You had a badexperiencewith adoctor/mentalhealth providerYou havebeen to aBadgersgame ofany sportYourillness /pain /disability isinvisibleYou feltmisunderstooddue to yourillness / pain /disabilityYouwatchedCripCampYou considera hotdogasandwichYou've taught aclose friend orfamily membersomething aboutyourself in the pastmonthYou havean ESA(EmotionalSupportAnimal)Your careergoals are in thehealth and/ordisabilitysphereYou've written orgiven apresentationabout yourillness / pain /disability beforeYou currentlyor in the pastattendtherapyYou bondedwith othersover illness /pain /disabilityYou took timeoff fromschool/workdue to illness /pain / disabilityYou advocatedfor yourneeds andaccommodationsYour prof has notgiven you properaccommodationsYou canspeak alanguageaside fromEnglishYou watchedLove on theSpectrumYou follow ImaniBarbarin and/orAlice Wongon Twitter orInstagramYou'resubscribedto a podcastabout yourillness / pain /disabilityYou werebornoutside ofWisconsinYou pushedyourselfpast yourphysicallimitsYou watcha lot of TVandmoviesYou likescarymoviesYou usedDiscordbeforeCHAMPYou had a badexperiencewith adoctor/mentalhealth providerYou havebeen to aBadgersgame ofany sportYourillness /pain /disability isinvisibleYou feltmisunderstooddue to yourillness / pain /disabilityYouwatchedCripCampYou considera hotdogasandwichYou've taught aclose friend orfamily membersomething aboutyourself in the pastmonthYou havean ESA(EmotionalSupportAnimal)Your careergoals are in thehealth and/ordisabilitysphereYou've written orgiven apresentationabout yourillness / pain /disability beforeYou currentlyor in the pastattendtherapyYou bondedwith othersover illness /pain /disabilityYou took timeoff fromschool/workdue to illness /pain / disabilityYou advocatedfor yourneeds andaccommodationsYour prof has notgiven you properaccommodationsYou canspeak alanguageaside fromEnglishYou watchedLove on theSpectrumYou follow ImaniBarbarin and/orAlice Wongon Twitter orInstagramYou'resubscribedto a podcastabout yourillness / pain /disabilityYou werebornoutside ofWisconsinYou pushedyourselfpast yourphysicallimitsYou watcha lot of TVandmoviesYou likescarymoviesYou usedDiscordbeforeCHAMP

CHAMP Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. You had a bad experience with a doctor/mental health provider
  2. You have been to a Badgers game of any sport
  3. Your illness / pain / disability is invisible
  4. You felt misunderstood due to your illness / pain / disability
  5. You watched Crip Camp
  6. You consider a hotdog a sandwich
  7. You've taught a close friend or family member something about yourself in the past month
  8. You have an ESA (Emotional Support Animal)
  9. Your career goals are in the health and/or disability sphere
  10. You've written or given a presentation about your illness / pain / disability before
  11. You currently or in the past attend therapy
  12. You bonded with others over illness / pain / disability
  13. You took time off from school/work due to illness / pain / disability
  14. You advocated for your needs and accommodations
  15. Your prof has not given you proper accommodations
  16. You can speak a language aside from English
  17. You watched Love on the Spectrum
  18. You follow Imani Barbarin and/or Alice Wong on Twitter or Instagram
  19. You're subscribed to a podcast about your illness / pain / disability
  20. You were born outside of Wisconsin
  21. You pushed yourself past your physical limits
  22. You watch a lot of TV and movies
  23. You like scary movies
  24. You used Discord before CHAMP