agriculturethe reason Egyptiansneeded to predictwhen the Nile wouldflood, and theirmotivation forkeeping track of timeRosettaa large blackstone with threedifferent types ofwriting on it thatheld the samemeaninghieroglyphspictures andother writtensymbols thatsound for ideas,sounds, orthingsMathematicsused by ancientEgyptians tomeasure stone sothat it could be cut tothe proper size tobuild pyramids anddetermine land taxespapyrusan early form ofpaper made from areed plant found inthe marshy areas ofthe Nile delta; theplant used to makethis paper.astronomera scientistwho studiesthe starts andother objectsin the skyUnia high-rankingEgyptian in the OldKingdom who rosefrom running a storehouse to Governor ofUpper Egypt andrural tutormerchantsandskilledworkersThe middleclass inancientEgyptiansocietyDoctorsThese people werespecially trained aspriests who usedreligious practicesand other knowledgeto heal the sickdemotica laterEgyptianscript, foundon theRosetta Stonepharaohthe person atthe top of theEgyptiansocialsocietyherbalismthe practiceof creatingmedicinefrom plantscreatingmummieshelpedEgyptians learnabout thehuman body andlearn to performsurgeryNoblewomenthey weresometimes incharge of templesand religious rites;some acted asregentsharvestbusiestseason forpeasants inAncientEgyptpyramidEgyptian societyresembled thisstructure,built ofstone as a royaltomb in ancientEgyptpriests, membersof the pharaoh'scourt, and nobleswho held thelargest estatesThe small,upper classin ancientEgyptiansocietyClayandstoneWhatEgyptianswrote onbefore theyused papyrusIsisancientEgyptianwomen wereconsideredliving models ofherOsirishusbandof Isisa way tokeep track ofthekingdom'swealthThe reasonEgyptiansbegan to usehieroglyphspeasantsfarm laborersand otherlaborers inancient Egyptslavesprisonerscaptured in war,who could ownpersonal itemsand inherit landroads,temples,andbuildingspeasantsworked onthese duringthe floodseasonagriculturethe reason Egyptiansneeded to predictwhen the Nile wouldflood, and theirmotivation forkeeping track of timeRosettaa large blackstone with threedifferent types ofwriting on it thatheld the samemeaninghieroglyphspictures andother writtensymbols thatsound for ideas,sounds, orthingsMathematicsused by ancientEgyptians tomeasure stone sothat it could be cut tothe proper size tobuild pyramids anddetermine land taxespapyrusan early form ofpaper made from areed plant found inthe marshy areas ofthe Nile delta; theplant used to makethis paper.astronomera scientistwho studiesthe starts andother objectsin the skyUnia high-rankingEgyptian in the OldKingdom who rosefrom running a storehouse to Governor ofUpper Egypt andrural tutormerchantsandskilledworkersThe middleclass inancientEgyptiansocietyDoctorsThese people werespecially trained aspriests who usedreligious practicesand other knowledgeto heal the sickdemotica laterEgyptianscript, foundon theRosetta Stonepharaohthe person atthe top of theEgyptiansocialsocietyherbalismthe practiceof creatingmedicinefrom plantscreatingmummieshelpedEgyptians learnabout thehuman body andlearn to performsurgeryNoblewomenthey weresometimes incharge of templesand religious rites;some acted asregentsharvestbusiestseason forpeasants inAncientEgyptpyramidEgyptian societyresembled thisstructure,built ofstone as a royaltomb in ancientEgyptpriests, membersof the pharaoh'scourt, and nobleswho held thelargest estatesThe small,upper classin ancientEgyptiansocietyClayandstoneWhatEgyptianswrote onbefore theyused papyrusIsisancientEgyptianwomen wereconsideredliving models ofherOsirishusbandof Isisa way tokeep track ofthekingdom'swealthThe reasonEgyptiansbegan to usehieroglyphspeasantsfarm laborersand otherlaborers inancient Egyptslavesprisonerscaptured in war,who could ownpersonal itemsand inherit landroads,temples,andbuildingspeasantsworked onthese duringthe floodseason

Section 4, Ancient Egyptian Culture - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. the reason Egyptians needed to predict when the Nile would flood, and their motivation for keeping track of time
  2. a large black stone with three different types of writing on it that held the same meaning
  3. pictures and other written symbols that sound for ideas, sounds, or things
  4. used by ancient Egyptians to measure stone so that it could be cut to the proper size to build pyramids and determine land taxes
  5. an early form of paper made from a reed plant found in the marshy areas of the Nile delta; the plant used to make this paper.
  6. a scientist who studies the starts and other objects in the sky
  7. a high-ranking Egyptian in the Old Kingdom who rose from running a store house to Governor of Upper Egypt and rural tutor
  8. The middle class in ancient Egyptian society
    merchants and skilled workers
  9. These people were specially trained as priests who used religious practices and other knowledge to heal the sick
  10. a later Egyptian script, found on the Rosetta Stone
  11. the person at the top of the Egyptian social society
  12. the practice of creating medicine from plants
  13. helped Egyptians learn about the human body and learn to perform surgery
    creating mummies
  14. they were sometimes in charge of temples and religious rites; some acted as regents
    Noble women
  15. busiest season for peasants in Ancient Egypt
  16. Egyptian society resembled this structure,built of stone as a royal tomb in ancient Egypt
  17. The small, upper class in ancient Egyptian society
    priests, members of the pharaoh's court, and nobles who held the largest estates
  18. What Egyptians wrote on before they used papyrus
    Clay and stone
  19. ancient Egyptian women were considered living models of her
  20. husband of Isis
  21. The reason Egyptians began to use hieroglyphs
    a way to keep track of the kingdom's wealth
  22. farm laborers and other laborers in ancient Egypt
  23. prisoners captured in war, who could own personal items and inherit land
  24. peasants worked on these during the flood season
    roads, temples, and buildings