Water has thisproperty,making it ableto hold thermalenergyspecificheatIn the lock &key model,the enzymeis the...lockBiomolecule thathas many rolesincluding structureof hair and nails,enzymes,antibodies.proteinsSubunitof lipidsfattyacidtailsWhich step?Substrategoes into theenzymesactive site.Step2Subunitof nucleicacidsnucleotideType of bondsthat watermoleculesmake with otherwatermolecules.hydrogenbondsThe ability of anorganisms tomaintain a state ofbalance of internalfactors with changesfrom outside factors.HomeostasisBiomoleculesthat provideslong termenergystorage.lipidsWhich step?Enzymechanges thesubstrateStep3A moleculethat matchesup with anenzyme tomake it work.substrateChanging the shapeof a protein so it doesnot work, happenswith change intemperature oracidity.denatureThe reason ittakes a lot ofenergy forwater to boilheat ofvaporizationSomething thatincreases thespeed of anenzyme, avitamin is anexample.activatorSubunitofproteinsaminoacidsEnzymes onlywork withcertainsubstrates,which meansthey are...specificWord thatmeans thesmaller piece ofsomethinglarger, thatmake it up.subunitIn the lock &key model,the substrateis the...keyCellmembranesare made ofthesephospholipidsIce floatsbecause it is________than water.lessdenseA proteinthatcatalyzesreactions.enzymeWhen watermolecules stickto other polarmolecules wecall it....adhesionWhen watermolecules stickto other watermolecules, wecall it....cohesionThis molecule isvery important inbiochemicalreactions, which iswhy we have somuch of it.waterWater is a_____,meaningmany thingsdissolve in it.solventWater hasthis.property,making it sosmall insectscan walk onwater.surfacetensionSubunit ofcarbohydratesmonosaccharideWhich step?Enzymereleases theproductsStep4Biomoleculethat providesimmediateenergycarbohydrateWater moleculeshave a positiveand negativeend, makingthem .....polarBiomoleculethat storesgeneticinformation.nucleicacidsA substance thatincreases the rate ofa chemical reactionby lowering theactivation energyneeded to start areaction.catalystWhich step?Enzyme andsubstrate inthe samearea.Step1Water has thisproperty,making it ableto hold thermalenergyspecificheatIn the lock &key model,the enzymeis the...lockBiomolecule thathas many rolesincluding structureof hair and nails,enzymes,antibodies.proteinsSubunitof lipidsfattyacidtailsWhich step?Substrategoes into theenzymesactive site.Step2Subunitof nucleicacidsnucleotideType of bondsthat watermoleculesmake with otherwatermolecules.hydrogenbondsThe ability of anorganisms tomaintain a state ofbalance of internalfactors with changesfrom outside factors.HomeostasisBiomoleculesthat provideslong termenergystorage.lipidsWhich step?Enzymechanges thesubstrateStep3A moleculethat matchesup with anenzyme tomake it work.substrateChanging the shapeof a protein so it doesnot work, happenswith change intemperature oracidity.denatureThe reason ittakes a lot ofenergy forwater to boilheat ofvaporizationSomething thatincreases thespeed of anenzyme, avitamin is anexample.activatorSubunitofproteinsaminoacidsEnzymes onlywork withcertainsubstrates,which meansthey are...specificWord thatmeans thesmaller piece ofsomethinglarger, thatmake it up.subunitIn the lock &key model,the substrateis the...keyCellmembranesare made ofthesephospholipidsIce floatsbecause it is________than water.lessdenseA proteinthatcatalyzesreactions.enzymeWhen watermolecules stickto other polarmolecules wecall it....adhesionWhen watermolecules stickto other watermolecules, wecall it....cohesionThis molecule isvery important inbiochemicalreactions, which iswhy we have somuch of it.waterWater is a_____,meaningmany thingsdissolve in it.solventWater hasthis.property,making it sosmall insectscan walk onwater.surfacetensionSubunit ofcarbohydratesmonosaccharideWhich step?Enzymereleases theproductsStep4Biomoleculethat providesimmediateenergycarbohydrateWater moleculeshave a positiveand negativeend, makingthem .....polarBiomoleculethat storesgeneticinformation.nucleicacidsA substance thatincreases the rate ofa chemical reactionby lowering theactivation energyneeded to start areaction.catalystWhich step?Enzyme andsubstrate inthe samearea.Step1

Homeostasis 1 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. specific heat
    Water has this property, making it able to hold thermal energy
  2. lock
    In the lock & key model, the enzyme is the...
  3. proteins
    Biomolecule that has many roles including structure of hair and nails, enzymes, antibodies.
  4. fatty acid tails
    Subunit of lipids
  5. Step 2
    Which step? Substrate goes into the enzymes active site.
  6. nucleotide
    Subunit of nucleic acids
  7. hydrogen bonds
    Type of bonds that water molecules make with other water molecules.
  8. Homeostasis
    The ability of an organisms to maintain a state of balance of internal factors with changes from outside factors.
  9. lipids
    Biomolecules that provides long term energy storage.
  10. Step 3
    Which step? Enzyme changes the substrate
  11. substrate
    A molecule that matches up with an enzyme to make it work.
  12. denature
    Changing the shape of a protein so it does not work, happens with change in temperature or acidity.
  13. heat of vaporization
    The reason it takes a lot of energy for water to boil
  14. activator
    Something that increases the speed of an enzyme, a vitamin is an example.
  15. amino acids
    Subunit of proteins
  16. specific
    Enzymes only work with certain substrates, which means they are...
  17. subunit
    Word that means the smaller piece of something larger, that make it up.
  18. key
    In the lock & key model, the substrate is the...
  19. phospholipids
    Cell membranes are made of these
  20. less dense
    Ice floats because it is ________ than water.
  21. enzyme
    A protein that catalyzes reactions.
  22. adhesion
    When water molecules stick to other polar molecules we call it....
  23. cohesion
    When water molecules stick to other water molecules, we call it....
  24. water
    This molecule is very important in biochemical reactions, which is why we have so much of it.
  25. solvent
    Water is a _____, meaning many things dissolve in it.
  26. surface tension
    Water has this.property, making it so small insects can walk on water.
  27. monosaccharide
    Subunit of carbohydrates
  28. Step 4
    Which step? Enzyme releases the products
  29. carbohydrate
    Biomolecule that provides immediate energy
  30. polar
    Water molecules have a positive and negative end, making them .....
  31. nucleic acids
    Biomolecule that stores genetic information.
  32. catalyst
    A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy needed to start a reaction.
  33. Step 1
    Which step? Enzyme and substrate in the same area.