Go for lunchwith acolleague youdon't knowthat well!Hold thedoor openforsomeoneGive ananonymouscomplimentBakehomemadecakes or cookiesand share themwith colleaguesRecommenda greatpodcastTake a photo ofsomeone doingan act ofkindness ..and post onRandomMake sureyour meetinghas a well-being break!Share auseful or funlink in theRandomchannelGo to adifferentdepartment andcomplimentthemSay goodmorning toeveryoneyou pass withinan hour ofarriving at workGive 5people ahigh 5Help acolleaguewith one oftheir dailytasksParticipatein a Coffee& Connectsession!Surprisesomeone withtheir favouritedrink (workfriendly)Smile atyourmanagerRespectTGIF!Go for lunchwith acolleague youdon't knowthat well!Hold thedoor openforsomeoneGive ananonymouscomplimentBakehomemadecakes or cookiesand share themwith colleaguesRecommenda greatpodcastTake a photo ofsomeone doingan act ofkindness ..and post onRandomMake sureyour meetinghas a well-being break!Share auseful or funlink in theRandomchannelGo to adifferentdepartment andcomplimentthemSay goodmorning toeveryoneyou pass withinan hour ofarriving at workGive 5people ahigh 5Help acolleaguewith one oftheir dailytasksParticipatein a Coffee& Connectsession!Surprisesomeone withtheir favouritedrink (workfriendly)Smile atyourmanagerRespectTGIF!

Celebrate with Kindness Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Go for lunch with a colleague you don't know that well!
  2. Hold the door open for someone
  3. Give an anonymous compliment
  4. Bake homemade cakes or cookies and share them with colleagues
  5. Recommend a great podcast
  6. Take a photo of someone doing an act of kindness .. and post on Random
  7. Make sure your meeting has a well-being break!
  8. Share a useful or fun link in the Random channel
  9. Go to a different department and compliment them
  10. Say good morning to everyone you pass within an hour of arriving at work
  11. Give 5 people a high 5
  12. Help a colleague with one of their daily tasks
  13. Participate in a Coffee & Connect session!
  14. Surprise someone with their favourite drink (work friendly)
  15. Smile at your manager
  16. Respect TGIF!