63A produce store sold45 red apples. If theratio of red apples togreen apples soldwas 5 : 2,what is the combinedamount of red andgreen apples sold?8At a pet store theratio of cats to dogssold was 2 : 1. Ifthere were 16 catsthat were sold,how many dogs weresold?51A fast food restaurantsold 30 burgers withcheese. If the ratio ofburgers sold withcheesecompared to withoutcheese was 10 : 7,how many burgers didthey sell total?81A produce store sold63 red apples. If theratio of red apples togreen apples soldwas 7 : 2,what is the combinedamount of red andgreen apples sold?9:8A produce store offers redand green apples. In onemorning they sold 85apples total. If 40of the apples they soldwere red, what is the ratioof green apples sold to redapples sold?8:1A fast food restaurant sellstwo sizes of fries, small andlarge. On Friday they sold81 friestotal. If 9 of the fries soldwere small, what is theratio of large fries sold tosmall friessold?10A student finished 8 of herhomework problems inclass. If the ratio ofproblems shefinished to problems shestill had left was 4 : 1, howmany homework problemsdid shehave total?9:4A small school has78 students. If 24of the students areboys, what is theratio of girls toboys?28The ratio of whitechocolate to darkchocolate sold at acandy shop was 5 : 4.If there were35 bars of whitechocolate sold, howmany bars of darkchocolate were sold?7:6On a Saturday, alibrary checked out52 books. If 24 of thebooks were fiction,what is theratio of non-fictionbooks to fiction bookschecked out?21A recipe called for theratio of sugar to flourto be 10 : 3. If youused 70 ounce ofsugar,how many ounces offlour would you needto use?20Victor was playingcheckers with afriend. The ratio ofgames Victor wonwas 9 : 5. IfVictor won 36 games,how many games didhis friend win?5In one day a moviestore rented out 15comedies. If the ratioof comedies rented toactionmovies rented was 3: 1, how many actionmovies were rented?14A classroom had 35glue sticks. If theratio of glue sticks toglue bottles was 5 :2, howmany glue bottles didthe classroom have?80At a bake sale there were72 raisin cookies sold. Ifthe ratio of raisin cookiessold tooatmeal cookies sold was 9: 1, what is the combinedamount of raisin andoatmeal cookiessold?15The ratio of whitechocolate to darkchocolate sold at acandy shop was 4 : 3.If there were20 bars of whitechocolate sold, howmany bars of darkchocolate were sold?26Kaleb deleted 20songs from his MP3player. If the ratio ofsongs he deleted tosongs hekept was 10 : 3, howmany songs did heoriginally have on hisMP3 player?3At summer campthe ratio of boys togirls was 10 : 1. Ifthere were 30boys, how manygirls were there?16At a farm the ratioof cows to horseswas 9 : 2. If therewere 72 cows at thefarm, howmany horses werethere?48A small school has42 boys. If theratio of boys togirls is 7 : 1, howmany, students arethere total?3/2For homework, a studenthad to complete 15problems total. If shefinished 6 problems inclass, what is the ratio ofproblems she still needs tocomplete to problems thatshe'salready finished?24The ratio of red carsto blue cars in aparking lot was 5 : 3.If there were 40 redcars, howmany blue cars werethere?10:7Kaleb had 136 songson his MP3 player. Ifhe deleted 56 songs,what is the ratio ofsongshe kept to songs hedeleted?7/4A chess playerplayed 44 gamestotal. If he won 16 ofthe games, what isthe ratio of gameshe lost to games hewon?63A produce store sold45 red apples. If theratio of red apples togreen apples soldwas 5 : 2,what is the combinedamount of red andgreen apples sold?8At a pet store theratio of cats to dogssold was 2 : 1. Ifthere were 16 catsthat were sold,how many dogs weresold?51A fast food restaurantsold 30 burgers withcheese. If the ratio ofburgers sold withcheesecompared to withoutcheese was 10 : 7,how many burgers didthey sell total?81A produce store sold63 red apples. If theratio of red apples togreen apples soldwas 7 : 2,what is the combinedamount of red andgreen apples sold?9:8A produce store offers redand green apples. In onemorning they sold 85apples total. If 40of the apples they soldwere red, what is the ratioof green apples sold to redapples sold?8:1A fast food restaurant sellstwo sizes of fries, small andlarge. On Friday they sold81 friestotal. If 9 of the fries soldwere small, what is theratio of large fries sold tosmall friessold?10A student finished 8 of herhomework problems inclass. If the ratio ofproblems shefinished to problems shestill had left was 4 : 1, howmany homework problemsdid shehave total?9:4A small school has78 students. If 24of the students areboys, what is theratio of girls toboys?28The ratio of whitechocolate to darkchocolate sold at acandy shop was 5 : 4.If there were35 bars of whitechocolate sold, howmany bars of darkchocolate were sold?7:6On a Saturday, alibrary checked out52 books. If 24 of thebooks were fiction,what is theratio of non-fictionbooks to fiction bookschecked out?21A recipe called for theratio of sugar to flourto be 10 : 3. If youused 70 ounce ofsugar,how many ounces offlour would you needto use?20Victor was playingcheckers with afriend. The ratio ofgames Victor wonwas 9 : 5. IfVictor won 36 games,how many games didhis friend win?5In one day a moviestore rented out 15comedies. If the ratioof comedies rented