Someonewho hasworn braces:_________Someonewho playeda sport inHigh School:Someone whoplayed aninstrument inHigh School:_____________Someonewith thesame major:___________Someone whohas broken abone:____________Someone whohas ridden ahorse:______________Someone whohas been to theGetty Villa:______________Someone wholikes pineappleon pizza:______________Someone whocan name all6 dimensionsof resilience:_________Someone whohas been toMexico:____________Someone whohas metsomeonefamous:____________Someone whofacetimed afamily member inthe past week:______________Someonewho has thesame numberof siblings asyou:Someone thathas a similarhobby as you:_____________Someone whohas gone ziplining:______________Someonewho hasbeen on TV:_________Someonewho hasworn braces:_________Someonewho playeda sport inHigh School:Someone whoplayed aninstrument inHigh School:_____________Someonewith thesame major:___________Someone whohas broken abone:____________Someone whohas ridden ahorse:______________Someone whohas been to theGetty Villa:______________Someone wholikes pineappleon pizza:______________Someone whocan name all6 dimensionsof resilience:_________Someone whohas been toMexico:____________Someone whohas metsomeonefamous:____________Someone whofacetimed afamily member inthe past week:______________Someonewho has thesame numberof siblings asyou:Someone thathas a similarhobby as you:_____________Someone whohas gone ziplining:______________Someonewho hasbeen on TV:_________

RISE: Social Dimension BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Someone who has worn braces: _________
  2. Someone who played a sport in High School:
  3. Someone who played an instrument in High School: _____________
  4. Someone with the same major: ___________
  5. Someone who has broken a bone: ____________
  6. Someone who has ridden a horse: ______________
  7. Someone who has been to the Getty Villa: ______________
  8. Someone who likes pineapple on pizza: ______________
  9. Someone who can name all 6 dimensions of resilience: _________
  10. Someone who has been to Mexico: ____________
  11. Someone who has met someone famous: ____________
  12. Someone who facetimed a family member in the past week: ______________
  13. Someone who has the same number of siblings as you:
  14. Someone that has a similar hobby as you: _____________
  15. Someone who has gone zip lining: ______________
  16. Someone who has been on TV: _________