Between 1840 and1850, more than 1.5million Europeansmigrated to America.In the 1850s, whatdid this number riseto?Along which riverswere communitiesdeveloped duringthe construction ofthe Erie Canal andrailroads?Increasing numbers ofAmericans, especiallyfactory workers`, nolonger relied on semi-subsistenceagriculture; instead,they supportedthemselves by doingwhat?Under whatsystem did womenwork for severalyears, save theirwages, and thenreturn home to marryand raise children?The “Know-Nothing”Political Partywas founded onwhich ideals?During the Marketrevolutiona growing thirdclass beganto emerge;what were theycalled? By 1850,what was thepercentage offoreign-bornAmericans?What is thename of the bookwritten by, Frencharistocrat:Alexis deTocqueville, In1831?MostGermanimmigrantsbecamewhat?What percent ofthe Americanpopulation didimmigrantsmake up in the1830s’?How muchdid youngwomen earnfrom workingin factories? What religionwas theoverwhelmingmajorityof Irish andGermanimmigrants?Because of thegrowing separationbetween the workplaceand the home, menincreasingly took jobsoutside the home towork for salaries orwages while womendid what?The addition ofparlor rooms anddining rooms,separate fromkitchens, giving wayto newer styles fromwhat era? The emergenceof a largermiddle classwas the resultof what?The Ideal that womenwere to remain in the“domestic sphere”,while men wereto navigate the more“dangerous” outer sphereof employment and politics,was known as what?As agriculturein New Englandgrew lessprofitablepeople movedto… The fear/hatred ofimmigrants (The beliefthat they were raciallyinferior, were stealingjobs from the “native”workforce, and werepolitically dangerous)is called what?Which Anti-religiousattitudesgrew towardsGerman and Irishimmigrants; parallelwith nativism?Where didthe majorityofimmigrantscome from?Manufacturing in____ , ____ ,and ______ startedto blossom drawingin even moreimmigrants.The MarketRevolutionpresented whatopportunityfor Americanwomen andchildren?Free!What elaboratesocial ritualswere founded bythe wealthyhigher classcitizens?What was thelargest groupof migrantsfrom Ireland?Between 1840 and1850, more than 1.5million Europeansmigrated to America.In the 1850s, whatdid this number riseto?Along which riverswere communitiesdeveloped duringthe construction ofthe Erie Canal andrailroads?Increasing numbers ofAmericans, especiallyfactory workers`, nolonger relied on semi-subsistenceagriculture; instead,they supportedthemselves by doingwhat?Under whatsystem did womenwork for severalyears, save theirwages, and thenreturn home to marryand raise children?The “Know-Nothing”Political Partywas founded onwhich ideals?During the Marketrevolutiona growing thirdclass beganto emerge;what were theycalled? By 1850,what was thepercentage offoreign-bornAmericans?What is thename of the bookwritten by, Frencharistocrat:Alexis deTocqueville, In1831?MostGermanimmigrantsbecamewhat?What percent ofthe Americanpopulation didimmigrantsmake up in the1830s’?How muchdid youngwomen earnfrom workingin factories? What religionwas theoverwhelmingmajorityof Irish andGermanimmigrants?Because of thegrowing separationbetween the workplaceand the home, menincreasingly took jobsoutside the home towork for salaries orwages while womendid what?The addition ofparlor rooms anddining rooms,separate fromkitchens, giving wayto newer styles fromwhat era? The emergenceof a largermiddle classwas the resultof what?The Ideal that womenwere to remain in the“domestic sphere”,while men wereto navigate the more“dangerous” outer sphereof employment and politics,was known as what?As agriculturein New Englandgrew lessprofitablepeople movedto… The fear/hatred ofimmigrants (The beliefthat they were raciallyinferior, were stealingjobs from the “native”workforce, and werepolitically dangerous)is called what?Which Anti-religiousattitudesgrew towardsGerman and Irishimmigrants; parallelwith nativism?Where didthe majorityofimmigrantscome from?Manufacturing in____ , ____ ,and ______ startedto blossom drawingin even moreimmigrants.The MarketRevolutionpresented whatopportunityfor Americanwomen andchildren?Free!What elaboratesocial ritualswere founded bythe wealthyhigher classcitizens?What was thelargest groupof migrantsfrom Ireland?

Questions sheet - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Between 1840 and 1850, more than 1.5 million Europeans migrated to America. In the 1850s, what did this number rise to?
  2. Along which rivers were communities developed during the construction of the Erie Canal and railroads?
  3. Increasing numbers of Americans, especially factory workers`, no longer relied on semi-subsistence agriculture; instead, they supported themselves by doing what?
  4. Under what system did women work for several years, save their wages, and then return home to marry and raise children?
  5. The “Know-Nothing” Political Party was founded on which ideals?
  6. During the Market revolution a growing third class began to emerge; what were they called?
  7. By 1850, what was the percentage of foreign-born Americans?
  8. What is the name of the book written by, French aristocrat: Alexis de Tocqueville, In 1831?
  9. Most German immigrants became what?
  10. What percent of the American population did immigrants make up in the 1830s’?
  11. How much did young women earn from working in factories?
  12. What religion was the overwhelming majority of Irish and German immigrants?
  13. Because of the growing separation between the workplace and the home, men increasingly took jobs outside the home to work for salaries or wages while women did what?
  14. The addition of parlor rooms and dining rooms, separate from kitchens, giving way to newer styles from what era?
  15. The emergence of a larger middle class was the result of what?
  16. The Ideal that women were to remain in the “domestic sphere”, while men were to navigate the more “dangerous” outer sphere of employment and politics, was known as what?
  17. As agriculture in New England grew less profitable people moved to…
  18. The fear/hatred of immigrants (The belief that they were racially inferior, were stealing jobs from the “native” workforce, and were politically dangerous) is called what?
  19. Which Anti-religious attitudes grew towards German and Irish immigrants; parallel with nativism?
  20. Where did the majority of immigrants come from?
  21. Manufacturing in ____ , ____ , and ______ started to blossom drawing in even more immigrants.
  22. The Market Revolution presented what opportunity for American women and children?
  23. Free!
  24. What elaborate social rituals were founded by the wealthy higher class citizens?
  25. What was the largest group of migrants from Ireland?