toactionmovies rented was 3: 1, how many actionmovies were rented?14A classroom had 35glue sticks. If theratio of glue sticks toglue bottles was 5 :2, howmany glue bottles didthe classroom have?80At a bake sale there were72 raisin cookies sold. Ifthe ratio of raisin cookiessold tooatmeal cookies sold was 9: 1, what is the combinedamount of raisin andoatmeal cookiessold?15The ratio of whitechocolate to darkchocolate sold at acandy shop was 4 : 3.If there were20 bars of whitechocolate sold, howmany bars of darkchocolate were sold?26Kaleb deleted 20songs from his MP3player. If the ratio ofsongs he deleted tosongs hekept was 10 : 3, howmany songs did heoriginally have on hisMP3 player?3At summer campthe ratio of boys togirls was 10 : 1. Ifthere were 30boys, how manygirls were there?16At a farm the ratioof cows to horseswas 9 : 2. If therewere 72 cows at thefarm, howmany horses werethere?48A small school has42 boys. If theratio of boys togirls is 7 : 1, howmany, students arethere total?3/2For homework, a studenthad to complete 15problems total. If shefinished 6 problems inclass, what is the ratio ofproblems she still needs tocomplete to problems thatshe'salready finished?24The ratio of red carsto blue cars in aparking lot was 5 : 3.If there were 40 redcars, howmany blue cars werethere?10:7Kaleb had 136 songson his MP3 player. Ifhe deleted 56 songs,what is the ratio ofsongshe kept to songs hedeleted?7/4A chess playerplayed 44 gamestotal. If he won 16 ofthe games, what isthe ratio of gameshe lost to games hewon?

Ratio Word Problems 2 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A produce store sold 45 red apples. If the ratio of red apples to green apples sold was 5 : 2, what is the combined amount of red and green apples sold?
  2. At a pet store the ratio of cats to dogs sold was 2 : 1. If there were 16 cats that were sold, how many dogs were sold?
  3. A fast food restaurant sold 30 burgers with cheese. If the ratio of burgers sold with cheese compared to without cheese was 10 : 7, how many burgers did they sell total?
  4. A produce store sold 63 red apples. If the ratio of red apples to green apples sold was 7 : 2, what is the combined amount of red and green apples sold?
  5. A produce store offers red and green apples. In one morning they sold 85 apples total. If 40 of the apples they sold were red, what is the ratio of green apples sold to red apples sold?
  6. A fast food restaurant sells two sizes of fries, small and large. On Friday they sold 81 fries total. If 9 of the fries sold were small, what is the ratio of large fries sold to small fries sold?
  7. A student finished 8 of her homework problems in class. If the ratio of problems she finished to problems she still had left was 4 : 1, how many homework problems did she have total?
  8. A small school has 78 students. If 24 of the students are boys, what is the ratio of girls to boys?
  9. The ratio of white chocolate to dark chocolate sold at a candy shop was 5 : 4. If there were 35 bars of white chocolate sold, how many bars of dark chocolate were sold?
  10. On a Saturday, a library checked out 52 books. If 24 of the books were fiction, what is the ratio of non-fiction books to fiction books checked out?
  11. A recipe called for the ratio of sugar to flour to be 10 : 3. If you used 70 ounce of sugar, how many ounces of flour would you need to use?
  12. Victor was playing checkers with a friend. The ratio of games Victor won was 9 : 5. If Victor won 36 games, how many games did his friend win?
  13. In one day a movie store rented out 15 comedies. If the ratio of comedies rented to action movies rented was 3 : 1, how many action movies were rented?
  14. A classroom had 35 glue sticks. If the ratio of glue sticks to glue bottles was 5 : 2, how many glue bottles did the classroom have?
  15. At a bake sale there were 72 raisin cookies sold. If the ratio of raisin cookies sold to oatmeal cookies sold was 9 : 1, what is the combined amount of raisin and oatmeal cookies sold?
  16. The ratio of white chocolate to dark chocolate sold at a candy shop was 4 : 3. If there were 20 bars of white chocolate sold, how many bars of dark chocolate were sold?
  17. Kaleb deleted 20 songs from his MP3 player. If the ratio of songs he deleted to songs he kept was 10 : 3, how many songs did he originally have on his MP3 player?
  18. At summer camp the ratio of boys to girls was 10 : 1. If there were 30 boys, how many girls were there?
  19. At a farm the ratio of cows to horses was 9 : 2. If there were 72 cows at the farm, how many horses were there?
  20. A small school has 42 boys. If the ratio of boys to girls is 7 : 1, how many, students are there total?
  21. For homework, a student had to complete 15 problems total. If she finished 6 problems in class, what is the ratio of problems she still needs to complete to problems that she's already finished?
  22. The ratio of red cars to blue cars in a parking lot was 5 : 3. If there were 40 red cars, how many blue cars were there?
  23. Kaleb had 136 songs on his MP3 player. If he deleted 56 songs, what is the ratio of songs he kept to songs he deleted?
  24. A chess player played 44 games total. If he won 16 of the games, what is the ratio of games he lost to games he won?