Could havebeen movedbeyond thereach ofpoliceWhy was themotorhomeclassified as anautomobile in thecase of Californiav. Carney (1985)?Expectationof privacyThe basis fordeterminingFourthAmendmentRightsRuleof Law The political andlegal principle thatthe government mustact in accordancewith established lawand not exceedauthorityTerrystopBrief pat-downof outerclothing todetermine if aperson isarmedThis protectspeople fromunreasonablesearches andseizures bygovernment.The FourthAmendmenIf a person istaken intocustody withoutprobable causeIllegalarrestReasonableSuspicionWhat mustan officerhave first inorder to stopa vehicle?KnockandannounceWhat is themostcommon typeof searchwarrant?ArrestedA person is inthe custody ofthe policewhen they are__________When an officerinduces a personto commit a crimefor the purpose ofarresting themEntrapmentStandingA party musthave a realstake in a legalcontroversy tobring a lawsuitPresent awrittenaffidavit to amagistrateWhat is thefirst step inobtaining asearchwarrant?EighthAmendmentExcessivebail shall notrequired ispart of what?OpeningStatementsProcess whereeach lawyeroutlines themain points ofthe case to thejuryguarantees the rightto a grand jury,forbids “doublejeopardy,” andprotects againstself-incriminationWhat is the5thamendment?ArraignmentProcedurewherecharges areread and aplea is givenImpeachTo challenge thetruthfulness of awitness bypresentingevidence to thecontraryCriminalProcedure A branch ofconstitutional lawthat pits publicsafety against thehuarantee ofliberty PhotographicDuring whichidentificationprocedure isthere no rightto counsel?"Fruits of thepoisonoustree"doctrineEvidencederived fromillegally seizedevidence cannotbe used byprosecutionSneakandpeekLesscommonsearchwarrant typePredispotitionA defendants stateof mind that isinclined toward thecommission of acrime prior to policeencouragementPrivilegeagainst self-incriminationWhat is thepremise ofthe Mirandav. Arizonacase?DiscoverWhat is themost criticalcomponentof a pretrialhearing?The commandof a court to awitness toappear to givetestamonyWhat is asubponea?Strengthened4th amendmentprotectionsagainst illegalsearch andseizureWhat was thesignificantoutcome ofMapp v. Ohio(1961)This prevents thegovernment fromusing most evidencegathered in violationof the United StatesConstitutionTheExclusionaryRuleJury trialprocess wherequestioning ofjurors takesplaceVoirDirePrimarysource ofright tocounselWhat is the6thAmendment?Could havebeen movedbeyond thereach ofpoliceWhy was themotorhomeclassified as anautomobile in thecase of Californiav. Carney (1985)?Expectationof privacyThe basis fordeterminingFourthAmendmentRightsRuleof Law The political andlegal principle thatthe government mustact in accordancewith established lawand not exceedauthorityTerrystopBrief pat-downof outerclothing todetermine if aperson isarmedThis protectspeople fromunreasonablesearches andseizures bygovernment.The FourthAmendmenIf a person istaken intocustody withoutprobable causeIllegalarrestReasonableSuspicionWhat mustan officerhave first inorder to stopa vehicle?KnockandannounceWhat is themostcommon typeof searchwarrant?ArrestedA person is inthe custody ofthe policewhen they are__________When an officerinduces a personto commit a crimefor the purpose ofarresting themEntrapmentStandingA party musthave a realstake in a legalcontroversy tobring a lawsuitPresent awrittenaffidavit to amagistrateWhat is thefirst step inobtaining asearchwarrant?EighthAmendmentExcessivebail shall notrequired ispart of what?OpeningStatementsProcess whereeach lawyeroutlines themain points ofthe case to thejuryguarantees the rightto a grand jury,forbids “doublejeopardy,” andprotects againstself-incriminationWhat is the5thamendment?ArraignmentProcedurewherecharges areread and aplea is givenImpeachTo challenge thetruthfulness of awitness bypresentingevidence to thecontraryCriminalProcedure A branch ofconstitutional lawthat pits publicsafety against thehuarantee ofliberty PhotographicDuring whichidentificationprocedure isthere no rightto counsel?"Fruits of thepoisonoustree"doctrineEvidencederived fromillegally seizedevidence cannotbe used byprosecutionSneakandpeekLesscommonsearchwarrant typePredispotitionA defendants stateof mind that isinclined toward thecommission of acrime prior to policeencouragementPrivilegeagainst self-incriminationWhat is thepremise ofthe Mirandav. Arizonacase?DiscoverWhat is themost criticalcomponentof a pretrialhearing?The commandof a court to awitness toappear to givetestamonyWhat is asubponea?Strengthened4th amendmentprotectionsagainst illegalsearch andseizureWhat was thesignificantoutcome ofMapp v. Ohio(1961)This prevents thegovernment fromusing most evidencegathered in violationof the United StatesConstitutionTheExclusionaryRuleJury trialprocess wherequestioning ofjurors takesplaceVoirDirePrimarysource ofright tocounselWhat is the6thAmendment?

Criminal Procedure Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Why was the motorhome classified as an automobile in the case of California v. Carney (1985)?
    Could have been moved beyond the reach of police
  2. The basis for determining Fourth Amendment Rights
    Expectation of privacy
  3. The political and legal principle that the government must act in accordance with established law and not exceed authority
    Rule of Law
  4. Brief pat-down of outer clothing to determine if a person is armed
    Terry stop
  5. The Fourth Amendmen
    This protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by government.
  6. Illegal arrest
    If a person is taken into custody without probable cause
  7. What must an officer have first in order to stop a vehicle?
    Reasonable Suspicion
  8. What is the most common type of search warrant?
    Knock and announce
  9. A person is in the custody of the police when they are __________
  10. Entrapment
    When an officer induces a person to commit a crime for the purpose of arresting them
  11. A party must have a real stake in a legal controversy to bring a lawsuit
  12. What is the first step in obtaining a search warrant?
    Present a written affidavit to a magistrate
  13. Excessive bail shall not required is part of what?
    Eighth Amendment
  14. Process where each lawyer outlines the main points of the case to the jury
    Opening Statements
  15. What is the 5th amendment?
    guarantees the right to a grand jury, forbids “double jeopardy,” and protects against self-incrimination
  16. Procedure where charges are read and a plea is given
  17. To challenge the truthfulness of a witness by presenting evidence to the contrary
  18. A branch of constitutional law that pits public safety against the huarantee of liberty
    Criminal Procedure
  19. During which identification procedure is there no right to counsel?
  20. Evidence derived from illegally seized evidence cannot be used by prosecution
    "Fruits of the poisonous tree" doctrine
  21. Less common search warrant type
    Sneak and peek
  22. A defendants state of mind that is inclined toward the commission of a crime prior to police encouragement
  23. What is the premise of the Miranda v. Arizona case?
    Privilege against self-incrimination
  24. What is the most critical component of a pretrial hearing?
  25. What is a subponea?
    The command of a court to a witness to appear to give testamony
  26. What was the significant outcome of Mapp v. Ohio (1961)
    Strengthened 4th amendment protections against illegal search and seizure
  27. The Exclusionary Rule
    This prevents the government from using most evidence gathered in violation of the United States Constitution
  28. Voir Dire
    Jury trial process where questioning of jurors takes place
  29. What is the 6th Amendment?
    Primary source of right to counsel