Gender restricted clothes removal (datamine) Raubahn EX 2.0 Pizza emote Alphinaud stays in Sharlayan No MSQ mount Lady Light Hydaelacian Meracydia? Sharlayan keeps some deep dark secret Nerva Yae Galvus appearance WoL sadge:( Title art moon is not moon (bagel) Midgardsormr? Thavnair embassy in Kugane interaction Lose our echo Timeskip Anima fight in thavnair Leveilleur family drama Final boss Hydaelyn Garlemald divided Mommy Hydaelyn bound WoL does NOT kill Zenos Fandaniel betrays Zenos Scion death WoL trial Gender restricted clothes removal (datamine) Raubahn EX 2.0 Pizza emote Alphinaud stays in Sharlayan No MSQ mount Lady Light Hydaelacian Meracydia? Sharlayan keeps some deep dark secret Nerva Yae Galvus appearance WoL sadge:( Title art moon is not moon (bagel) Midgardsormr? Thavnair embassy in Kugane interaction Lose our echo Timeskip Anima fight in thavnair Leveilleur family drama Final boss Hydaelyn Garlemald divided Mommy Hydaelyn bound WoL does NOT kill Zenos Fandaniel betrays Zenos Scion death WoL trial
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Gender restricted clothes removal (datamine)
Raubahn EX 2.0
Pizza emote
Alphinaud stays in Sharlayan
No MSQ mount
Lady Light Hydaelacian
Sharlayan keeps some deep dark secret
Nerva Yae Galvus appearance
WoL sadge:(
Title art moon is not moon (bagel)
Thavnair embassy in Kugane interaction
Lose our echo
Anima fight in thavnair
Leveilleur family drama
Final boss Hydaelyn
Garlemald divided
Mommy Hydaelyn bound
WoL does NOT kill Zenos
Fandaniel betrays Zenos
Scion death
WoL trial