Jaycemimics hisranged Eability fromthe gameVanderappears fullytransformedas WarwickOrianaappearsin somewayDarius ismentionedorappearsHeimerdingermimics at leastone of hisabilities fromthe gameWar is declaredbecause of thedeath of a maincharacterCaitlyn usesyordle snaptraps, or atrap variantAn advanceditem from thegame isused in theshowSinged mimicsat least 2 of hisin gameabilities in theshowSomeonefrom Ioniashows upAt least 3characters willlook like theirsplash art whodon't already.Zac ismentionedorappearsEkko minicshis W abilityfrom thegameThere is ascene inpresent timethat is outsideof Piltover andZaunA prominentcharacterdies withinZaunThe last ofSilcohasn'tbeen seenEkko usesa full timetravel typeof powerCaitlynmimics herQ abilityfrom thegameFlashback toa timearound theorigins ofPiltoverViktormimics his Qability fromthe gameCaitlyn andVi develop aform ofromanticrelationshipVi fights Jinxone on onewithoutinterferenceCivildispute/wartakes placemainly withinPiltoverA new yordlecharacter isintroducedJaycemimics hisranged Eability fromthe gameVanderappears fullytransformedas WarwickOrianaappearsin somewayDarius ismentionedorappearsHeimerdingermimics at leastone of hisabilities fromthe gameWar is declaredbecause of thedeath of a maincharacterCaitlyn usesyordle snaptraps, or atrap variantAn advanceditem from thegame isused in theshowSinged mimicsat least 2 of hisin gameabilities in theshowSomeonefrom Ioniashows upAt least 3characters willlook like theirsplash art whodon't already.Zac ismentionedorappearsEkko minicshis W abilityfrom thegameThere is ascene inpresent timethat is outsideof Piltover andZaunA prominentcharacterdies withinZaunThe last ofSilcohasn'tbeen seenEkko usesa full timetravel typeof powerCaitlynmimics herQ abilityfrom thegameFlashback toa timearound theorigins ofPiltoverViktormimics his Qability fromthe gameCaitlyn andVi develop aform ofromanticrelationshipVi fights Jinxone on onewithoutinterferenceCivildispute/wartakes placemainly withinPiltoverA new yordlecharacter isintroduced

Season 2 Arcane Predictions - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Jayce mimics his ranged E ability from the game
  2. Vander appears fully transformed as Warwick
  3. Oriana appears in some way
  4. Darius is mentioned or appears
  5. Heimerdinger mimics at least one of his abilities from the game
  6. War is declared because of the death of a main character
  7. Caitlyn uses yordle snap traps, or a trap variant
  8. An advanced item from the game is used in the show
  9. Singed mimics at least 2 of his in game abilities in the show
  10. Someone from Ionia shows up
  11. At least 3 characters will look like their splash art who don't already.
  12. Zac is mentioned or appears
  13. Ekko minics his W ability from the game
  14. There is a scene in present time that is outside of Piltover and Zaun
  15. A prominent character dies within Zaun
  16. The last of Silco hasn't been seen
  17. Ekko uses a full time travel type of power
  18. Caitlyn mimics her Q ability from the game
  19. Flashback to a time around the origins of Piltover
  20. Viktor mimics his Q ability from the game
  21. Caitlyn and Vi develop a form of romantic relationship
  22. Vi fights Jinx one on one without interference
  23. Civil dispute/war takes place mainly within Piltover
  24. A new yordle character is introduced