29 -Which"cool" color iscomplementaryto red?11 -Name adesiredcharacteristicof acolorspace.31 -Who extendedthe CIELabcolorspace toincluded vividnessand depth?9 -In the CICposter on imagecaptioning, whatare the names ofthe neuralnetworks used?27 -Whatproperties oflightdeterminetranslucency?28 -Whatsurface propertydetermines theglossiness ofmaterials?26 -Whatparametersdescribe thepolarizationstate of asignal?7 -How manyvisual criteria didHunter defined forvisual judgementof gloss?25 -Whatmolecules areresponsible forsubsurfacescattering inskin?3 -From the CICposter on imagenaturalness andquality, name anatural imagecategory.23 -What isthe specklytype of noisein imagescalled?16 -What are theoptical properties ofthe filter that mayimprovediscrimination forred-green colordeficiency?6 -How manymultispectral bandsare used in imagesfor dye amountestimation in ahistology specimen?18 -What isthe colortemperatureof illuminantA?21 -What is thecorrection usedto account forchromaticadaptation?1 - According to theCIC poster on colorappearance testchart, in what casesdo CIECAM202 andCAM16 differ?15 -Namethe type ofwaves usedin Lippmannphotography.2 - Find asurprisinguse of colorin pestcontrol!5 -How long isneeded to achieve90% chromaticadaptation in lowluminance levels?14 -Name animage categoryin the Jasperremote sensingdataset12 -Name ageometricdistortioncommon foundin imagedatabases.24 -What is thewavelengthrange for short-wave infrared(SWIR) light?19 -What is thecolortemperature ofthe stimulus thatpeople rate asthe whitest?22 -What is thename of theprofilescommonly usedin colormanagement?30 -Which colorspaceis used in the CICposter on classifyingimages in highlighteddocuments?17 -What isa measure ofspectralsimilarity?8 -In the CIC posteron color appearanceacross illuminances,which experimentmethod was used?20 -What isthe coloredoxidized layeron bronzecalled?13 -Name aparameter that canaffect the quality ofpigmenthyperspectraldata.4 -How doyou assessthe quality ofelectric lightsources?10 -Name acriterion forselecting anoptimal filter fora colorimetriccamera.29 -Which"cool" color iscomplementaryto red?11 -Name adesiredcharacteristicof acolorspace.31 -Who extendedthe CIELabcolorspace toincluded vividnessand depth?9 -In the CICposter on imagecaptioning, whatare the names ofthe neuralnetworks used?27 -Whatproperties oflightdeterminetranslucency?28 -Whatsurface propertydetermines theglossiness ofmaterials?26 -Whatparametersdescribe thepolarizationstate of asignal?7 -How manyvisual criteria didHunter defined forvisual judgementof gloss?25 -Whatmolecules areresponsible forsubsurfacescattering inskin?3 -From the CICposter on imagenaturalness andquality, name anatural imagecategory.23 -What isthe specklytype of noisein imagescalled?16 -What are theoptical properties ofthe filter that mayimprovediscrimination forred-green colordeficiency?6 -How manymultispectral bandsare used in imagesfor dye amountestimation in ahistology specimen?18 -What isthe colortemperatureof illuminantA?21 -What is thecorrection usedto account forchromaticadaptation?1 - According to theCIC poster on colorappearance testchart, in what casesdo CIECAM202 andCAM16 differ?15 -Namethe type ofwaves usedin Lippmannphotography.2 - Find asurprisinguse of colorin pestcontrol!5 -How long isneeded to achieve90% chromaticadaptation in lowluminance levels?14 -Name animage categoryin the Jasperremote sensingdataset12 -Name ageometricdistortioncommon foundin imagedatabases.24 -What is thewavelengthrange for short-wave infrared(SWIR) light?19 -What is thecolortemperature ofthe stimulus thatpeople rate asthe whitest?22 -What is thename of theprofilescommonly usedin colormanagement?30 -Which colorspaceis used in the CICposter on classifyingimages in highlighteddocuments?17 -What isa measure ofspectralsimilarity?8 -In the CIC posteron color appearanceacross illuminances,which experimentmethod was used?20 -What isthe coloredoxidized layeron bronzecalled?13 -Name aparameter that canaffect the quality ofpigmenthyperspectraldata.4 -How doyou assessthe quality ofelectric lightsources?10 -Name acriterion forselecting anoptimal filter fora colorimetriccamera.

Color & Imaging Conference - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 29 -Which "cool" color is complementary to red?
  2. 11 -Name a desired characteristic of a colorspace.
  3. 31 -Who extended the CIELab colorspace to included vividness and depth?
  4. 9 -In the CIC poster on image captioning, what are the names of the neural networks used?
  5. 27 -What properties of light determine translucency?
  6. 28 -What surface property determines the glossiness of materials?
  7. 26 -What parameters describe the polarization state of a signal?
  8. 7 -How many visual criteria did Hunter defined for visual judgement of gloss?
  9. 25 -What molecules are responsible for subsurface scattering in skin?
  10. 3 -From the CIC poster on image naturalness and quality, name a natural image category.
  11. 23 -What is the speckly type of noise in images called?
  12. 16 -What are the optical properties of the filter that may improve discrimination for red-green color deficiency?
  13. 6 -How many multispectral bands are used in images for dye amount estimation in a histology specimen?
  14. 18 -What is the color temperature of illuminant A?
  15. 21 -What is the correction used to account for chromatic adaptation?
  16. 1 - According to the CIC poster on color appearance test chart, in what cases do CIECAM202 and CAM16 differ?
  17. 15 -Name the type of waves used in Lippmann photography.
  18. 2 - Find a surprising use of color in pest control!
  19. 5 -How long is needed to achieve 90% chromatic adaptation in low luminance levels?
  20. 14 -Name an image category in the Jasper remote sensing dataset
  21. 12 -Name a geometric distortion common found in image databases.
  22. 24 -What is the wavelength range for short-wave infrared (SWIR) light?
  23. 19 -What is the color temperature of the stimulus that people rate as the whitest?
  24. 22 -What is the name of the profiles commonly used in color management?
  25. 30 -Which colorspace is used in the CIC poster on classifying images in highlighted documents?
  26. 17 -What is a measure of spectral similarity?
  27. 8 -In the CIC poster on color appearance across illuminances, which experiment method was used?
  28. 20 -What is the colored oxidized layer on bronze called?
  29. 13 -Name a parameter that can affect the quality of pigment hyperspectral data.
  30. 4 -How do you assess the quality of electric light sources?
  31. 10 -Name a criterion for selecting an optimal filter for a colorimetric camera.