4. Well-bred childrendo not pull out a bookand start reading orlooking at theirphones when incompany, nor do theybring their phones tothe dinner table.94. ( "Excuseme, but..." is aninterruption andnot somethingwell-bredchildren do.)20. Well-bredchildren take smallbites of food andfinish chewingbefore they putfork to mouthagain.93. Well-bred childrenstand where theirparents can see them,wait for their parents topause in theirconversation, and onlyspeak when theirparents have giventhem permission to.84. Well-bredchildren donot constantlycontradictothers.49. Well-bredchildren knowright fromwrong, andthey actaccordingly.72, Well-bredchildren do notshow happiness atanother'smisfortune, even ifit is someone theydon't like.57. Well-bredchildren do not blowtheir noses at thetable during mealsand if they must, theydo it very discreetly.61. Well-bredchildren do notcorrect adults unlessthey are very discreetabout it or in the caseof an emergency.36. Well-bredchildren offer tohelp someone outof consideration,and they try to offerbefore they areasked.55. Well-bredchildren donot seek tobe the centerof attention.74. Well-bredchildren do notargue withothers for thesake ofarguing.21. Well-bredchildren washtheir handsbefore andafter eating.9. Well-bredchildren do nottouch things thatdo not belong tothem without theowner'spermission.86. Well-bredchildren do not puttheir elbows on thetable or lounge intheir chairs whenat meal.88. Well-bred childrendo not blowon their foodto cool it.43. Well-bredchildren don'tcomplain about theirteachers to theirparents without duecause such asphysical harm.22. Well-bredchildren dressrespectfully andmodestly sothey don'toffend others.33. Well-bredchildren do not helpthemselves to thelast serving of a dishat mealtime withoutoffering it to othersfirst.80. Well-bred childrendon't speakhurtful wordseven in jest.29. Well-bredchildren always makea third person feelwelcome, and theydon’t whisper whenother people arepresent.31. Well-bred childrendo not put their feet onthe tables in theirhomes, and they wouldbe ashamed to puttheir feet on a table inpublic or be seen withsomeone who does.17. Well-bredchildren don't talkwhile yawning,and they do theirbest to cover thesound of a sigh.8. Well-bredchildren pick upafter themselvesand put their thingsaway when they arefinished using them.35. Well-bredchildren do not makeunnecessary noisesthat may disturbothers like tappingtheir feet on the flooror their fingers on thetable.34. Well-bred childrenalways greet otherswith a pleasantexpression or a smile.They ask others howthey are upon firstmeeting, and they aregenuinely interested inthe reply.44. Well-bred childrendo not use their cellphones when incompany, and if forsome reason theymust, they takepermission to stepoutside where it won'tdisturb the others.28. Well-bredchildren donot gossip.15. Well-bred children donot burp out loud, and ifthey do by mistake, theycertainly don’t laugh aboutit. Instead they say,"Excuse me”. They neversimulate a burb to be funny,because they know it’s notfunny but rude.51. Well-bredchildren do notthrow fits ofanger whendenied whatthey want.32. Well-bredchildren do not pushothers out of the wayto get to somethingfirst, especially not ayounger child or anadult.58. Well-bredchildren neveruse their sleeveto wipe theirnose or mouth.77. Well-bredchildren do notshare theirparent’s mistakesfor others to laughat.3. Well-bredchildren holdthe dooropen for theelderly.25. Well-bredchildren nevercomplain about beingbored. They aregenerally not in thehabit of complaining.95. Well-bredchildrenclean up theirmesses inthe kitchen.1. Well-bredchildren lookpeople in theeye when theyspeak to them.10. Well-bredchildren say "thankyou" to showappreciation whensomeone doessomething for them.96. Well-bredchildren do notexpect to bepaid for doingdaily chores.2. Well-bredchildren listenattentively totheir elderswhen theyspeak.13. Well-bredchildren leavethe bathroomtidy and cleanfor the