You thinkspeechsoundsmuffled, evenwhen it's loudYou feel tired orstressed afterspendingextended timespeaking toothersYou havedifficultyunderstandingconversationon the phoneYou havedifficultyunderstandingspeech whenthere aremultiple talkersYou rely on afriend or familymember to relaywhat someonehas saidYou have ahard timefiguring outwhere soundsare comingfromYou have ahard timeunderstandingspeech atchurch or in ameetingYou have beenavoiding socialsituations morethan you usedtoYou have adifficult timeunderstandingaccentedenglishYou noticeringing,buzzing, orother soundsin your earsYou havemore difficultywomen andchildren'svoicesYour friendsand family haveasked you toturn the TV orradio downYou have askedothers to repeatthemselvesmore often thanyou usedA familymember orfriend has toldyou that "YOUCAN'T HEAR"You have adifficult timeunderstandingthe TVYou have ahard timeunderstandingspeech at arestaurantYou thinkspeechsoundsmuffled, evenwhen it's loudYou feel tired orstressed afterspendingextended timespeaking toothersYou havedifficultyunderstandingconversationon the phoneYou havedifficultyunderstandingspeech whenthere aremultiple talkersYou rely on afriend or familymember to relaywhat someonehas saidYou have ahard timefiguring outwhere soundsare comingfromYou have ahard timeunderstandingspeech atchurch or in ameetingYou have beenavoiding socialsituations morethan you usedtoYou have adifficult timeunderstandingaccentedenglishYou noticeringing,buzzing, orother soundsin your earsYou havemore difficultywomen andchildren'svoicesYour friendsand family haveasked you toturn the TV orradio downYou have askedothers to repeatthemselvesmore often thanyou usedA familymember orfriend has toldyou that "YOUCAN'T HEAR"You have adifficult timeunderstandingthe TVYou have ahard timeunderstandingspeech at arestaurant


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. You think speech sounds muffled, even when it's loud
  2. You feel tired or stressed after spending extended time speaking to others
  3. You have difficulty understanding conversation on the phone
  4. You have difficulty understanding speech when there are multiple talkers
  5. You rely on a friend or family member to relay what someone has said
  6. You have a hard time figuring out where sounds are coming from
  7. You have a hard time understanding speech at church or in a meeting
  8. You have been avoiding social situations more than you used to
  9. You have a difficult time understanding accented english
  10. You notice ringing, buzzing, or other sounds in your ears
  11. You have more difficulty women and children's voices
  12. Your friends and family have asked you to turn the TV or radio down
  13. You have asked others to repeat themselves more often than you used
  14. A family member or friend has told you that "YOU CAN'T HEAR"
  15. You have a difficult time understanding the TV
  16. You have a hard time understanding speech at a restaurant