Have twolands enterthe field underyour control inone turnControl 5nontokenenchantmentsat onceDestroy 15or morelands inone turnControl 5 ormore creaturesthat all share acreature typewith differentnamesOverkill acreature orplayer with atleast 10 extradamageDeal 10 ormore damageto eachopponent inone turnWin using analternate winconditionControl 3 nonlandpermanentswhose Englishnames begin withconsecutive lettersCast yourcommanderexactly oncein a singlegameChump blocka creaturewith 15 ormore powerUse aPlaneswalkerability thatcosts -5 ormoreCast 4 targetedremoval spells in oneturn (i.e. Swords toPlowshares,Assassins Trophy,RavenousChupacabra)Control 5nonland,nontokenartifacts atonceBe the firstplayer to docombatdamage inthe gameEliminate anopponentwith theirown creatureWin a gamewithoutcasting yourcommanderMake a punusing a cardin freeinformationzoneControl exactlyone Creature,Enchantment,and Artifact atonceBring anopponentto exactly0 lifeDeal 21+commanderdamage to anopponent in asingle turnPlay yourcommanderfrom yourhandDefeat anopponent whilecontrolling theircommanderKill someonewith poisoncountersCast aspell thatcosts 8 ormoreWin agame with40 ormore lifeHave 80or morelifeControl acreature withcombined totalpower andtoughness ofover 20Have 3permanents of 3different typesenter yourbattlefield in oneturn (Lands Count)Attack with 5 ormore creatureswith differentnames at onceControl 8artifacts withdifferentnamesDestroy orexile 10 ormorecreatures inone turnControl acreature with15 or morepowerLet yourcommanderbe exiledCause 10 ormore card tobe drawn ina single turnControl 3instantsat onceDestroy acreature withat least 11powerCause an opponentto lose the gameother than by having0 or less life or 21points of commanderdamageEliminate anopponent while youare below 10 life(Does not count ifyour life is reduced tobelow 10 by thesame effect thateliminates them)Put anopponent toexactly 1 lifeand don’teliminate themthat turnAttack everyopponent ina singlecombatphaseEliminate anopponentduringanotherplayer’s turnDestroy aPlaneswalkerwithoutdealingdamage to itEnd the game orbe eliminatedwhile having thehighest total poweramong creaturesyou controlHave 15 ormore cardsin your handat onceEliminate ALLremainingplayers at once(Including you)Destroy aPlaneswalkerby dealingdamage to itPay a total of 10mana in generaltax (i.e. RhysticStudy orSmothering Tithepayments)Control twocreatureswith powertotalingexactly 21Save anopponentfromdeathCall a card youneed and thentop deck itwithout scryingor tutoring for itDon’t play amana rock orramp spellon turn 1Win agameDealdamage toeveryopponent atonceLet yourcommandergo to thegraveyardEnd thegame ina drawPlay 3 or morespells betweenthe end of yourturn and thebeginning ofyour next oneSave anopponent'spermanentfrom beingdestroyedControl 9basiclands atonceControl 5 ormorepermanentsthat you donot ownCopy anopponent’scommanderTake anextraturnBe attackedby 2 or moreopponents ina singleroundControl 2Planeswalkersat onceControl a Land,Creature,Enchantment,Artifact, Instant,and SorceryEliminatemore thanopponent inone actionControl 15creaturesat onceExile 10 ormore cardsfromgraveyardsin one turnDeal 5 or morecombatdamage toeach opponentin one turnDisruptan infinitecomboControl 7nontokencreaturesat onceDo aninfinitecomboDestroy orexile 15 ormorepermanantsin one turnGo infinitewith at leastone card youdo not ownGain control ofa permanentfrom someonewho doesn’town itControl atleast 5 BasicLands withdifferentnamesControl 15or morelands atonceKill someonewithcommanderdamageDraw 10cards atonceKill someonewith theirown creatureHave twolands enterthe field underyour control inone turnControl 5nontokenenchantmentsat onceDestroy 15or morelands inone turnControl 5 ormore creaturesthat all share acreature typewith differentnamesOverkill acreature orplayer with atleast 10 extradamageDeal 10 ormore damageto eachopponent