Picture buttonslocated in theleft bottomcorner of displaywindowviewbuttonsHyperlinkAn action buttonthat shortcuts youto anotherprogram, website,or document fromthe current slideVisualCommunicationThe expressionof ideas andinformationusing visualforms or aidsDatabaseFlowchartFutureReadySkillsNotesPageAllows user tocreat notes tobe used withthepresentation ofeach slideTheunderlyingcolor ordesign of aslideBackgroundDatabaseThis is an organizedcollection of data,generally stored andaccessedelectronically from acomputer systemTitleslideFirst slide inapresentationclipartgraphicsfound on thecomputerhard driveMultimediaCombined useof more thanone media,text, image,sound, etceffectsformattingfeatures thatmove the texton and off thesingle slideMetadatadata[information]that providesinformationabout otherdataTransitionseffects thatmove on slideoff the screenand the nextslide on duringthe slide showSummarySlideCreates abulleted listfrom the titlesof selectedslidesAclassificationof something,a kind, or asortGenreBlankPresentationLets youcreate ashow fromscratch# of Tips forDesigningEffective VisualCommunication10SlideA singlepage of apresentationin a slideshowpowerpointa software programthat allows you tocreate professionallooking multimediapresentationsFacts andstatisticscollectedtogether forreference oranalysisDataViewdisplays thetext of theslide onlyOnlineViewWay of printing apowerpoints sothe multiple slideappear on eachpagehandoutsMicrosoftPowerpointMicrosoft Officeproduct that providesusers with aninterface to designmultimedia slides tobe displayed on aprojection system orpersonal computerPicture buttonslocated in theleft bottomcorner of displaywindowviewbuttonsHyperlinkAn action buttonthat shortcuts youto anotherprogram, website,or document fromthe current slideVisualCommunicationThe expressionof ideas andinformationusing visualforms or aidsDatabaseFlowchartFutureReadySkillsNotesPageAllows user tocreat notes tobe used withthepresentation ofeach slideTheunderlyingcolor ordesign of aslideBackgroundDatabaseThis is an organizedcollection of data,generally stored andaccessedelectronically from acomputer systemTitleslideFirst slide inapresentationclipartgraphicsfound on thecomputerhard driveMultimediaCombined useof more thanone media,text, image,sound, etceffectsformattingfeatures thatmove the texton and off thesingle slideMetadatadata[information]that providesinformationabout otherdataTransitionseffects thatmove on slideoff the screenand the nextslide on duringthe slide showSummarySlideCreates abulleted listfrom the titlesof selectedslidesAclassificationof something,a kind, or asortGenreBlankPresentationLets youcreate ashow fromscratch# of Tips forDesigningEffective VisualCommunication10SlideA singlepage of apresentationin a slideshowpowerpointa software programthat allows you tocreate professionallooking multimediapresentationsFacts andstatisticscollectedtogether forreference oranalysisDataViewdisplays thetext of theslide onlyOnlineViewWay of printing apowerpoints sothe multiple slideappear on eachpagehandoutsMicrosoftPowerpointMicrosoft Officeproduct that providesusers with aninterface to designmultimedia slides tobe displayed on aprojection system orpersonal computer

Powerpoint, Database, - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. view buttons
    Picture buttons located in the left bottom corner of display window
  2. An action button that shortcuts you to another program, website, or document from the current slide
  3. The expression of ideas and information using visual forms or aids
    Visual Communication
  4. Database Flowchart
  5. Future Ready Skills
  6. Allows user to creat notes to be used with the presentation of each slide
    Notes Page
  7. Background
    The underlying color or design of a slide
  8. This is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a computer system
  9. First slide in a presentation
    Title slide
  10. graphics found on the computer hard drive
    clip art
  11. Combined use of more than one media, text, image, sound, etc
  12. formatting features that move the text on and off the single slide
  13. data [information] that provides information about other data
  14. effects that move on slide off the screen and the next slide on during the slide show
  15. Creates a bulleted list from the titles of selected slides
    Summary Slide
  16. Genre
    A classification of something, a kind, or a sort
  17. Lets you create a show from scratch
    Blank Presentation
  18. 10
    # of Tips for Designing Effective Visual Communication
  19. A single page of a presentation in a slide show
  20. a software program that allows you to create professional looking multimedia presentations
  21. Data
    Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
  22. Online View
    View displays the text of the slide only
  23. handouts
    Way of printing a powerpoints so the multiple slide appear on each page
  24. Microsoft Office product that provides users with an interface to design multimedia slides to be displayed on a projection system or personal computer
    Microsoft Powerpoint