The associateswere consistentwith theirapproach toeach customerThe store hada greeter whotold you abouttheir creditprogramThe associatewas able toanswer yourquestions aboutcredit/loyaltyprogramThe associate tellsyou how muchyou would havesaved by applyingfor the card todayThe storehad acreditcultureAt the registerthe associatewas engagingand focusedon youCredit wasoffered to youas aloyalty/savingstool“I think I willjust wait formy nextcoupon”You observedthe associatestruly sellingtheir productThere weresigns in thefitting roomabout theircredit programThe associatetold you aboutthe great perksyou’re missingby not havingtheir card“I wish Ireceivedmorecoupons”“I don’t usuallyshop herebecause it’stoo expensive”You say no totheir creditoffer and theydon’t askagainYou observedthe associatestruly sellingtheircredit/loyaltyprogramYousigned upfor a creditcard todayThe store hada greeter whotold you abouttheir sales orproductsThe associatepicked up oncues that madethem offer youthe credit card“My birthday iscoming up soI’m treatingmyself tosomething”“ I don’t shopunless I havea coupon orhit a sale”Credit wasoffered to youas a way tofinance yourpurchaseThe associatefollowed backup with youafter trying onclothesThe store washaving a creditevent (ie:double points,gift withpurchase,etc)An associateapproachedyou and talkedto you abouttheir creditprogram“ I spend somuch moneyhere betweengifts for myfamily andmyself”The storehad asellingcultureThe associaterecognized youwere wearingsomething ofthe Brand’sThe associateseemed excitedabout theirloyalty/creditprogramAn associateapproachedyou and toldyou abouttheir salesThe associateoffered additionalclothingsuggestions tocomplete the lookYou asked theassociate ifthere wereany discountstoday?At the registerthe associatetalked abouttheirLoyalty/CreditprogramThe associateswere consistentwith theirapproach toeach customerThe store hada greeter whotold you abouttheir creditprogramThe associatewas able toanswer yourquestions aboutcredit/loyaltyprogramThe associate tellsyou how muchyou would havesaved by applyingfor the card todayThe storehad acreditcultureAt the registerthe associatewas engagingand focusedon youCredit wasoffered to youas aloyalty/savingstool“I think I willjust wait formy nextcoupon”You observedthe associatestruly sellingtheir productThere weresigns in thefitting roomabout theircredit programThe associatetold you aboutthe great perksyou’re missingby not havingtheir card“I wish Ireceivedmorecoupons”“I don’t usuallyshop herebecause it’stoo expensive”You say no totheir creditoffer and theydon’t askagainYou observedthe associatestruly sellingtheircredit/loyaltyprogramYousigned upfor a creditcard todayThe store hada greeter whotold you abouttheir sales orproductsThe associatepicked up oncues that madethem offer youthe credit card“My birthday iscoming up soI’m treatingmyself tosomething”“ I don’t shopunless I havea coupon orhit a sale”Credit wasoffered to youas a way tofinance yourpurchaseThe associatefollowed backup with youafter trying onclothesThe store washaving a creditevent (ie:double points,gift withpurchase,etc)An associateapproachedyou and talkedto you abouttheir creditprogram“ I spend somuch moneyhere betweengifts for myfamily andmyself”The storehad asellingcultureThe associaterecognized youwere wearingsomething ofthe Brand’sThe associateseemed excitedabout theirloyalty/creditprogramAn associateapproachedyou and toldyou abouttheir salesThe associateoffered additionalclothingsuggestions tocomplete the lookYou asked theassociate ifthere wereany discountstoday?At the registerthe associatetalked abouttheirLoyalty/Creditprogram

F.A.C.T. Fire Shopping Day - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The associates were consistent with their approach to each customer
  2. The store had a greeter who told you about their credit program
  3. The associate was able to answer your questions about credit/loyalty program
  4. The associate tells you how much you would have saved by applying for the card today
  5. The store had a credit culture
  6. At the register the associate was engaging and focused on you
  7. Credit was offered to you as a loyalty/savings tool
  8. “I think I will just wait for my next coupon”
  9. You observed the associates truly selling their product
  10. There were signs in the fitting room about their credit program
  11. The associate told you about the great perks you’re missing by not having their card
  12. “I wish I received more coupons”
  13. “I don’t usually shop here because it’s too expensive”
  14. You say no to their credit offer and they don’t ask again
  15. You observed the associates truly selling their credit/loyalty program
  16. You signed up for a credit card today
  17. The store had a greeter who told you about their sales or products
  18. The associate picked up on cues that made them offer you the credit card
  19. “My birthday is coming up so I’m treating myself to something”
  20. “ I don’t shop unless I have a coupon or hit a sale”
  21. Credit was offered to you as a way to finance your purchase
  22. The associate followed back up with you after trying on clothes
  23. The store was having a credit event (ie: double points, gift with purchase,etc)
  24. An associate approached you and talked to you about their credit program
  25. “ I spend so much money here between gifts for my family and myself”
  26. The store had a selling culture
  27. The associate recognized you were wearing something of the Brand’s
  28. The associate seemed excited about their loyalty/credit program
  29. An associate approached you and told you about their sales
  30. The associate offered additional clothing suggestions to complete the look
  31. You asked the associate if there were any discounts today?
  32. At the register the associate talked about their Loyalty/Credit program