CostumeDesignerWho designswhat thedancerswear?1960sWhen did breakdancing emerge(not when itbecamepopular) in NYCity?NohWhich Japanesedance formincludes dance,music, and actingdone very slowly?ChoreographerWho holdsauditions fora show andcreates thedance piece?ClassicalTapWhat style of tapincorporates a great deal ofballet and ballroom dancetype movements intotraditional tap steps wherethe dancer appears to glideacross the floor in aneffortless manner?TechCrewOther than theStage Managerwho knows themost about thebackstage area,lights and soundequipment?InLivingColorWhat TV showpopularizedstreet dance,hip-hop andstreet funk?YorubaWhich Japanesedance formincludes dance,music, and actingdone very slowly?African& IrishdanceWhat arethe originsof Tapdance?TheTwistWhat dance crazecreated by ChubbyChecker changedthe way socialdance wasexecuted?CakewalkWhat dance was apantomimedparody of theplantation ownersgoing about theirdaily business?MTVWhat TV networkaided in theprofessionalizationof jazz dancers inthe 1980s?IsolationsGus Giordano usesfree movements ofthe body andemphasizes the useof the head andtorso, what otherbody movement doeshis technique utilize?HouseManagerWho is incharge of thebox office,lobby andtheater seats?FosseWhat jazzchoreographerlacked formal dancetraining, was verysuccessful onBroadway, and isoften imitated?LightingDesignerWho transforms thestage space helpingthe choreographerconvey their themeand makes sure thedances and dancerscan be seen?AfricanDanceWhat arethe rootsof jazzdance?NicholasBrothersWhat tappers performed atthe Cotton Club, in filmsand several venues, usingamazing acrobatic featsincluding dropping down tothe splits to slide right backup again?LuigiWho createdtheir own jazztechniqueafter a carwreck?JapanWhat countryhas a history ofcultural dancesthat areconsideredconcert dance?ArtisticDirectorWho isresponsible for theoverall aestheticand artistic visionof the dancecompany?SoftShoeWhat type ofdance usedsand on thefloor?StageManagerWho callsthe light andsound cuesfor a danceconcert?BlackBottomWhat dance is theclearest linkbetween Africandance andAmerican jazz andtap dance?LindyHopWhat dancecraze startedat thenightclub theSavoy?CostumeDesignerWho designswhat thedancerswear?1960sWhen did breakdancing emerge(not when itbecamepopular) in NYCity?NohWhich Japanesedance formincludes dance,music, and actingdone very slowly?ChoreographerWho holdsauditions fora show andcreates thedance piece?ClassicalTapWhat style of tapincorporates a great deal ofballet and ballroom dancetype movements intotraditional tap steps wherethe dancer appears to glideacross the floor in aneffortless manner?TechCrewOther than theStage Managerwho knows themost about thebackstage area,lights and soundequipment?InLivingColorWhat TV showpopularizedstreet dance,hip-hop andstreet funk?YorubaWhich Japanesedance formincludes dance,music, and actingdone very slowly?African& IrishdanceWhat arethe originsof Tapdance?TheTwistWhat dance crazecreated by ChubbyChecker changedthe way socialdance wasexecuted?CakewalkWhat dance was apantomimedparody of theplantation ownersgoing about theirdaily business?MTVWhat TV networkaided in theprofessionalizationof jazz dancers inthe 1980s?IsolationsGus Giordano usesfree movements ofthe body andemphasizes the useof the head andtorso, what otherbody movement doeshis technique utilize?HouseManagerWho is incharge of thebox office,lobby andtheater seats?FosseWhat jazzchoreographerlacked formal dancetraining, was verysuccessful onBroadway, and isoften imitated?LightingDesignerWho transforms thestage space helpingthe choreographerconvey their themeand makes sure thedances and dancerscan be seen?AfricanDanceWhat arethe rootsof jazzdance?NicholasBrothersWhat tappers performed atthe Cotton Club, in filmsand several venues, usingamazing acrobatic featsincluding dropping down tothe splits to slide right backup again?LuigiWho createdtheir own jazztechniqueafter a carwreck?JapanWhat countryhas a history ofcultural dancesthat areconsideredconcert dance?ArtisticDirectorWho isresponsible for theoverall aestheticand artistic visionof the dancecompany?SoftShoeWhat type ofdance usedsand on thefloor?StageManagerWho callsthe light andsound cuesfor a danceconcert?BlackBottomWhat dance is theclearest linkbetween Africandance andAmerican jazz andtap dance?LindyHopWhat dancecraze startedat thenightclub theSavoy?

Exam 3 Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Who designs what the dancers wear?
    Costume Designer
  2. When did break dancing emerge (not when it became popular) in NY City?
  3. Which Japanese dance form includes dance, music, and acting done very slowly?
  4. Who holds auditions for a show and creates the dance piece?
  5. What style of tap incorporates a great deal of ballet and ballroom dance type movements into traditional tap steps where the dancer appears to glide across the floor in an effortless manner?
    Classical Tap
  6. Other than the Stage Manager who knows the most about the backstage area, lights and sound equipment?
    Tech Crew
  7. What TV show popularized street dance, hip-hop and street funk?
    In Living Color
  8. Which Japanese dance form includes dance, music, and acting done very slowly?
  9. What are the origins of Tap dance?
    African & Irish dance
  10. What dance craze created by Chubby Checker changed the way social dance was executed?
    The Twist
  11. What dance was a pantomimed parody of the plantation owners going about their daily business?
  12. What TV network aided in the professionalization of jazz dancers in the 1980s?
  13. Gus Giordano uses free movements of the body and emphasizes the use of the head and torso, what other body movement does his technique utilize?
  14. Who is in charge of the box office, lobby and theater seats?
    House Manager
  15. What jazz choreographer lacked formal dance training, was very successful on Broadway, and is often imitated?
  16. Who transforms the stage space helping the choreographer convey their theme and makes sure the dances and dancers can be seen?
    Lighting Designer
  17. What are the roots of jazz dance?
    African Dance
  18. What tappers performed at the Cotton Club, in films and several venues, using amazing acrobatic feats including dropping down to the splits to slide right back up again?
    Nicholas Brothers
  19. Who created their own jazz technique after a car wreck?
  20. What country has a history of cultural dances that are considered concert dance?
  21. Who is responsible for the overall aesthetic and artistic vision of the dance company?
    Artistic Director
  22. What type of dance used sand on the floor?
    Soft Shoe
  23. Who calls the light and sound cues for a dance concert?
    Stage Manager
  24. What dance is the clearest link between African dance and American jazz and tap dance?
    Black Bottom
  25. What dance craze started at the nightclub the Savoy?
    Lindy Hop