Customerhad "wowthat was fast"response toour reach outTEAMSQUARE:Workplancompletionminimum of75% (2 days)Rep withhighestappointmentcreatedcountOvercamean objectionand set anappointment5 timesSentminimumof 200emailsSetappointmenton first reachout attemptTEAM SQUARE:At least 1appointment setfor all departmentsin 1 daySentminimumof 100textsCustomersaid "i'm inthe beginningstages of mysearch"Customerlike GIF orresponded toyour GIFwith a GIFCustomerresponds toyour emojiswith emojisLogged phoneresult or sentvideo within 3minutes of leadcreation 5 timesVEHICLESOLD but stillset anappointment toview otheroptionscalledminimumof 100peopleOvercame "nothappy with onlineestimate" for tradeand scheduled anappointmentCustomer gaveappointmentdate and timewith noobjectionsReceivedpositivecommenton photoTEAMSQUARE: Allworkplansfinished in 1dayGet a samedayappointmentReceivephonenumber foran email onlycustomerRep used "onlytakes 15-20minutes tocomplete" for atrade appraisalSet 3appointmentsfor other repsTEAMSQUARE: AllReps have setsame day apptHigher than 7Rep used "Weprice our vehiclesaggressively"wording for pricingobjectionCustomerhad "wowthat was fast"response toour reach outTEAMSQUARE:Workplancompletionminimum of75% (2 days)Rep withhighestappointmentcreatedcountOvercamean objectionand set anappointment5 timesSentminimumof 200emailsSetappointmenton first reachout attemptTEAM SQUARE:At least 1appointment setfor all departmentsin 1 daySentminimumof 100textsCustomersaid "i'm inthe beginningstages of mysearch"Customerlike GIF orresponded toyour GIFwith a GIFCustomerresponds toyour emojiswith emojisLogged phoneresult or sentvideo within 3minutes of leadcreation 5 timesVEHICLESOLD but stillset anappointment toview otheroptionscalledminimumof 100peopleOvercame "nothappy with onlineestimate" for tradeand scheduled anappointmentCustomer gaveappointmentdate and timewith noobjectionsReceivedpositivecommenton photoTEAMSQUARE: Allworkplansfinished in 1dayGet a samedayappointmentReceivephonenumber foran email onlycustomerRep used "onlytakes 15-20minutes tocomplete" for atrade appraisalSet 3appointmentsfor other repsTEAMSQUARE: AllReps have setsame day apptHigher than 7Rep used "Weprice our vehiclesaggressively"wording for pricingobjection

A Team BDC Parks Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Customer had "wow that was fast" response to our reach out
  2. TEAM SQUARE: Workplan completion minimum of 75% (2 days)
  3. Rep with highest appointment created count
  4. Overcame an objection and set an appointment 5 times
  5. Sent minimum of 200 emails
  6. Set appointment on first reach out attempt
  7. TEAM SQUARE: At least 1 appointment set for all departments in 1 day
  8. Sent minimum of 100 texts
  9. Customer said "i'm in the beginning stages of my search"
  10. Customer like GIF or responded to your GIF with a GIF
  11. Customer responds to your emojis with emojis
  12. Logged phone result or sent video within 3 minutes of lead creation 5 times
  13. VEHICLE SOLD but still set an appointment to view other options
  14. called minimum of 100 people
  15. Overcame "not happy with online estimate" for trade and scheduled an appointment
  16. Customer gave appointment date and time with no objections
  17. Received positive comment on photo
  18. TEAM SQUARE: All workplans finished in 1 day
  19. Get a same day appointment
  20. Receive phone number for an email only customer
  21. Rep used "only takes 15-20 minutes to complete" for a trade appraisal
  22. Set 3 appointments for other reps
  23. TEAM SQUARE: All Reps have set same day appt Higher than 7
  24. Rep used "We price our vehicles aggressively" wording for pricing objection