63A cafeteria sold 49 cartonsof regular flavored milk. Ifthe ratio of regular milksold tochocolate milk sold was 7 :2, what is the combinedamount of chocolate andregular milksold?7:3For homework, a studenthad to complete 70problems total. If shefinished 21 problems inclass, what is the ratio ofproblems she still needs tocomplete to problems thatshe'salready finished?26While completing arace, Will spent 14minutes walking. If hisratio of time walking tojogging was 7 : 6, howmany minutes did hespend completing therace?9:7A restaurant offers dietsoda and regular soda.In one day they sold 64sodas. If 28 of thesodas they sold werediet, what is the ratio ofregular sodas sold todiet sodas sold?15In one day a moviestore rented out 18comedies. If the ratioof comedies rented toactionmovies rented was 6: 5, how many actionmovies were rented?9:1During a period of 80minutes, a musicstation played 8minutes ofcommercials. What isthe ratio of music theyplayed to commercialsthey played?90A chess player won48 of the games heplayed. If his ratio ofwins to loses was 8 :7, howmany games did heplay total?36At an ice cream shopthe ratio of sugarcones sold to wafflecones sold is 5 : 4. Ifthere are45 sugar cones sold,how many wafflescones would be sold?5:1Tom had 54 songs onhis MP3 player. If hedeleted 9 songs,what is the ratio ofsongs hekept to songs hedeleted?35In one day a moviestore rented out 50comedies. If the ratioof comedies rented toactionmovies rented was 10 :7, how many actionmovies were rented?42The ratio of red carsto blue cars in aparking lot was 8 : 7.If there were 48 redcars, howmany blue cars werethere?7At the carnival, theratio of people whowon the ring tossgame to lost it was 4: 1. If 28people won, howmany people wouldhave lost?18A pet store sold 12siamese cats. If theratio of siamese catsto house cats soldwas 2 : 1,what is the combinedamount of cats sold?10:1A produce store offers redand green apples. In onemorning they sold 77apples total. If 7of the apples they soldwere red, what is the ratioof green apples sold to redapples sold?117A chess player won90 of the games heplayed. If his ratio ofwins to loses was 10: 3, howmany games did heplay total?45At a restaurant theratio of kids mealssold to adult mealssold was 8 : 5. Ifthere were 72kids meals sold, howmany adult mealswere sold?63A cafeteria sold 49 cartonsof regular flavored milk. Ifthe ratio of regular milksold tochocolate milk sold was 7 :2, what is the combinedamount of chocolate andregular milksold?7:3For homework, a studenthad to complete 70problems total. If shefinished 21 problems inclass, what is the ratio ofproblems she still needs tocomplete to problems thatshe'salready finished?26While completing arace, Will spent 14minutes walking. If hisratio of time walking tojogging was 7 : 6, howmany minutes did hespend completing therace?9:7A restaurant offers dietsoda and regular soda.In one day they sold 64sodas. If 28 of thesodas they sold werediet, what is the ratio ofregular sodas sold todiet sodas sold?15In one day a moviestore rented out 18comedies. If the ratioof comedies rented toactionmovies rented was 6: 5, how many actionmovies were rented?9:1During a period of 80minutes, a musicstation played 8minutes ofcommercials. What isthe ratio of music theyplayed to commercialsthey played?90A chess player won48 of the games heplayed. If his ratio ofwins to loses was 8 :7, howmany games did heplay total?36At an ice cream shopthe ratio of sugarcones sold to wafflecones sold is 5 : 4. Ifthere are45 sugar cones sold,how many wafflescones would be sold?5:1Tom had 54 songs onhis MP3 player. If hedeleted 9 songs,what is the ratio ofsongs hekept to songs hedeleted?35In one day a moviestore rented out 50comedies. If the ratioof comedies rented toactionmovies rented was 10 :7, how many actionmovies were rented?42The ratio of red carsto blue cars in aparking lot was 8 : 7.If there were 48 redcars, howmany blue cars werethere?7At the carnival, theratio of people whowon the ring tossgame to lost it was 4: 1. If 28people won, howmany people wouldhave lost?18A pet store sold 12siamese cats. If theratio of siamese catsto house cats soldwas 2 : 1,what is the combinedamount of cats sold?10:1A produce store offers redand green apples. In onemorning they sold 77apples total. If 7of the apples they soldwere red, what is the ratioof green apples sold to redapples sold?117A chess player won90 of the games heplayed. If his ratio ofwins to loses was 10: 3, howmany games did heplay total?45At a restaurant theratio of kids mealssold to adult mealssold was 8 : 5. Ifthere were 72kids meals sold, howmany adult mealswere sold?

Ratio Word Problems - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A cafeteria sold 49 cartons of regular flavored milk. If the ratio of regular milk sold to chocolate milk sold was 7 : 2, what is the combined amount of chocolate and regular milk sold?
  2. For homework, a student had to complete 70 problems total. If she finished 21 problems in class, what is the ratio of problems she still needs to complete to problems that she's already finished?
  3. While completing a race, Will spent 14 minutes walking. If his ratio of time walking to jogging was 7 : 6, how many minutes did he spend completing the race?
  4. A restaurant offers diet soda and regular soda. In one day they sold 64 sodas. If 28 of the sodas they sold were diet, what is the ratio of regular sodas sold to diet sodas sold?
  5. In one day a movie store rented out 18 comedies. If the ratio of comedies rented to action movies rented was 6 : 5, how many action movies were rented?
  6. During a period of 80 minutes, a music station played 8 minutes of commercials. What is the ratio of music they played to commercials they played?
  7. A chess player won 48 of the games he played. If his ratio of wins to loses was 8 : 7, how many games did he play total?
  8. At an ice cream shop the ratio of sugar cones sold to waffle cones sold is 5 : 4. If there are 45 sugar cones sold, how many waffles cones would be sold?
  9. Tom had 54 songs on his MP3 player. If he deleted 9 songs, what is the ratio of songs he kept to songs he deleted?
  10. In one day a movie store rented out 50 comedies. If the ratio of comedies rented to action movies rented was 10 : 7, how many action movies were rented?
  11. The ratio of red cars to blue cars in a parking lot was 8 : 7. If there were 48 red cars, how many blue cars were there?
  12. At the carnival, the ratio of people who won the ring toss game to lost it was 4 : 1. If 28 people won, how many people would have lost?
  13. A pet store sold 12 siamese cats. If the ratio of siamese cats to house cats sold was 2 : 1, what is the combined amount of cats sold?
  14. A produce store offers red and green apples. In one morning they sold 77 apples total. If 7 of the apples they sold were red, what is the ratio of green apples sold to red apples sold?
  15. A chess player won 90 of the games he played. If his ratio of wins to loses was 10 : 3, how many games did he play total?
  16. At a restaurant the ratio of kids meals sold to adult meals sold was 8 : 5. If there were 72 kids meals sold, how many adult meals were sold?