See someone using the quacker Lose to a player <5000 vr See a "Player" 50% of the room is the same character Combo'd Have all 3 red shells hit people Somebody drives backwards See someone fail a shortcut Shell cracks on nothing No shock 2 races in a row Get the same item twice in a row Get a snipe Lay a trap on lap 1 and its still there on lap 3 Someone disconnected Pass a thundercloud and don't get it back Win a mirror race Get starred See Someone using a kart >2 people failed their startup boost Shock dodge Dodge a Blue shell Beat a player >7000 vr See >3 blue shells in 1 race Pull off a Shroomba See someone using the quacker Lose to a player <5000 vr See a "Player" 50% of the room is the same character Combo'd Have all 3 red shells hit people Somebody drives backwards See someone fail a shortcut Shell cracks on nothing No shock 2 races in a row Get the same item twice in a row Get a snipe Lay a trap on lap 1 and its still there on lap 3 Someone disconnected Pass a thundercloud and don't get it back Win a mirror race Get starred See Someone using a kart >2 people failed their startup boost Shock dodge Dodge a Blue shell Beat a player >7000 vr See >3 blue shells in 1 race Pull off a Shroomba
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
See someone using the quacker
Lose to a player <5000 vr
See a "Player"
50% of the room is the same character
Have all 3 red shells hit people
Somebody drives backwards
See someone fail a shortcut
Shell cracks on nothing
No shock 2 races in a row
Get the same item twice in a row
Get a snipe
Lay a trap on lap 1 and its still there on lap 3
Someone disconnected
Pass a thundercloud and don't get it back
Win a mirror race
Get starred
See Someone using a kart
>2 people failed their startup boost
Shock dodge
Dodge a Blue shell
Beat a player >7000 vr
See >3 blue shells in 1 race
Pull off a Shroomba