Apologizewhen youmess upput apositive noteinsomeone’slockerhelpsomeoneovercome achallenge,big or smallBepatientDon’tgossipSaythankyou a lotHelp aclassmatewhen they'reconfusedGive someonepositivefeedback whenthey've donesomething wellunfollow andblocknegativeaccounts onsocial mediashow gratitudefor somethingnice or kind thatsomeone didfor yousit next to/hangout with someonenew at lunch,especially if thatperson sits/playsaloneHigh fivepeople youpass in thehallwayMake sureeveryone at thetable feelsincluded in theconversationHold thedoor openfor peoplemakesomeonesmile, even ifyou don’tknow themgivesomeone acomplimentapologizetosomeoneyou’ve hurtpost onepositivemessage/poston socialmedia per daysay somethingpositive to ateacher/dosomethingpositive in classsend a friendor loved onea positivetextSmile at everyoneyou pass in thehallway, in thestore, or walkingon the sidewalkWhen youexperiencesomething good,share it with people(a book, social mediapost, YouTube video,article, etc…)Ask someonehow their day'sgoing andgenuinely listento theirresponseSay pleaseand thankyou whenyou ask forthingsApologizewhen youmess upput apositive noteinsomeone’slockerhelpsomeoneovercome achallenge,big or smallBepatientDon’tgossipSaythankyou a lotHelp aclassmatewhen they'reconfusedGive someonepositivefeedback whenthey've donesomething wellunfollow andblocknegativeaccounts onsocial mediashow gratitudefor somethingnice or kind thatsomeone didfor yousit next to/hangout with someonenew at lunch,especially if thatperson sits/playsaloneHigh fivepeople youpass in thehallwayMake sureeveryone at thetable feelsincluded in theconversationHold thedoor openfor peoplemakesomeonesmile, even ifyou don’tknow themgivesomeone acomplimentapologizetosomeoneyou’ve hurtpost onepositivemessage/poston socialmedia per daysay somethingpositive to ateacher/dosomethingpositive in classsend a friendor loved onea positivetextSmile at everyoneyou pass in thehallway, in thestore, or walkingon the sidewalkWhen youexperiencesomething good,share it with people(a book, social mediapost, YouTube video,article, etc…)Ask someonehow their day'sgoing andgenuinely listento theirresponseSay pleaseand thankyou whenyou ask forthings

Statesmen Time: Kindness Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Apologize when you mess up
  2. put a positive note in someone’s locker
  3. help someone overcome a challenge, big or small
  4. Be patient
  5. Don’t gossip
  6. Say thank you a lot
  7. Help a classmate when they're confused
  8. Give someone positive feedback when they've done something well
  9. unfollow and block negative accounts on social media
  10. show gratitude for something nice or kind that someone did for you
  11. sit next to/hang out with someone new at lunch, especially if that person sits/plays alone
  12. High five people you pass in the hallway
  13. Make sure everyone at the table feels included in the conversation
  14. Hold the door open for people
  15. make someone smile, even if you don’t know them
  16. give someone a compliment
  17. apologize to someone you’ve hurt
  18. post one positive message/post on social media per day
  19. say something positive to a teacher/do something positive in class
  20. send a friend or loved one a positive text
  21. Smile at everyone you pass in the hallway, in the store, or walking on the sidewalk
  22. When you experience something good, share it with people (a book, social media post, YouTube video, article, etc…)
  23. Ask someone how their day's going and genuinely listen to their response
  24. Say please and thank you when you ask for things