ties to the GreatBarringtonDeclaration,CambridgeAnalytica, or theKoch Brothers"I have theworst head coldfor days. No, Ididn’t get testedfor covid."ignores transmissionbetween healthcareworkers & at riskpatients seekingnecessary care or in-hospital transmissionIgnores that there’s ashortage of healthcareworkers becausethey’re leaving theprofession due to longcovid, trauma, covidsafety issues, or beingfed upsays lockdowns arecausing more harmthan good in aregion that has nothad any lockdownssince first half of2020says “lockdown” butis actually talkingabout mask rules,reduced capacity,vaccine or testrequirements, orquarantine rules forinternational travelfinancially secureperson speaking froman affluent locationthat has some robustmitigation effortsamong the well-offcalls disabled &those shielding orjust exercisingcaution like maskingterms like "NeuroticShut-in" or "covidweirdo"pro-vaccine, but alsoanti-mask, andopposes most NPIs,and oh yes, possiblyalsopooh-poohingboosterspooh-pooh’slong covid aslargelypsychosomaticor just a minorrare occurrencelogic based on youngpeople neverinteracting with elderlyor disabled people ORelderly & disabledpeople never needingthe services of youngpeople, such ashealthcare workersasserts there’s tyrannyon the common man,then references somerule that only reallyinconveniences elitesdoing things mostordinary people don’teven do when there’snot a pandemicgrossmisunderstandingof public health ordisease conceptto mask or notmask outdoorssoliloquy as a redherring distractingfrom indoor superspreader eventsignores how justmore covid caseslead to moredisability & deathbecause of howmath worksfocuses exclusivelyon recorded deathrates, ignoring otherafter effects among“recovered” includingsubsequent deathspeople are back tonormal thereforethere is no danger,OR if there wasdanger, thegovernment wouldsurely be doingsomething about itasserts thatconventions,conferences,gatherings, or barsdon't really drivetransmission(because they’redoing it)ignores the shortage ofteachers & otherschool workers leavingthe profession isbecause of covidsafety problems, lackof mitigation, anddisability from covidignores for theumpteenth timethat deaths area laggingindicatorignores kidspsychological sufferingwhen teachers,parents, or classmatesare hospitalized, getdisturbing long covidsymptoms, or die ofcovidvery soonmanageable & surelygonna mutate into acommon cold thiswave, promise, it'sreally happening thistime, for realfails to realize how“it's just bad forpeople withunderlyingconditions” isn’tappealing hopium topeople withunderlying conditionsoblivious thatoverloadedhospitals leadto delays incare to non-covid patientsonly the person whoalready testedpositive needs toquarantine, nobodythey live with or whowas exposed &untestedperson criticizingremote work orremote school isactually someoneworking from homeor homeschoolingreasoning appears toassume disabled &immunecompromised peopledon’t exist, orshouldn’t, or can justbe shut out of societyforeverties to the GreatBarringtonDeclaration,CambridgeAnalytica, or theKoch Brothers"I have theworst head coldfor days. No, Ididn’t get testedfor covid."ignores transmissionbetween healthcareworkers & at riskpatients seekingnecessary care or in-hospital transmissionIgnores that there’s ashortage of healthcareworkers becausethey’re leaving theprofession due to longcovid, trauma, covidsafety issues, or beingfed upsays lockdowns arecausing more harmthan good in aregion that has nothad any lockdownssince first half of2020says “lockdown” butis actually talkingabout mask rules,reduced capacity,vaccine or testrequirements, orquarantine rules forinternational travelfinancially secureperson speaking froman affluent locationthat has some robustmitigation effortsamong the well-offcalls disabled &those shielding orjust exercisingcaution like maskingterms like "NeuroticShut-in" or "covidweirdo"pro-vaccine, but alsoanti-mask, andopposes most NPIs,and oh yes, possiblyalsopooh-poohingboosterspooh-pooh’slong covid aslargelypsychosomaticor just a minorrare occurrencelogic based on youngpeople neverinteracting with elderlyor disabled people ORelderly & disabledpeople never needingthe services of youngpeople, such ashealthcare workersasserts there’s tyrannyon the common man,then references somerule that only reallyinconveniences elitesdoing things mostordinary people don’teven do when there’snot a pandemicgrossmisunderstandingof public health ordisease conceptto mask or notmask outdoorssoliloquy as a redherring distractingfrom indoor superspreader eventsignores how justmore covid caseslead to moredisability & deathbecause of howmath worksfocuses exclusivelyon recorded deathrates, ignoring otherafter effects among“recovered” includingsubsequent