inone turnWin using analternate winconditionControl 3 nonlandpermanentswhose Englishnames begin withconsecutive lettersCast yourcommanderexactly oncein a singlegameChump blocka creaturewith 15 ormore powerUse aPlaneswalkerability thatcosts -5 ormoreCast 4 targetedremoval spells in oneturn (i.e. Swords toPlowshares,Assassins Trophy,RavenousChupacabra)Control 5nonland,nontokenartifacts atonceBe the firstplayer to docombatdamage inthe gameEliminate anopponentwith theirown creatureWin a gamewithoutcasting yourcommanderMake a punusing a cardin freeinformationzoneControl exactlyone Creature,Enchantment,and Artifact atonceBring anopponentto exactly0 lifeDeal 21+commanderdamage to anopponent in asingle turnPlay yourcommanderfrom yourhandDefeat anopponent whilecontrolling theircommanderKill someonewith poisoncountersCast aspell thatcosts 8 ormoreWin agame with40 ormore lifeHave 80or morelifeControl acreature withcombined totalpower andtoughness ofover 20Have 3permanents of 3different typesenter yourbattlefield in oneturn (Lands Count)Attack with 5 ormore creatureswith differentnames at onceControl 8artifacts withdifferentnamesDestroy orexile 10 ormorecreatures inone turnControl acreature with15 or morepowerLet yourcommanderbe exiledCause 10 ormore card tobe drawn ina single turnControl 3instantsat onceDestroy acreature withat least 11powerCause an opponentto lose the gameother than by having0 or less life or 21points of commanderdamageEliminate anopponent while youare below 10 life(Does not count ifyour life is reduced tobelow 10 by thesame effect thateliminates them)Put anopponent toexactly 1 lifeand don’teliminate themthat turnAttack everyopponent ina singlecombatphaseEliminate anopponentduringanotherplayer’s turnDestroy aPlaneswalkerwithoutdealingdamage to itEnd the game orbe eliminatedwhile having thehighest total poweramong creaturesyou controlHave 15 ormore cardsin your handat onceEliminate ALLremainingplayers at once(Including you)Destroy aPlaneswalkerby dealingdamage to itPay a total of 10mana in generaltax (i.e. RhysticStudy orSmothering Tithepayments)Control twocreatureswith powertotalingexactly 21Save anopponentfromdeathCall a card youneed and thentop deck itwithout scryingor tutoring for itDon’t play amana rock orramp spellon turn 1Win agameDealdamage toeveryopponent atonceLet yourcommandergo to thegraveyardEnd thegame ina drawPlay 3 or morespells betweenthe end of yourturn and thebeginning ofyour next oneSave anopponent'spermanentfrom beingdestroyedControl 9basiclands atonceControl 5 ormorepermanentsthat you donot ownCopy anopponent’scommanderTake anextraturnBe attackedby 2 or moreopponents ina singleroundControl 2Planeswalkersat onceControl a Land,Creature,Enchantment,Artifact, Instant,and SorceryEliminatemore thanopponent inone actionControl 15creaturesat onceExile 10 ormore cardsfromgraveyardsin one turnDeal 5 or morecombatdamage toeach opponentin one turnDisruptan infinitecomboControl 7nontokencreaturesat onceDo aninfinitecomboDestroy orexile 15 ormorepermanantsin one turnGo infinitewith at leastone card youdo not ownGain control ofa permanentfrom someonewho doesn’town itControl atleast 5 BasicLands withdifferentnamesControl 15or morelands atonceKill someonewithcommanderdamageDraw 10cards atonceKill someonewith theirown creature

Commander Nights - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Have two lands enter the field under your control in one turn
  2. Control 5 nontoken enchantments at once
  3. Destroy 15 or more lands in one turn
  4. Control 5 or more creatures that all share a creature type with different names
  5. Overkill a creature or player with at least 10 extra damage
  6. Deal 10 or more damage to each opponent in one turn
  7. Win using an alternate win condition
  8. Control 3 nonland permanents whose English names begin with consecutive letters
  9. Cast your commander exactly once in a single game
