for Chapel of the Chimes? Hint:Its NOT the one on the relay.
  24. How do we handle NP consults for Dr. Pandey when 8486 is on call for him?