Re:Invent 10th Anniversary Presenter looks at the wrong camera Celebrity Appearance Amazon Aurora ML Blockchain Artificial Intelligence (AI) Amazon QuickSight AWS Snow Family Kafka In person AWS Amplify SageMaker AWS App Runner GroundStation Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) AWS Well- Architected Framework AWS Athena + Glue "Cloud native" Amazon Kinesis More than 3 nines AWS Glue DataBrew Amazon OpenSearch Service Amazon Connect Vogel Sweating Profusely Amazon Location Service Amazon Fraud Detector Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Speaker uses words reserved for Gen Z MLOps Amazon Translate IoT Sustainability Machine Learning (ML) Amazon Neptune AWS Control Tower Elastic fleets Blue Origin Amazon AppStream AWS Outposts More than 4 container running services mentioned IT modernization Shared Responsibility Model AWS DeepRacer Technical Difficulties Re:Invent 10th Anniversary Presenter looks at the wrong camera Celebrity Appearance Amazon Aurora ML Blockchain Artificial Intelligence (AI) Amazon QuickSight AWS Snow Family Kafka In person AWS Amplify SageMaker AWS App Runner GroundStation Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) AWS Well- Architected Framework AWS Athena + Glue "Cloud native" Amazon Kinesis More than 3 nines AWS Glue DataBrew Amazon OpenSearch Service Amazon Connect Vogel Sweating Profusely Amazon Location Service Amazon Fraud Detector Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Speaker uses words reserved for Gen Z MLOps Amazon Translate IoT Sustainability Machine Learning (ML) Amazon Neptune AWS Control Tower Elastic fleets Blue Origin Amazon AppStream AWS Outposts More than 4 container running services mentioned IT modernization Shared Responsibility Model AWS DeepRacer Technical Difficulties
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Re:Invent 10th Anniversary
Presenter looks at the wrong camera
Celebrity Appearance
Amazon Aurora ML
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Amazon QuickSight
AWS Snow Family
In person
AWS Amplify
AWS App Runner
Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)
AWS Well-Architected Framework
AWS Athena + Glue
"Cloud native"
Amazon Kinesis
More than 3 nines
AWS Glue DataBrew
Amazon OpenSearch Service
Amazon Connect
Vogel Sweating Profusely
Amazon Location Service
Amazon Fraud Detector
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
Speaker uses words reserved for Gen Z
Amazon Translate
Machine Learning (ML)
Amazon Neptune
AWS Control Tower
Elastic fleets
Blue Origin
Amazon AppStream
AWS Outposts
More than 4 container running services mentioned
IT modernization
Shared Responsibility Model
AWS DeepRacer
Technical Difficulties