PriceSupportsSubsidies orpricecontrolsused by thegovernment.inflationA general increasein prices thatresults in a fall inthe purchasingpowerExternalityA consequenceof an economicactivityexperienced byunrelated thirdpartiesBalancedBudgetA budget inwhichrevenues areequal toexpendituresCapitalBudgetMoney usedon roadsbuildings andinfrastructure.Deflationreduction ofthe generallevel ofprices in aneconomyEfficiencyterm describinga situation inwhich everyresource isoptimallyallocatedCurrencysystem ofmoney ingeneral usein a countrycashtransferSocial Securityis a programthat would becategorized asOperatingbudgetRegularexpenses likesalaries andfacilitymaintenance.MicroeconomicsStudy ofeconomics atan individual,group orcompany level.RegressiveTaxA tax that takes alarger percentageof a lower incomeand a smallerpercentage of ahigher incomeEstateTaxA tax leviedagainst theestate of adeceasedperson.OpenOpportunityThe idea thatall personscan competein economicmarketsin-kindbenefitsPublichousing wouldbest becategorizedas anLaissezfaireMinimal amountto governmentintervention.Means "let itbe"RentControlsA governmentintervention toset a maximumprice on rentalunitsBlackMarketA market inwhich goodsor servicesare tradedillegallyPriceCeilingThegovernmentsets amaximum priceon a new drug.InterestGrouporganized groupthat tries toinfluence thegovernment toenact certainpoliciesProgressiveTaxA tax in whichthe tax rateincreases asthe incomeincreasesNegativeExternalitypollution froma factory thatdrifts into apopulatedneighborhood.MacroeconomicsThe study ofa national orglobaleconomy.ProportionalTaxA tax that staysat the samerate no matter aperson’sincomePriceSupportsSubsidies orpricecontrolsused by thegovernment.inflationA general increasein prices thatresults in a fall inthe purchasingpowerExternalityA consequenceof an economicactivityexperienced byunrelated thirdpartiesBalancedBudgetA budget inwhichrevenues areequal toexpendituresCapitalBudgetMoney usedon roadsbuildings andinfrastructure.Deflationreduction ofthe generallevel ofprices in aneconomyEfficiencyterm describinga situation inwhich everyresource isoptimallyallocatedCurrencysystem ofmoney ingeneral usein a countrycashtransferSocial Securityis a programthat would becategorized asOperatingbudgetRegularexpenses likesalaries andfacilitymaintenance.MicroeconomicsStudy ofeconomics atan individual,group orcompany level.RegressiveTaxA tax that takes alarger percentageof a lower incomeand a smallerpercentage of ahigher incomeEstateTaxA tax leviedagainst theestate of adeceasedperson.OpenOpportunityThe idea thatall personscan competein economicmarketsin-kindbenefitsPublichousing wouldbest becategorizedas anLaissezfaireMinimal amountto governmentintervention.Means "let itbe"RentControlsA governmentintervention toset a maximumprice on rentalunitsBlackMarketA market inwhich goodsor servicesare tradedillegallyPriceCeilingThegovernmentsets amaximum priceon a new drug.InterestGrouporganized groupthat tries toinfluence thegovernment toenact certainpoliciesProgressiveTaxA tax in whichthe tax rateincreases asthe incomeincreasesNegativeExternalitypollution froma factory thatdrifts into apopulatedneighborhood.MacroeconomicsThe study ofa national orglobaleconomy.ProportionalTaxA tax that staysat the samerate no matter aperson’sincome

Unit 3 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Subsidies or price controls used by the government.
    Price Supports
  2. A general increase in prices that results in a fall in the purchasing power
  3. A consequence of an economic activity experienced by unrelated third parties
  4. A budget in which revenues are equal to expenditures
    Balanced Budget
  5. Money used on roads buildings and infrastructure.
    Capital Budget
  6. reduction of the general level of prices in an economy
  7. term describing a situation in which every resource is optimally allocated
  8. system of money in general use in a country
  9. Social Security is a program that would be categorized as
    cash transfer
  10. Regular expenses like salaries and facility maintenance.
    Operating budget
  11. Study of economics at an individual, group or company level.
    Micro economics
  12. A tax that takes a larger percentage of a lower income and a smaller percentage of a higher income
    Regressive Tax
  13. A tax levied against the estate of a deceased person.
    Estate Tax
  14. The idea that all persons can compete in economic markets
    Open Opportunity
  15. Public housing would best be categorized as an
    in-kind benefits
  16. Minimal amount to government intervention. Means "let it be"
    Laissez faire
  17. A government intervention to set a maximum price on rental units
    Rent Controls
  18. A market in which goods or services are traded illegally
    Black Market
  19. The government sets a maximum price on a new drug.
    Price Ceiling
  20. organized group that tries to influence the government to enact certain policies
    Interest Group
  21. A tax in which the tax rate increases as the income increases
    Progressive Tax
  22. pollution from a factory that drifts into a populated neighborhood.
    Negative Externality
  23. The study of a national or global economy.
    Macro economics
  24. A tax that stays at the same rate no matter a person’s income
    Proportional Tax