Morgan, Petarand Julia areall judgingDebate FinalsSomeone getsreported formoving theirlegs duringProse or PoetryPetar needingsomeone tobring him hislaptop chargerduring a roundA judgeforgets tojot downthe timeA team isDQ'dduring afinal roundStudentforgets tounmuteduring a liveroundA judgedoesn't realizethat Tabbycathas no writtenfeedbackSomeoneasking aboutfinal postingsin a groupchannelSami has toreassignmore than 5judges roundoneHalf of theMT arejudging atthe sametimeJudge asks aquestion thatwas clearlyanswered inan emailA judge can'tjoin a finalsroombecause it'sfullSomeoneasks aboutopen orclosed RFDFeedback loopduringopening/closingceremonySomeonetries to makea last minutenamechangeA judge didn'trealize that theyare signed upfor SundayroundsA judgeasks ifthey canleave earlyEveryjudge hitsstartroundPetarjudgespoetryTrainee judgedoes not feelready tojudge bythemselvesManagementTeammember hasto judge thefirst roundA judgeasks aboutthe rules ofan event rightbefore theirroundThe samejudgecontacts MTmore thanthree timesJudge does notsubmit rankingson time, forcesMT to trackthem downDebateteam can’tfind theircodeA judgeneeds theMT to fixtheir ballotfor themWe use ajudge whowasn'toriginallysigned upStudent forgetsto unmuteduringopening/closingceremonyJudge comesup with a stupidexcuse to getout of judginglast minuteMorgan, Petarand Julia areall judgingDebate FinalsSomeone getsreported formoving theirlegs duringProse or PoetryPetar needingsomeone tobring him hislaptop chargerduring a roundA judgeforgets tojot downthe timeA team isDQ'dduring afinal roundStudentforgets tounmuteduring a liveroundA judgedoesn't realizethat Tabbycathas no writtenfeedbackSomeoneasking aboutfinal postingsin a groupchannelSami has toreassignmore than 5judges roundoneHalf of theMT arejudging atthe sametimeJudge asks aquestion thatwas clearlyanswered inan emailA judge can'tjoin a finalsroombecause it'sfullSomeoneasks aboutopen orclosed RFDFeedback loopduringopening/closingceremonySomeonetries to makea last minutenamechangeA judge didn'trealize that theyare signed upfor SundayroundsA judgeasks ifthey canleave earlyEveryjudge hitsstartroundPetarjudgespoetryTrainee judgedoes not feelready tojudge bythemselvesManagementTeammember hasto judge thefirst roundA judgeasks aboutthe rules ofan event rightbefore theirroundThe samejudgecontacts MTmore thanthree timesJudge does notsubmit rankingson time, forcesMT to trackthem downDebateteam can’tfind theircodeA judgeneeds theMT to fixtheir ballotfor themWe use ajudge whowasn'toriginallysigned upStudent forgetsto unmuteduringopening/closingceremonyJudge comesup with a stupidexcuse to getout of judginglast minute

Unofficial Management Team BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Morgan, Petar and Julia are all judging Debate Finals
  2. Someone gets reported for moving their legs during Prose or Poetry
  3. Petar needing someone to bring him his laptop charger during a round
  4. A judge forgets to jot down the time
  5. A team is DQ'd during a final round
  6. Student forgets to unmute during a live round
  7. A judge doesn't realize that Tabbycat has no written feedback
  8. Someone asking about final postings in a group channel
  9. Sami has to reassign more than 5 judges round one
  10. Half of the MT are judging at the same time
  11. Judge asks a question that was clearly answered in an email
  12. A judge can't join a finals room because it's full
  13. Someone asks about open or closed RFD
  14. Feedback loop during opening/closing ceremony
  15. Someone tries to make a last minute name change
  16. A judge didn't realize that they are signed up for Sunday rounds
  17. A judge asks if they can leave early
  18. Every judge hits start round
  19. Petar judges poetry
  20. Trainee judge does not feel ready to judge by themselves
  21. Management Team member has to judge the first round
  22. A judge asks about the rules of an event right before their round
  23. The same judge contacts MT more than three times
  24. Judge does not submit rankings on time, forces MT to track them down
  25. Debate team can’t find their code
  26. A judge needs the MT to fix their ballot for them
  27. We use a judge who wasn't originally signed up
  28. Student forgets to unmute during opening/closing ceremony
  29. Judge comes up with a stupid excuse to get out of judging last minute