Which of thefollowing isNOT true aboutadjustmentlayers?What doPNG filesoffer thatJPG files donot?You took a picture of thebeach, and there’s aseagull sitting in the sandthat you want to remove.What do you use to drawand AUTOMATICALLYremove the seagull,replacing it with moresand?What colormode is bestfor printdocuments?If a layer is a0 opacity, it is100%___________.In what wayscan youreset yourworkspace?What type of fileincludes theunprocessed &original datafrom the phototaken?How do you non-destructivelyadjust the color ofan image with coolcolors?In the FileHandlingpreferences, whatinterval should youset for automaticsave recovery?If you are collaboratingon a Photoshop projectand you need to sendit to your partner whois using an olderversion of Photoshop,what is the best way tosend the project?Whatcannot bedone to atype layer?What is thedefault filesetting forQuick Exportwithtransparency?What elementis not aselection inthe Interfacepreferences?When creating aprint document,what is thepreferredmethod ofmeasurement?Which of thefollowingstatements isNOT true aboutsmart filters?Where do youclick to addkeywords todescribe yourimage?You’re working on yourdocument and need toadd a guide at .25 inchbut your rulers aredisplayed in Pixels.How do you changethe unit of measure forthe rulers?Select thestatementthat is FALSEabout SmartObjects.What isrecommended ifyou experienceweird crashes orstrange visuals forthe video card inPhotoshop?You have an imagewhere the horizonline is slightly askew.What is the easiestway to crop andstraighten the image?(think red fort)What is the name ofthe information about adigital photograph,such as its file name,date created, andcopyright information,that can be embeddedwithin the actual imagefile?What Metadatagets recordedwhen a picture istaken with aSmartPhoneinstead of a DigitalCamera?If a layer is a0 opacity, it is100%___________.Once a groupis created,how do youchange thename?Which of thefollowing isNOT true aboutadjustmentlayers?What doPNG filesoffer thatJPG files donot?You took a picture of thebeach, and there’s aseagull sitting in the sandthat you want to remove.What do you use to drawand AUTOMATICALLYremove the seagull,replacing it with moresand?What colormode is bestfor printdocuments?If a layer is a0 opacity, it is100%___________.In what wayscan youreset yourworkspace?What type of fileincludes theunprocessed &original datafrom the phototaken?How do you non-destructivelyadjust the color ofan image with coolcolors?In the FileHandlingpreferences, whatinterval should youset for automaticsave recovery?If you are collaboratingon a Photoshop projectand you need to sendit to your partner whois using an olderversion of Photoshop,what is the best way tosend the project?Whatcannot bedone to atype layer?What is thedefault filesetting forQuick Exportwithtransparency?What elementis not aselection inthe Interfacepreferences?When creating aprint document,what is thepreferredmethod ofmeasurement?Which of thefollowingstatements isNOT true aboutsmart filters?Where do youclick to addkeywords todescribe yourimage?You’re working on yourdocument and need toadd a guide at .25 inchbut your rulers aredisplayed in Pixels.How do you changethe unit of measure forthe rulers?Select thestatementthat is FALSEabout SmartObjects.What isrecommended ifyou experienceweird crashes orstrange visuals forthe video card inPhotoshop?You have an imagewhere the horizonline is slightly askew.What is the easiestway to crop andstraighten the image?(think red fort)What is the name ofthe information about adigital photograph,such as its file name,date created, andcopyright information,that can be embeddedwithin the actual imagefile?What Metadatagets recordedwhen a picture istaken with aSmartPhoneinstead of a DigitalCamera?If a layer is a0 opacity, it is100%___________.Once a groupis created,how do youchange thename?

Graphic Design I - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Which of the following is NOT true about adjustment layers?
  2. What do PNG files offer that JPG files do not?
  3. You took a picture of the beach, and there’s a seagull sitting in the sand that you want to remove. What do you use to draw and AUTOMATICALLY remove the seagull, replacing it with more sand?
  4. What color mode is best for print documents?
  5. If a layer is a 0 opacity, it is 100% ___________.
  6. In what ways can you reset your workspace?
  7. What type of file includes the unprocessed & original data from the photo taken?
  8. How do you non-destructively adjust the color of an image with cool colors?
  9. In the File Handling preferences, what interval should you set for automatic save recovery?
  10. If you are collaborating on a Photoshop project and you need to send it to your partner who is using an older version of Photoshop, what is the best way to send the project?
  11. What cannot be done to a type layer?
  12. What is the default file setting for Quick Export with transparency?
  13. What element is not a selection in the Interface preferences?
  14. When creating a print document, what is the preferred method of measurement?
  15. Which of the following statements is NOT true about smart filters?
  16. Where do you click to add keywords to describe your image?
  17. You’re working on your document and need to add a guide at .25 inch but your rulers are displayed in Pixels. How do you change the unit of measure for the rulers?
  18. Select the statement that is FALSE about Smart Objects.
  19. What is recommended if you experience weird crashes or strange visuals for the video card in Photoshop?
  20. You have an image where the horizon line is slightly askew. What is the easiest way to crop and straighten the image? (think red fort)
  21. What is the name of the information about a digital photograph, such as its file name, date created, and copyright information, that can be embedded within the actual image file?
  22. What Metadata gets recorded when a picture is taken with a SmartPhone instead of a Digital Camera?
  23. If a layer is a 0 opacity, it is 100% ___________.
  24. Once a group is created, how do you change the name?