Fictionalstories thattake place inthe future.ScienceFictionMake believestories thatare based onreal eventsfrom history.HistoricalFictionA series ofevents thatform a storyin a novel.PlotA bookofmaps.AtlasWhen the maincharacter of astory faces aproblem withinsociety.PersonvsSocietyThe endof thestoryResolutionA storythat istrueNon-fictionThehighestpoint in astoryClimaxWhen theproblem ofthe story isstarting to beresolvedFallingactionWhen theproblem ofa story isdeveloping.RisingactionWhen the maincharacter of astory faces aproblem withanothercharacter.PersonvsPersonA storyabout apersonslife.BiographyA lifelessonThemeA type of artisticwriting that stirsa readersimagination oremotions.PoetryWhere yougo to find agood book.LibraryWhen the maincharacter in astory faces aproblem withsomethingnatural.Personvs.NatureWhen the maincharacter facesa problem with asupernaturalforce.Person vstheSupernaturalFictionalstories thatinvolvemagicalelements.FantasyThe beginning ofa story wherethe maincharacter andsetting areintroduced.ExpositionA story thatfocuses on apuzzlingcrime orsituation.MysteryA bookthat tellswordmeanings.DictionaryWhen themaincharacterfaces an innerproblem.Personvs SelfA storythat ismade upfictionFictional storiesthat take placein the real worldand could reallyhappen.RealisticFictionFictionalstories thattake place inthe future.ScienceFictionMake believestories thatare based onreal eventsfrom history.HistoricalFictionA series ofevents thatform a storyin a novel.PlotA bookofmaps.AtlasWhen the maincharacter of astory faces aproblem withinsociety.PersonvsSocietyThe endof thestoryResolutionA storythat istrueNon-fictionThehighestpoint in astoryClimaxWhen theproblem ofthe story isstarting to beresolvedFallingactionWhen theproblem ofa story isdeveloping.RisingactionWhen the maincharacter of astory faces aproblem withanothercharacter.PersonvsPersonA storyabout apersonslife.BiographyA lifelessonThemeA type of artisticwriting that stirsa readersimagination oremotions.PoetryWhere yougo to find agood book.LibraryWhen the maincharacter in astory faces aproblem withsomethingnatural.Personvs.NatureWhen the maincharacter facesa problem with asupernaturalforce.Person vstheSupernaturalFictionalstories thatinvolvemagicalelements.FantasyThe beginning ofa story wherethe maincharacter andsetting areintroduced.ExpositionA story thatfocuses on apuzzlingcrime orsituation.MysteryA bookthat tellswordmeanings.DictionaryWhen themaincharacterfaces an innerproblem.Personvs SelfA storythat ismade upfictionFictional storiesthat take placein the real worldand could reallyhappen.RealisticFiction

Pop Open a Good Book Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Science Fiction
    Fictional stories that take place in the future.
  2. Historical Fiction
    Make believe stories that are based on real events from history.
  3. Plot
    A series of events that form a story in a novel.
  4. Atlas
    A book of maps.
  5. Person vs Society
    When the main character of a story faces a problem within society.
  6. Resolution
    The end of the story
  7. Non-fiction
    A story that is true
  8. Climax
    The highest point in a story
  9. Falling action
    When the problem of the story is starting to be resolved
  10. Rising action
    When the problem of a story is developing.
  11. Person vs Person
    When the main character of a story faces a problem with another character.
  12. Biography
    A story about a persons life.
  13. Theme
    A life lesson
  14. Poetry
    A type of artistic writing that stirs a readers imagination or emotions.
  15. Library
    Where you go to find a good book.
  16. Person vs. Nature
    When the main character in a story faces a problem with something natural.
  17. Person vs the Supernatural
    When the main character faces a problem with a supernatural force.
  18. Fantasy
    Fictional stories that involve magical elements.
  19. Exposition
    The beginning of a story where the main character and setting are introduced.
  20. Mystery
    A story that focuses on a puzzling crime or situation.
  21. Dictionary
    A book that tells word meanings.
  22. Person vs Self
    When the main character faces an inner problem.
  23. fiction
    A story that is made up
  24. Realistic Fiction
    Fictional stories that take place in the real world and could really happen.