How did youstep out ofyour comfortzone today?Talk about 3things youare gratefulfor.How did you"taste" yourrelationshipwith Hashemtoday?When wasthe last timeyourewardedyourself?Namesomeone inyour life whosupportsyou.Stand upand leteveryonegive youapplauseName apersonalaccomplishmentthat made youproud.My favoritepart of theday is______.What is thegreatestimprovementyou have madethis schoolyear?What isyourgreatestquality?Namesomethingyou wouldlike to bebetter at.When didyou plug intoyour powersourcetoday?I amhappiestwhen______.What issomething youwould likeothers to knowabout you?3 words thatI would useto describemyself are ...Free!Share ahappyevent inyour life.Name a G-drule and apeople rulethat you kepttoday.My greateststrength inschool is_____.Name 2things youare goodat.Saysomethingpositiveaboutyourself.Name onegood deedyou havedone forsomeoneIf you are everfeeling downwhat do you tomake yourselffeel better?What is oneword friendswould use todescribeyou.Givesomeone inthis room acompliment.How did youstep out ofyour comfortzone today?Talk about 3things youare gratefulfor.How did you"taste" yourrelationshipwith Hashemtoday?When wasthe last timeyourewardedyourself?Namesomeone inyour life whosupportsyou.Stand upand leteveryonegive youapplauseName apersonalaccomplishmentthat made youproud.My favoritepart of theday is______.What is thegreatestimprovementyou have madethis schoolyear?What isyourgreatestquality?Namesomethingyou wouldlike to bebetter at.When didyou plug intoyour powersourcetoday?I amhappiestwhen______.What issomething youwould likeothers to knowabout you?3 words thatI would useto describemyself are ...Free!Share ahappyevent inyour life.Name a G-drule and apeople rulethat you kepttoday.My greateststrength inschool is_____.Name 2things youare goodat.Saysomethingpositiveaboutyourself.Name onegood deedyou havedone forsomeoneIf you are everfeeling downwhat do you tomake yourselffeel better?What is oneword friendswould use todescribeyou.Givesomeone inthis room acompliment.

Self-Esteem Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. How did you step out of your comfort zone today?
  2. Talk about 3 things you are grateful for.
  3. How did you "taste" your relationship with Hashem today?
  4. When was the last time you rewarded yourself?
  5. Name someone in your life who supports you.
  6. Stand up and let everyone give you applause
  7. Name a personal accomplishment that made you proud.
  8. My favorite part of the day is ______.
  9. What is the greatest improvement you have made this school year?
  10. What is your greatest quality?
  11. Name something you would like to be better at.
  12. When did you plug into your power source today?
  13. I am happiest when ______.
  14. What is something you would like others to know about you?
  15. 3 words that I would use to describe myself are ...
  16. Free!
  17. Share a happy event in your life.
  18. Name a G-d rule and a people rule that you kept today.
  19. My greatest strength in school is _____.
  20. Name 2 things you are good at.
  21. Say something positive about yourself.
  22. Name one good deed you have done for someone
  23. If you are ever feeling down what do you to make yourself feel better?
  24. What is one word friends would use to describe you.
  25. Give someone in this room a compliment.