nextperson.76. Well-bredchildren do noteat in the car orwhile walkingdown thestreet.52. Well-bredchildren whentaken out for hotchocolate by afriend's parents,do not ask forcake too.27. Well-bredchildren do notlie. They do nottattletale orwhine either.11. Well-bredchildren say "yesplease" and "no,thank you" whenthey are asked ifthey would likesomething.81. Well-bred childrendo not stareat others.6. Well-bredchildren openand closecupboardsquietly.40. Well-bredchildren aregenerallyconsiderate ofother people.16. Well-bredchildren covertheir mouthswhen coughingor yawning.26. Well-bredchildren do nottalk back totheir parents orelders.87. Well-bredchildren wait to beserved when theyare a guest insomeone's home.46. Well-bredchildren do not moanand groan about thefood they are served,and they eateverything on theirplate whether theylike it or not.30. Well-bredchildren keeptheir teethclean and theirhair brushed.69. Well-bredchildren do not lookover someone'sshoulder to seewhat they arereading or writing.14. Well-bredchildren do not enteranother’s roomwithout permission.They also knockbefore entering whenthe door is closed.39. Well-bredchildren do notplay music loudlywhen it mightdisturb othersincluding theirneighbors.48. Well-bredchildren do notshow-off or tryto make otherpeople lookfoolish.68. Well-bred childrendo not flatterpeople toseek favors.41. Well-bredchildren do notcomplain abouttheir parents totheir friends.97. Well-bredchildren do notswear, use crudelanguage, or talkabout private thingsthat should betreated with modesty.19. Well-bredchildren chew withtheir mouthsclosed, and theydon't talk with foodin their mouths.71. Well-bred childrendo not spy oreavesdrop.38. Well-bredchildren engage withtheir guests eitherwhen they haveguests in their home,or when they are aguest in someoneelse's home.101. Well-bredchildren greet thehost and hostesswhen they arrive,and they say thankyou when theyleave.85. Well-bredchildren do not getup from the dinnertable without firstasking permission.100. Well-bred childrenspeak politely to theirparents and nevershout to them fromanother room. Instead,they go to where theirparents are and saywhat they need to say.90. Well-bredchildren donot get angryat the tablewhile eating.18. Well-bredchilden try hardnot to yawn whenin company so asnot to appearbored.37. Well-bredchildren make aneffort to keep upfriendly conversationwhen in company orwhen sharing meals.42. Well-bredchildren take theirclothes out of thelaundry room as soonas they are done incase someone elsewants to use it.64. Well-bredchildren do notthink they arebetter thanother people.91. Well-bredchildren do notmake fun ofothers for beingkind and good.75. Well-bredchildren do notblame others, butthey takeresponsibility fortheir actions andchoices.83. Well-bred childrenkeep theirpromises.59. Well-bredchildren reply incompletesentenceswhen they arespoken to.79. Well-bredchildren do notburst out laughingin company withoutreasonable cause.73. Well-bredchildren do not mockothers, especially nottheir parents, ormake fun ofimperfections oridiosyncrasies otherscannot help.54. Well-bred childrenknow how toshare withothers.53. Well-bredchildren sendthank you noteswhen they receivea gift even if theydon't like the gift.5. Well-bredchildrendon't slamdoors.24. Well-bred childrenobey therequests ofadults.98. Well-bredchildren do notdrop wrappers orgarbage on theground when outin public60. Well-bredchildren do notmumble. They speakclearly and loudlyenough for others tohear them withouthaving to strain theirears.47. Well-bredchildren showrespect towards theirgrandparents andmake the effort toengage in pleasantconversation withthem.70. Well-bredchildren do notread otherpeople'sjournals ordiaries.7. Well-bredchildren hang uptheir coats and puttheir shoes in thecloset when theyget home.99. Well-bredchildren do notspeak so loudlyas to disturbothers when in apublic space.45. Well-bredchildren practice theGolden Rule: Dounto others as youwould