Construction - Iuse various sawsto cut wood tobuild a house forHabitat forHumanity.Health & Wellness –I learn how tounderstand &take care of mybody to promotelifelong wellness.Choir - I get to singwith classmates &can participate inthe award winning#harmonics acappella group.Elective Classes -I can tell you anelective class I’mtaking & why Ichose that class.Public Safety – Iexplore lawenforcement &crime sceneinvestigationtechniques.Yearbook- I helpstudents documenttheir memories ofhighschool by takingpictures, writingstories, & publishingthe yearbook. Guilford Viking CreditUnion & School StoreI am an expert incash handling & runa business duringschool hours. Tech Theater- I getto design & buildsets for plays & dostage makeup,lighting, & soundBiomedical/LabScience – I usecase studies todiagnose &investigate humandiseases andtreatments.Engineering - I use3D ModelingSoftware likeOnshape to create& make objects.PathwayClasses- I cantell you wantpathway I’m in &why I chose thatpathway.Newspaper - I ampart of the award-winning schoolnewspaperthe Voyager & writearticles about what’shappening atGuilford. Studio Arts - Icould receive acollegescholarship formy high schoolart portfolio.Band -I get to be apart of a team thatplays musictogether toentertain atfootball gamesand concerts.Education – I studyhow childrendevelop from birthto adulthood & thebest ways to learnnew things.Spanish/French - Ilisten to music,read memes, &write stories inanother language.Acting - I learn theart of an actor’scraft & how todirect others tocommunicate astory.Graphic Design - Iuse Adobe PhotoShop to createdesigns & screenprint t-shirts, makedecals & posters.InformationTechnology - Ilearn codinglanguages tocreate apps,games, andprograms.Nursing/Pre-Med -I learn about howour body works &careers that helppeople's health.Beginning Piano& Guitar - I learnbasic skills ofplaying songs &get to performmusic.Orchestra – I playa stringedinstrument tomake music that isenjoyed by othersat concerts.Hospitality &Culinary Arts- Ican use knifeskills to preparedelicious foods.Industrial Tech(Fabrication) – Iuse tools &computers tomake products outof wood andmetal.Business &Entrepreneurship - Iuse technology tobecome anemployee of astudent runbusiness.Construction - Iuse various sawsto cut wood tobuild a house forHabitat forHumanity.Health & Wellness –I learn how tounderstand &take care of mybody to promotelifelong wellness.Choir - I get to singwith classmates &can participate inthe award winning#harmonics acappella group.Elective Classes -I can tell you anelective class I’mtaking & why Ichose that class.Public Safety – Iexplore lawenforcement &crime sceneinvestigationtechniques.Yearbook- I helpstudents documenttheir memories ofhighschool by takingpictures, writingstories, & publishingthe yearbook. Guilford Viking CreditUnion & School StoreI am an expert incash handling & runa business duringschool hours. Tech Theater- I getto design & buildsets for plays & dostage makeup,lighting, & soundBiomedical/LabScience – I usecase studies todiagnose &investigate humandiseases andtreatments.Engineering - I use3D ModelingSoftware likeOnshape to create& make objects.PathwayClasses- I cantell you wantpathway I’m in &why I chose thatpathway.Newspaper - I ampart of the award-winning schoolnewspaperthe Voyager & writearticles about what’shappening atGuilford. Studio Arts - Icould receive acollegescholarship formy high schoolart portfolio.Band -I get to be apart of a team thatplays musictogether toentertain atfootball gamesand concerts.Education – I studyhow childrendevelop from birthto adulthood & thebest ways to learnnew things.Spanish/French - Ilisten to music,read memes, &write stories inanother language.Acting - I learn theart of an actor’scraft & how todirect others tocommunicate astory.Graphic Design - Iuse Adobe PhotoShop to createdesigns & screenprint t-shirts, makedecals & posters.InformationTechnology - Ilearn codinglanguages tocreate apps,games, andprograms.Nursing/Pre-Med -I learn about howour body works &careers that helppeople's health.Beginning Piano& Guitar - I learnbasic skills ofplaying songs &get to performmusic.Orchestra – I playa stringedinstrument tomake music that isenjoyed by othersat concerts.Hospitality &Culinary Arts- Ican use knifeskills to preparedelicious foods.Industrial Tech(Fabrication) – Iuse tools &computers tomake products outof wood andmetal.Business &Entrepreneurship - Iuse technology tobecome anemployee of astudent runbusiness.

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Construction - I use various saws to cut wood to build a house for Habitat for Humanity.
  2. Health & Wellness – I learn how to understand & take care of my body to promote lifelong wellness.
  3. Choir - I get to sing with classmates & can participate in the award winning #harmonics a cappella group.
  4. Elective Classes - I can tell you an elective class I’m taking & why I chose that class.
  5. Public Safety – I explore law enforcement & crime scene investigation techniques.
  6. Yearbook- I help students document their memories of high school by taking pictures, writing stories, & publishing the yearbook.
  7. Guilford Viking Credit Union & School Store – I am an expert in cash handling & run a business during school hours.
  8. Tech Theater- I get to design & build sets for plays & do stage makeup, lighting, & sound
  9. Biomedical/Lab Science – I use case studies to diagnose & investigate human diseases and treatments.
  10. Engineering - I use 3D Modeling Software like Onshape to create & make objects.
  11. Pathway Classes- I can tell you want pathway I’m in & why I chose that pathway.
  12. Newspaper - I am part of the award-winning school newspaper the Voyager & write articles about what’s happening at Guilford.
  13. Studio Arts - I could receive a college scholarship for my high school art portfolio.
  14. Band -I get to be a part of a team that plays music together to entertain at football games and concerts.
  15. Education – I study how children develop from birth to adulthood & the best ways to learn new things.
  16. Spanish/French - I listen to music, read memes, & write stories in another language.
  17. Acting - I learn the art of an actor’s craft & how to direct others to communicate a story.
  18. Graphic Design - I use Adobe Photo Shop to create designs & screen print t-shirts, make decals & posters.
  19. Information Technology - I learn coding languages to create apps, games, and programs.
  20. Nursing/Pre-Med - I learn about how our body works & careers that help people's health.
  21. Beginning Piano & Guitar - I learn basic skills of playing songs & get to perform music.
  22. Orchestra – I play a stringed instrument to make music that is enjoyed by others at concerts.
  23. Hospitality & Culinary Arts- I can use knife skills to prepare delicious foods.
  24. Industrial Tech (Fabrication) – I use tools & computers to make products out of wood and metal.
  25. Business & Entrepreneurship - I use technology to become an employee of a student run business.