​Find someonewho's been aPMI memberfor more than+15 years​Find someonewho helpedplan The 2015R3 SummitFind someonewho has anamazing talentand canshowcase itFindsomeonewho is lefthanded​Find an OSPMImember whoWas a DJ andMusic Directorfor college radiostation​Find someonewho shares thesame birthdaymonth as you(prove it)​Find an OSPMImember who'sfamily is fromWest Coast ofAfrica​Find someonewho knows thevariouscredentials PMIoffers and canrecite them​Find someonewho's had theirPMPCertification formore than 11years​Find an OSPMImember who'scar licenseplate says:FNWAY​​Find someonewho can recitethe​ PMI ​10knowledgeareas under 10seconds​Find someonewho knowswhat year PMIwas foundedand by whom?​Find someonewho's been amember tomore than 2chapters in thepast ​5​ years​Find someonewho's wearing​the colors of:Red, Whiteand Blue​Find someonewho has theirPMIMembershipCard with them(Not Expired)Find someonewho has atwin in theirfamily and canprove it​Findsomeonewho isdoublejointed​Find someonewho can recite5 of the PMPFormulas (​​5thedition)​Find someonewho receivedtheir PMPCertification inthe past 6months​Find someoneother than anOSPMI memberwho's visited RIbefore - Where?​Find someonewhosebirthday is inthe month ofMay​Find an OSPMImember who wasborn in Trieste,Italy and didn’tcome to the USuntil he or shewas 5 years old​ ​​​Find an OSPMImember who hasmet Pope JohnPaul II; MotherTeresa; and StoneCold Steve AustinFind someonethat knows afunny joke thatis notoffensive​Find someonewho's been aPMI memberfor more than+15 years​Find someonewho helpedplan The 2015R3 SummitFind someonewho has anamazing talentand canshowcase itFindsomeonewho is lefthanded​Find an OSPMImember whoWas a DJ andMusic Directorfor college radiostation​Find someonewho shares thesame birthdaymonth as you(prove it)​Find an OSPMImember who'sfamily is fromWest Coast ofAfrica​Find someonewho knows thevariouscredentials PMIoffers and canrecite them​Find someonewho's had theirPMPCertification formore than 11years​Find an OSPMImember who'scar licenseplate says:FNWAY​​Find someonewho can recitethe​ PMI ​10knowledgeareas under 10seconds​Find someonewho knowswhat year PMIwas foundedand by whom?​Find someonewho's been amember tomore than 2chapters in thepast ​5​ years​Find someonewho's wearing​the colors of:Red, Whiteand Blue​Find someonewho has theirPMIMembershipCard with them(Not Expired)Find someonewho has atwin in theirfamily and canprove it​Findsomeonewho isdoublejointed​Find someonewho can recite5 of the PMPFormulas (​​5thedition)​Find someonewho receivedtheir PMPCertification inthe past 6months​Find someoneother than anOSPMI memberwho's visited RIbefore - Where?​Find someonewhosebirthday is inthe month ofMay​Find an OSPMImember who wasborn in Trieste,Italy and didn’tcome to the USuntil he or shewas 5 years old​ ​​​Find an OSPMImember who hasmet Pope JohnPaul II; MotherTeresa; and StoneCold Steve AustinFind someonethat knows afunny joke thatis notoffensive

2015 R3 Summit BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. ​Find someone who's been a PMI member for more than +15 years
  2. ​Find someone who helped plan The 2015 R3 Summit
  3. Find someone who has an amazing talent and can showcase it
  4. Find someone who is left handed
  5. ​Find an OSPMI member who Was a DJ and Music Director for college radio station
  6. ​Find someone who shares the same birthday month as you (prove it)
  7. ​Find an OSPMI member who's family is from West Coast of Africa
  8. ​Find someone who knows the various credentials PMI offers and can recite them
  9. ​Find someone who's had their PMP Certification for more than 11 years
  10. ​Find an OSPMI member who's car license plate says: FNWAY​
  11. ​Find someone who can recite the​ PMI ​10 knowledge areas under 10 seconds
  12. ​Find someone who knows what year PMI was founded and by whom?
  13. ​Find someone who's been a member to more than 2 chapters in the past ​5​ years
  14. ​Find someone who's wearing ​the colors of: Red, White and Blue
  15. ​Find someone who has their PMI Membership Card with them (Not Expired)
  16. Find someone who has a twin in their family and can prove it
  17. ​Find someone who is double jointed
  18. ​Find someone who can recite 5 of the PMP Formulas (​​5th edition)
  19. ​Find someone who received their PMP Certification in the past 6 months
  20. ​Find someone other than an OSPMI member who's visited RI before - Where?
  21. ​Find someone whose birthday is in the month of May
  22. ​Find an OSPMI member who was born in Trieste, Italy and didn’t come to the US until he or she was 5 years old​ ​​
  23. ​Find an OSPMI member who has met Pope John Paul II; Mother Teresa; and Stone Cold Steve Austin
  24. Find someone that knows a funny joke that is not offensive