by 2030, we willreduce ourcarbon dioxideemissions by35%I think thereis a massiveopportunityfor us.“the goldenage ofengineering.”The group hasbig deals inaerospace,which is a long-cycle businessWhat’s helpfulfor me in termsof leadershipskill is to alwayshave a plan B“Neverwaste agoodcrisis.”There are onlysix countrieswhere ourproducts aren’tin operationtodaythe ability tocreate anenvironment forpeople tocollaborate isvery important.resilience issomething that Iview as a veryimportantleadership skillas well.theenthusiasmthat we showshines onour people.“Mr. CEO,why do youwant us tochange?”When thepandemicstarted in 2020, Ithought this willbe over soonit is very important toestablish a culturewhere good feedbackis seen as somethingthat develops peoplethisunfortunatelyleads to thatpeople aren’treally authentic.We just recentlysent a seniorexecutive, anItalian woman, torun our ChinabusinessIt is crucialthat we actlike we ownthis businesswe’reoperating in13 differentdisassociatedindustries“That’s notour fault; it’sourcustomerswho are usingthem.”SometimesI wish Ihad alarger jobI’m not a bigbeliever inonly KPI-drivendiversityI used to travelaround and visitsome of ourmanagingdirectorsI’m alsotalking aboutthe diversityof thought.we decided tochange Rolls-RoycePower Systems(RRPS) from anengine maker into asolutions provider.we had a yachtthat wasstranded on theopen ocean withan engineproblemby 2030, we willreduce ourcarbon dioxideemissions by35%I think thereis a massiveopportunityfor us.“the goldenage ofengineering.”The group hasbig deals inaerospace,which is a long-cycle businessWhat’s helpfulfor me in termsof leadershipskill is to alwayshave a plan B“Neverwaste agoodcrisis.”There are onlysix countrieswhere ourproducts aren’tin operationtodaythe ability tocreate anenvironment forpeople tocollaborate isvery important.resilience issomething that Iview as a veryimportantleadership skillas well.theenthusiasmthat we showshines onour people.“Mr. CEO,why do youwant us tochange?”When thepandemicstarted in 2020, Ithought this willbe over soonit is very important toestablish a culturewhere good feedbackis seen as somethingthat develops peoplethisunfortunatelyleads to thatpeople aren’treally authentic.We just recentlysent a seniorexecutive, anItalian woman, torun our ChinabusinessIt is crucialthat we actlike we ownthis businesswe’reoperating in13 differentdisassociatedindustries“That’s notour fault; it’sourcustomerswho are usingthem.”SometimesI wish Ihad alarger jobI’m not a bigbeliever inonly KPI-drivendiversityI used to travelaround and visitsome of ourmanagingdirectorsI’m alsotalking aboutthe diversityof thought.we decided tochange Rolls-RoycePower Systems(RRPS) from anengine maker into asolutions provider.we had a yachtthat wasstranded on theopen ocean withan engineproblem

Insights from the CEO of Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. by 2030, we will reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by 35%
  2. I think there is a massive opportunity for us.
  3. “the golden age of engineering.”
  4. The group has big deals in aerospace, which is a long-cycle business
  5. What’s helpful for me in terms of leadership skill is to always have a plan B
  6. “Never waste a good crisis.”
  7. There are only six countries where our products aren’t in operation today
  8. the ability to create an environment for people to collaborate is very important.
  9. resilience is something that I view as a very important leadership skill as well.
  10. the enthusiasm that we show shines on our people.
  11. “Mr. CEO, why do you want us to change?”
  12. When the pandemic started in 2020, I thought this will be over soon
  13. it is very important to establish a culture where good feedback is seen as something that develops people
  14. this unfortunately leads to that people aren’t really authentic.
  15. We just recently sent a senior executive, an Italian woman, to run our China business
  16. It is crucial that we act like we own this business
  17. we’re operating in 13 different disassociated industries
  18. “That’s not our fault; it’s our customers who are using them.”
  19. Sometimes I wish I had a larger job
  20. I’m not a big believer in only KPI-driven diversity
  21. I used to travel around and visit some of our managing directors
  22. I’m also talking about the diversity of thought.
  23. we decided to change Rolls-Royce Power Systems (RRPS) from an engine maker into a solutions provider.
  24. we had a yacht that was stranded on the open ocean with an engine problem