Who is thefirst martyrin Islam?  Imitate an IAPmember and askyour other groupmembers toguess. Onlycorrect guessescount (3 tries) Read theayah after this(Hint: SurahAr-Rahman)  What is theQur’an alsoknown as?  Recite thearabicalphabetbackwardsThe date ourBaklava pre-orders close  This sahaba came to Islamafter witnessing the murderof Khubayb ibn ‘Abi Al-Ansari, who when theQuraiysh had captured himhad been allowed to praytwo rakaat before he wasbrutally killed.  Sing thehappybirthday songin Arabic as agroup The Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) said: “This world isbut provisions, and there isno provision in this worldbetter than a ______________” (Sunan Ibn Majah,Volume 3, Hadith 1855)  Who wasProphetMuhammad(PBUH)’snursingmother?Which nameof Allah SWTmeans ‘TheGiver of Life’?  Name theprophetwhom Jinnused to obey  Name all theResauce membersin reversealphabetical order  Thebirthdate ofProphetSAW  How many childrendid ProphetMuhammad(PBUH) have withKhadija (RA)?  Give us a‘What’s inyour bag’tour How manycategories ofpeople areeligible toreceive zakat?  What is theoldestmosque inSingapore?  Demonstratehow to dothe Sa’i Read the dua youwill read for newlymarried couples(Hint: Maher Zain)  Give us apinlesshijabtutorial Tell anothermember yourfavouritequality(s) ofhim/her How many of thecompanions havebeen promisedparadise?  In episode 2 ofshare-a-thought,how much didHana’s ice creamcost?  GuesstheGibberish Who is thefirst martyrin Islam?  Imitate an IAPmember and askyour other groupmembers toguess. Onlycorrect guessescount (3 tries) Read theayah after this(Hint: SurahAr-Rahman)  What is theQur’an alsoknown as?  Recite thearabicalphabetbackwardsThe date ourBaklava pre-orders close  This sahaba came to Islamafter witnessing the murderof Khubayb ibn ‘Abi Al-Ansari, who when theQuraiysh had captured himhad been allowed to praytwo rakaat before he wasbrutally killed.  Sing thehappybirthday songin Arabic as agroup The Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) said: “This world isbut provisions, and there isno provision in this worldbetter than a ______________” (Sunan Ibn Majah,Volume 3, Hadith 1855)  Who wasProphetMuhammad(PBUH)’snursingmother?Which nameof Allah SWTmeans ‘TheGiver of Life’?  Name theprophetwhom Jinnused to obey  Name all theResauce membersin reversealphabetical order  Thebirthdate ofProphetSAW  How many childrendid ProphetMuhammad(PBUH) have withKhadija (RA)?  Give us a‘What’s inyour bag’tour How manycategories ofpeople areeligible toreceive zakat?  What is theoldestmosque inSingapore?  Demonstratehow to dothe Sa’i Read the dua youwill read for newlymarried couples(Hint: Maher Zain)  Give us apinlesshijabtutorial Tell anothermember yourfavouritequality(s) ofhim/her How many of thecompanions havebeen promisedparadise?  In episode 2 ofshare-a-thought,how much didHana’s ice creamcost?  GuesstheGibberish 

BINGO! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Who is the first martyr in Islam?
  2. Imitate an IAP member and ask your other group members to guess. Only correct guesses count (3 tries)
  3. Read the ayah after this (Hint: Surah Ar-Rahman)
  4. What is the Qur’an also known as?
  5. Recite the arabic alphabet backwards
  6. The date our Baklava pre-orders close
  7. This sahaba came to Islam after witnessing the murder of Khubayb ibn ‘Abi Al-Ansari, who when the Quraiysh had captured him had been allowed to pray two rakaat before he was brutally killed.
  8. Sing the happy birthday song in Arabic as a group
  9. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “This world is but provisions, and there is no provision in this world better than a _________ _____” (Sunan Ibn Majah, Volume 3, Hadith 1855)
  10. Who was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s nursing mother?
  11. Which name of Allah SWT means ‘The Giver of Life’?
  12. Name the prophet whom Jinn used to obey
  13. Name all the Resauce members in reverse alphabetical order
  14. The birthdate of Prophet SAW
  15. How many children did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have with Khadija (RA)?
  16. Give us a ‘What’s in your bag’ tour
  17. How many categories of people are eligible to receive zakat?
  18. What is the oldest mosque in Singapore?
  19. Demonstrate how to do the Sa’i
  20. Read the dua you will read for newly married couples (Hint: Maher Zain)
  21. Give us a pinless hijab tutorial
  22. Tell another member your favourite quality(s) of him/her
  23. How many of the companions have been promised paradise?
  24. In episode 2 of share-a-thought, how much did Hana’s ice cream cost?
  25. Guess the Gibberish