  10. Chump block a creature with 15 or more power
  11. Use a Planeswalker ability that costs -5 or more
  12. Cast 4 targeted removal spells in one turn (i.e. Swords to Plowshares, Assassins Trophy, Ravenous Chupacabra)
  13. Control 5 nonland, nontoken artifacts at once
  14. Be the first player to do combat damage in the game
  15. Eliminate an opponent with their own creature
  16. Win a game without casting your commander
  17. Make a pun using a card in free information zone
  18. Control exactly one Creature, Enchantment, and Artifact at once
  19. Bring an opponent to exactly 0 life
  20. Deal 21+ commander damage to an opponent in a single turn
  21. Play your commander from your hand
  22. Defeat an opponent while controlling their commander
  23. Kill someone with poison counters
  24. Cast a spell that costs 8 or more
  25. Win a game with 40 or more life
  26. Have 80 or more life
  27. Control a creature with combined total power and toughness of over 20
  28. Have 3 permanents of 3 different types enter your battlefield in one turn (Lands Count)
  29. Attack with 5 or more creatures with different names at once
  30. Control 8 artifacts with different names
  31. Destroy or exile 10 or more creatures in one turn
  32. Control a creature with 15 or more power
  33. Let your commander be exiled
  34. Cause 10 or more card to be drawn in a single turn
  35. Control 3 instants at once
  36. Destroy a creature with at least 11 power
  37. Cause an opponent to lose the game other than by having 0 or less life or 21 points of commander damage
  38. Eliminate an opponent while you are below 10 life (Does not count if your life is reduced to below 10 by the same effect that eliminates them)
  39. Put an opponent to exactly 1 life and don’t eliminate them that turn
  40. Attack every opponent in a single combat phase
  41. Eliminate an opponent during another player’s turn
  42. Destroy a Planeswalker without dealing damage to it
  43. End the game or be eliminated while having the highest total power among creatures you control
  44. Have 15 or more cards in your hand at once
  45. Eliminate ALL remaining players at once (Including you)
  46. Destroy a Planeswalker by dealing damage to it
  47. Pay a total of 10 mana in general tax (i.e. Rhystic Study or Smothering Tithe payments)
  48. Control two creatures with power totaling exactly 21
  49. Save an opponent from death
  50. Call a card you need and then top deck it without scrying or tutoring for it
  51. Don’t play a mana rock or ramp spell on turn 1
  52. Win a game
  53. Deal damage to every opponent at once
  54. Let your commander go to the graveyard
  55. End the game in a draw
  56. Play 3 or more spells between the end of your turn and the beginning of your next one
  57. Save an opponent's permanent from being destroyed
  58. Control 9 basic lands at once
  59. Control 5 or more permanents that you do not own
  60. Copy an opponent’s commander
  61. Take an extra turn
  62. Be attacked by 2 or more opponents in a single round
  63. Control 2 Planeswalkers at once
  64. Control a Land, Creature, Enchantment, Artifact, Instant, and Sorcery
  65. Eliminate more than opponent in one action
  66. Control 15 creatures at once
  67. Exile 10 or more cards from graveyards in one turn
  68. Deal 5 or more combat damage to each opponent in one turn
  69. Disrupt an infinite combo
  70. Control 7 nontoken creatures at once
  71. Do an infinite combo
  72. Destroy or exile 15 or more permanants in one turn
  73. Go infinite with at least one card you do not own
  74. Gain control of a permanent from someone who doesn’t own it
  75. Control at least 5 Basic Lands with different names
  76. Control 15 or more lands at once
  77. Kill someone with commander damage
  78. Draw 10 cards at once
  79. Kill someone with their own creature