Specimenfrom aninterestinglocationHow manycollectionobjects arein our onlinecollection?Had zoomissuesduring avol sessionEstimatednumber ofobjects inthe UnimelbHerbariumAveragenumber oftasks per hourper studentthis semesterEncountereda specimenwithhandwrittenlabel dataWhich decadehas the mostcollections inour onlinecollection?What are the 2the mostcommon plantfamilies in ouronlinecollection?Learned anewfungalgenusKnows howmany hi-resimages wehave in ouronlinecollectionLearnt anewcurationskillSpecimenfromearlierthan 1930Found a newpark within 5km of homeSpecimenfromParkville,MelbourneWhich month ofthe year is themost common fora specimen in ourherbarium to becollected?Picked up anewhobby/skillduringlockdownH.B.WilliamsonspecimenSpecimenfrom aninterestinglocationHow manycollectionobjects arein our onlinecollection?Had zoomissuesduring avol sessionEstimatednumber ofobjects inthe UnimelbHerbariumAveragenumber oftasks per hourper studentthis semesterEncountereda specimenwithhandwrittenlabel dataWhich decadehas the mostcollections inour onlinecollection?What are the 2the mostcommon plantfamilies in ouronlinecollection?Learned anewfungalgenusKnows howmany hi-resimages wehave in ouronlinecollectionLearnt anewcurationskillSpecimenfromearlierthan 1930Found a newpark within 5km of homeSpecimenfromParkville,MelbourneWhich month ofthe year is themost common fora specimen in ourherbarium to becollected?Picked up anewhobby/skillduringlockdownH.B.Williamsonspecimen

Unimelb Herbarium Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Specimen from an interesting location
  2. How many collection objects are in our online collection?
  3. Had zoom issues during a vol session
  4. Estimated number of objects in the Unimelb Herbarium
  5. Average number of tasks per hour per student this semester
  6. Encountered a specimen with handwritten label data
  7. Which decade has the most collections in our online collection?
  8. What are the 2 the most common plant families in our online collection?
  9. Learned a new fungal genus
  10. Knows how many hi-res images we have in our online collection
  11. Learnt a new curation skill
  12. Specimen from earlier than 1930
  13. Found a new park within 5 km of home
  14. Specimen from Parkville, Melbourne
  15. Which month of the year is the most common for a specimen in our herbarium to be collected?
  16. Picked up a new hobby/skill during lockdown
  17. H.B. Williamson specimen