ReliefProgram Programsdesigned toprovide shorttermassistanceTheNewDealA series ofgovernmentprogramsdesigned toend the GreatDepressionAgriculturalAdjustmentActs (AAA)Paid farmers to plantless in the hope ofincreasing crop prices.The government alsobought farm surplusesand stored them inwarehouses untilprices went up.PresidentFranklinRoosevelt(FDR)Wanted toprovide aid tobusinessesandindividualsNationalLaborRelations Act(Wagner Act)Gave workers theright to form unions,to bargain collectivelyand to submitgrievances to theNational LaborRelations Board.SocialSecurityActProvided workerswithunemploymentinsurance, old agepensions, andinsurance if theydied early.ReformProgramsDesigned to fixsystematicproblems in theeconomy to tryand prevent futureeconomicdepressions.WorksProgressAdministrationCreated jobs byhiring artists, writersand musicians topaint murals, produceplays and createother artworks.NationalRecoveryAdministrationAsked businesses tovoluntarily followcodes which setstandard prices,production limits andminimum wages.RecoveryProgramsNew Dealprograms weredesigned tostimulate theeconomy, industryand agricultureFederalDepositInsuranceCorporation(FDIC)Insured bankdeposits so thatpeople would notlose their savingsin the event of abank failure.PresidentHooverPresident thatwanted toprovide aid tobusinesses notindividuals.CivilianConservationCorp (CCC) Gave jobs toyoung menplanting treesand cleaningup forests.Securities &ExchangeCommission(SEC)Designed to watchover the stockmarket, preventfraud and guardagainst anotherstock market crash.Public WorksAdministration Created federal jobsfor the unemployedby building publicprojects such asschools, roads,courts, post officesand bridges. FiresideChatA series of radioaddress given byPresident Rooseveltto the Americanpeople to explain hispolices and plans tofix the economy.ReliefProgramProgramsdesigned toprovide shorttermassistanceTheNewDealA series ofgovernmentprogramsdesigned toend the GreatDepressionAgriculturalAdjustmentActs (AAA)Paid farmers to plantless in the hope ofincreasing crop prices.The government alsobought farm surplusesand stored them inwarehouses untilprices went up.PresidentFranklinRoosevelt(FDR)Wanted toprovide aid tobusinessesandindividualsNationalLaborRelations Act(Wagner Act)Gave workers theright to form unions,to bargain collectivelyand to submitgrievances to theNational LaborRelations Board.SocialSecurityActProvided workerswithunemploymentinsurance, old agepensions, andinsurance if theydied early.ReformProgramsDesigned to fixsystematicproblems in theeconomy to tryand prevent futureeconomicdepressions.WorksProgressAdministrationCreated jobs byhiring artists, writersand musicians topaint murals, produceplays and createother artworks.NationalRecoveryAdministrationAsked businesses tovoluntarily followcodes which setstandard prices,production limits andminimum wages.RecoveryProgramsNew Dealprograms weredesigned tostimulate theeconomy, industryand agricultureFederalDepositInsuranceCorporation(FDIC)Insured bankdeposits so thatpeople would notlose their savingsin the event of abank failure.PresidentHooverPresident thatwanted toprovide aid tobusinesses notindividuals.CivilianConservationCorp (CCC) Gave jobs toyoung menplanting treesand cleaningup forests.Securities &ExchangeCommission(SEC)Designed to watchover the stockmarket, preventfraud and guardagainst anotherstock market crash.Public WorksAdministration Created federal jobsfor the unemployedby building publicprojects such asschools, roads,courts, post officesand bridges. FiresideChatA series of radioaddress given byPresident Rooseveltto the Americanpeople to explain hispolices and plans tofix the economy.

The New Deal - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Programs designed to provide short term assistance
    Relief Program
  2. A series of government programs designed to end the Great Depression
    The New Deal
  3. Paid farmers to plant less in the hope of increasing crop prices. The government also bought farm surpluses and stored them in warehouses until prices went up.
    Agricultural Adjustment Acts (AAA)
  4. Wanted to provide aid to businesses and individuals
    President Franklin Roosevelt (FDR)
  5. Gave workers the right to form unions, to bargain collectively and to submit grievances to the National Labor Relations Board.
    National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)
  6. Provided workers with unemployment insurance, old age pensions, and insurance if they died early.
    Social Security Act
  7. Designed to fix systematic problems in the economy to try and prevent future economic depressions.
    Reform Programs
  8. Created jobs by hiring artists, writers and musicians to paint murals, produce plays and create other artworks.
    Works Progress Administration
  9. Asked businesses to voluntarily follow codes which set standard prices, production limits and minimum wages.
    National Recovery Administration
  10. New Deal programs were designed to stimulate the economy, industry and agriculture
    Recovery Programs
  11. Insured bank deposits so that people would not lose their savings in the event of a bank failure.
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
  12. President that wanted to provide aid to businesses not individuals.
    President Hoover
  13. Gave jobs to young men planting trees and cleaning up forests.
    Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)
  14. Designed to watch over the stock market, prevent fraud and guard against another stock market crash.
    Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)
  15. Created federal jobs for the unemployed by building public projects such as schools, roads, courts, post offices and bridges.
    Public Works Administration
  16. A series of radio address given by President Roosevelt to the American people to explain his polices and plans to fix the economy.
    Fireside Chat