operandsthe dataplaced in bothcomparisonand logicaloperatorsBooleanModifiera 3D modelingoperation betweentwo objects, such asadding them togetheror subtracting fromthe otherdatatypea specific kind ofvalue that can beattached to avariable such asBoolean, string, orintegermeshthe shape of 3Dmodel, formedof vertices,edges, andpoygonsassignmentoperatoroperator thatsets a value ina code,represented bya singe equalssign =Renderthe act ofcalculatinganddisplaying a3D imageevasionvectorspaths thatremainopen forescapeinsetoperationa 3D modelingoperation thatgenerates newgeometry alongthe edges offacesclassa category ofobject defined by asingle script thatcontains aparticular set offunctions andvariablesifstatementa line of code thatcontrols the flow of aprogram, executingits code only if thecondition that isprovided to itevaluates to truemathoperatorsoperators thatperform standardmath calculations:addition, subtraction,multiplication,division, and modulologicaloperatorsoperators that allowyou to checkcombinations andvariations of differentcomparisons such asAND, OR, and NOTbespoketexturea texture that doesnot repeat and iscustom painted forthe particularsurface or model itis meant forcorrectioncyclethe number oftimes a player willneed to attempt atask, challenge, orpuzzle until theymaster itexpressiona calculationin code thatreturns aresultlistenera method thatwaits for an eventto be triggeredthen executes ablock of code inresponseoccluderselementsthat block ornarrow thefield of viewgeometricfield ofviewa measure of howmuch of theenvironment ispicked up by theplayer's camerabeveloperationa 3D modelingoperation thatmakes edgesslope morenaturallyframeratethe speed atwhich imageschange in orderto createanimationedgeslinesegmentsbetween twoverticesdoublebufferingthe storage offrame data aheadof time to assist indisplayinggraphics withoutvisual glitchescomparisonoperatorsoperatorsthat comparetwo valuesand returntrue or falsebitmapimages storedas a grid ofvalues thatrepresentcolorsoperandsthe dataplaced in bothcomparisonand logicaloperatorsBooleanModifiera 3D modelingoperation betweentwo objects, such asadding them togetheror subtracting fromthe otherdatatypea specific kind ofvalue that can beattached to avariable such asBoolean, string, orintegermeshthe shape of 3Dmodel, formedof vertices,edges, andpoygonsassignmentoperatoroperator thatsets a value ina code,represented bya singe equalssign =Renderthe act ofcalculatinganddisplaying a3D imageevasionvectorspaths thatremainopen forescapeinsetoperationa 3D modelingoperation thatgenerates newgeometry alongthe edges offacesclassa category ofobject defined by asingle script thatcontains aparticular set offunctions andvariablesifstatementa line of code thatcontrols the flow of aprogram, executingits code only if thecondition that isprovided to itevaluates to truemathoperatorsoperators thatperform standardmath calculations:addition, subtraction,multiplication,division, and modulologicaloperatorsoperators that allowyou to checkcombinations andvariations of differentcomparisons such asAND, OR, and NOTbespoketexturea texture that doesnot repeat and iscustom painted forthe particularsurface or model itis meant forcorrectioncyclethe number oftimes a player willneed to attempt atask, challenge, orpuzzle until theymaster itexpressiona calculationin code thatreturns aresultlistenera method thatwaits for an eventto be triggeredthen executes ablock of code inresponseoccluderselementsthat block ornarrow thefield of viewgeometricfield ofviewa measure of howmuch of theenvironment ispicked up by theplayer's camerabeveloperationa 3D modelingoperation thatmakes edgesslope morenaturallyframeratethe speed atwhich imageschange in orderto createanimationedgeslinesegmentsbetween twoverticesdoublebufferingthe storage offrame data aheadof time to assist indisplayinggraphics withoutvisual glitchescomparisonoperatorsoperatorsthat comparetwo valuesand returntrue or falsebitmapimages storedas a grid ofvalues thatrepresentcolors

GD2A Midterm Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. the data placed in both comparison and logical operators
  2. a 3D modeling operation between two objects, such as adding them together or subtracting from the other
    Boolean Modifier
  3. a specific kind of value that can be attached to a variable such as Boolean, string, or integer
  4. the shape of 3D model, formed of vertices, edges, and poygons
  5. operator that sets a value in a code, represented by a singe equals sign =
    assignment operator
  6. the act of calculating and displaying a 3D image
  7. paths that remain open for escape
    evasion vectors
  8. a 3D modeling operation that generates new geometry along the edges of faces
    inset operation
  9. a category of object defined by a single script that contains a particular set of functions and variables
  10. a line of code that controls the flow of a program, executing its code only if the condition that is provided to it evaluates to true
    if statement
  11. operators that perform standard math calculations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulo
    math operators
  12. operators that allow you to check combinations and variations of different comparisons such as AND, OR, and NOT
    logical operators
  13. a texture that does not repeat and is custom painted for the particular surface or model it is meant for
    bespoke texture
  14. the number of times a player will need to attempt a task, challenge, or puzzle until they master it
    correction cycle
  15. a calculation in code that returns a result
  16. a method that waits for an event to be triggered then executes a block of code in response
  17. elements that block or narrow the field of view
  18. a measure of how much of the environment is picked up by the player's camera
    geometric field of view
  19. a 3D modeling operation that makes edges slope more naturally
    bevel operation
  20. the speed at which images change in order to create animation
    frame rate
  21. line segments between two vertices
  22. the storage of frame data ahead of time to assist in displaying graphics without visual glitches
    double buffering
  23. operators that compare two values and return true or false
    comparison operators
  24. images stored as a grid of values that represent colors