deathspeople are back tonormal thereforethere is no danger,OR if there wasdanger, thegovernment wouldsurely be doingsomething about itasserts thatconventions,conferences,gatherings, or barsdon't really drivetransmission(because they’redoing it)ignores the shortage ofteachers & otherschool workers leavingthe profession isbecause of covidsafety problems, lackof mitigation, anddisability from covidignores for theumpteenth timethat deaths area laggingindicatorignores kidspsychological sufferingwhen teachers,parents, or classmatesare hospitalized, getdisturbing long covidsymptoms, or die ofcovidvery soonmanageable & surelygonna mutate into acommon cold thiswave, promise, it'sreally happening thistime, for realfails to realize how“it's just bad forpeople withunderlyingconditions” isn’tappealing hopium topeople withunderlying conditionsoblivious thatoverloadedhospitals leadto delays incare to non-covid patientsonly the person whoalready testedpositive needs toquarantine, nobodythey live with or whowas exposed &untestedperson criticizingremote work orremote school isactually someoneworking from homeor homeschoolingreasoning appears toassume disabled &immunecompromised peopledon’t exist, orshouldn’t, or can justbe shut out of societyforever

covid commentary holiday 2021 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. c-ties to the Great Barrington Declaration, Cambridge Analytica, or the Koch Brothers
  2. v-"I have the worst head cold for days. No, I didn’t get tested for covid."
  3. o-ignores transmission between healthcare workers & at risk patients seeking necessary care or in-hospital transmission
  4. o-Ignores that there’s a shortage of healthcare workers because they’re leaving the profession due to long covid, trauma, covid safety issues, or being fed up
  5. i-says lockdowns are causing more harm than good in a region that has not had any lockdowns since first half of 2020
  6. o-says “lockdown” but is actually talking about mask rules, reduced capacity, vaccine or test requirements, or quarantine rules for international travel
  7. o-financially secure person speaking from an affluent location that has some robust mitigation efforts among the well-off
  8. d-calls disabled & those shielding or just exercising caution like masking terms like "Neurotic Shut-in" or "covid weirdo"
  9. o-pro-vaccine, but also anti-mask, and opposes most NPIs, and oh yes, possibly also pooh-poohing boosters
  10. i-pooh-pooh’s long covid as largely psychosomatic or just a minor rare occurrence
  11. v-logic based on young people never interacting with elderly or disabled people OR elderly & disabled people never needing the services of young people, such as healthcare workers
  12. c-asserts there’s tyranny on the common man, then references some rule that only really inconveniences elites doing things most ordinary people don’t even do when there’s not a pandemic
  13. v-gross misunderstanding of public health or disease concept
  14. v-to mask or not mask outdoors soliloquy as a red herring distracting from indoor super spreader events
  15. c-ignores how just more covid cases lead to more disability & death because of how math works
  16. c-focuses exclusively on recorded death rates, ignoring other after effects among “recovered” including subsequent deaths
  17. d-people are back to normal therefore there is no danger, OR if there was danger, the government would surely be doing something about it
  18. c-asserts that conventions, conferences, gatherings, or bars don't really drive transmission (because they’re doing it)
  19. o-ignores the shortage of teachers & other school workers leaving the profession is because of covid safety problems, lack of mitigation, and disability from covid
  20. d-ignores for the umpteenth time that deaths are a lagging indicator
  21. i-ignores kids psychological suffering when teachers, parents, or classmates are hospitalized, get disturbing long covid symptoms, or die of covid
  22. i-very soon manageable & surely gonna mutate into a common cold this wave, promise, it's really happening this time, for real
  23. d-fails to realize how “it's just bad for people with underlying conditions” isn’t appealing hopium to people with underlying conditions
  24. i-oblivious that overloaded hospitals lead to delays in care to non-covid patients
  25. c-only the person who already tested positive needs to quarantine, nobody they live with or who was exposed & untested
  26. v-person criticizing remote work or remote school is actually someone working from home or homeschooling
  27. d-reasoning appears to assume disabled & immune compromised people don’t exist, or shouldn’t, or can just be shut out of society forever