is an only child doesn't like chocolate has been to Europe is afraid of spiders can touch their toes likes to cook plays golf doesn't drink coffee is allergic to cats has two or more dogs wears earrings has been to Mexico is allergic to nuts is afraid of heights has two or more cats is allergic to dairy has lived on a farm Isn’t married is a twin plays soccer plays video games is a vegetarian has 2 kids or more loves Christmas music has blue eyes plays tennis is left- handed has 2 or more sisters whose favorite color is blue is younger than you has a brother & a sister speaks more than 1 language has been to the Caribbean can whistle has 2 or more brothers wears glasses doesn't like pizza has been to disney land has never broken a bone enjoys running plays softball or baseball has a tattoo can stand on their head is wearing jeans doesn't like spicy food is an only child doesn't like chocolate has been to Europe is afraid of spiders can touch their toes likes to cook plays golf doesn't drink coffee is allergic to cats has two or more dogs wears earrings has been to Mexico is allergic to nuts is afraid of heights has two or more cats is allergic to dairy has lived on a farm Isn’t married is a twin plays soccer plays video games is a vegetarian has 2 kids or more loves Christmas music has blue eyes plays tennis is left- handed has 2 or more sisters whose favorite color is blue is younger than you has a brother & a sister speaks more than 1 language has been to the Caribbean can whistle has 2 or more brothers wears glasses doesn't like pizza has been to disney land has never broken a bone enjoys running plays softball or baseball has a tattoo can stand on their head is wearing jeans doesn't like spicy food
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
is an only child
doesn't like chocolate
has been to Europe
is afraid of spiders
can touch their toes
likes to cook
plays golf
doesn't drink coffee
is allergic to cats
has two or more dogs
wears earrings
has been to Mexico
is allergic to nuts
is afraid of heights
has two or more cats
is allergic to dairy
has lived on a farm
Isn’t married
is a twin
plays soccer
plays video games
is a vegetarian
has 2 kids or more
loves Christmas music
has blue eyes
plays tennis
is left-handed
has 2 or more sisters
whose favorite color is blue
is younger than you
has a brother & a sister
speaks more than 1 language
has been to the Caribbean
can whistle
has 2 or more brothers
wears glasses
doesn't like pizza
has been to disney land
has never broken a bone
enjoys running
plays softball or baseball
has a tattoo
can stand on their head
is wearing jeans
doesn't like spicy food