If you are in a liftand someonesteps in with anexpensivehandbag,remember not tocut the strap.Pay forthings inshops ratherthan stealingthem.Do not drugpeople soyou cansteal theirbelongings.If you seeabandonedwallets/purses,leave themaloneAsk a trustedfriend toaccompany you atall times if youcannot stopyourself fromstealing.If someoneforgets tolock theircar, leave italone.If you come acrosssomeone drunk orasleep, leave theirpurse/wallet alone.Do notstealCarry a whistle. Ifyou think youmight steal, blowthe whistle untilsomeone comesto stop you.If you are in a liftand someonesteps in with anexpensivehandbag,remember not tocut the strap.Pay forthings inshops ratherthan stealingthem.Do not drugpeople soyou cansteal theirbelongings.If you seeabandonedwallets/purses,leave themaloneAsk a trustedfriend toaccompany you atall times if youcannot stopyourself fromstealing.If someoneforgets tolock theircar, leave italone.If you come acrosssomeone drunk orasleep, leave theirpurse/wallet alone.Do notstealCarry a whistle. Ifyou think youmight steal, blowthe whistle untilsomeone comesto stop you.

Theft Prevention Tips - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. If you are in a lift and someone steps in with an expensive handbag, remember not to cut the strap.
  2. Pay for things in shops rather than stealing them.
  3. Do not drug people so you can steal their belongings.
  4. If you see abandoned wallets/purses, leave them alone
  5. Ask a trusted friend to accompany you at all times if you cannot stop yourself from stealing.
  6. If someone forgets to lock their car, leave it alone.
  7. If you come across someone drunk or asleep, leave their purse/wallet alone.
  8. Do not steal
  9. Carry a whistle. If you think you might steal, blow the whistle until someone comes to stop you.