have them dounto you.23. Well-bred childrenalways offeran elder theirchair or seat.50. Well-bredchildren helptake care ofyounger siblingsand are kind tothem.67. Well-bredchildren keeptheir nails cleanand short. Theydo not bite theirnails.89. Well-bredchildren do notrinse theirmouth withdrink at thetable.56. Well-bredchildren donot put theirfingers in theirears or noses.62. Well-bred childrendo not jumpon furnitureor beds.63. Well-bredchildren do not tell afriend about a partythe friend wasn'tinvited to or anythingelse that might makethe friend feel left out.66. Well-bredchildren do notroll their eyesor curl theirupper lip atothers.78. Well-bredchildren do notbrag about theiraccomplishmentsor grades.92. Well-bredchildren don'tinterrupt adults whenthey are talking, andthey do not join theconversation unlessthey are invited.82. Well-bred childrenmind theirownbusiness.12. Well-bred childrenapologize if they breaksomething that belongsto someone else. (Anastute parent mayeven have themreplace it at their ownexpense.)65. Well-bredchildren do not yell(unless they areoutside playing) ortalk loudly overothers.4. Well-bred childrendo not pull out a bookand start reading orlooking at theirphones when incompany, nor do theybring their phones tothe dinner table.94. ( "Excuseme, but..." is aninterruption andnot somethingwell-bredchildren do.)20. Well-bredchildren take smallbites of food andfinish chewingbefore they putfork to mouthagain.93. Well-bred childrenstand where theirparents can see them,wait for their parents topause in theirconversation, and onlyspeak when theirparents have giventhem permission to.84. Well-bredchildren donot constantlycontradictothers.49. Well-bredchildren knowright fromwrong, andthey actaccordingly.72, Well-bredchildren do notshow happiness atanother'smisfortune, even ifit is someone theydon't like.57. Well-bredchildren do not blowtheir noses at thetable during mealsand if they must, theydo it very discreetly.61. Well-bredchildren do notcorrect adults unlessthey are very discreetabout it or in the caseof an emergency.36. Well-bredchildren offer tohelp someone outof consideration,and they try to offerbefore they areasked.55. Well-bredchildren donot seek tobe the centerof attention.74. Well-bredchildren do notargue withothers for thesake ofarguing.21. Well-bredchildren washtheir handsbefore andafter eating.9. Well-bredchildren do nottouch things thatdo not belong tothem without theowner'spermission.86. Well-bredchildren do not puttheir elbows on thetable or lounge intheir chairs whenat meal.88. Well-bred childrendo not blowon their foodto cool it.43. Well-bredchildren don'tcomplain about theirteachers to theirparents without duecause such asphysical harm.22. Well-bredchildren dressrespectfully andmodestly sothey don'toffend others.33. Well-bredchildren do not helpthemselves to thelast serving of a dishat mealtime withoutoffering it to othersfirst.80. Well-bred childrendon't speakhurtful wordseven in jest.29. Well-bredchildren always makea third person feelwelcome, and theydon’t whisper whenother people arepresent.31. Well-bred childrendo not put their feet onthe tables in theirhomes, and they wouldbe ashamed to puttheir feet on a table inpublic or be seen withsomeone who does.17. Well-bredchildren don't talkwhile yawning,and they do theirbest to cover thesound of a sigh.8. Well-bredchildren pick upafter themselvesand put their thingsaway when they arefinished using them.35. Well-bredchildren do not makeunnecessary noisesthat may disturbothers like tappingtheir feet on the flooror their fingers on thetable.34. Well-bred childrenalways greet otherswith a pleasantexpression or a smile.They ask others howthey are upon firstmeeting, and they aregenuinely interested inthe reply.44. Well-bred childrendo not use their cellphones when incompany, and if forsome reason theymust, they takepermission to stepoutside where it won'tdisturb the others.28. Well-bredchildren donot gossip.15. Well-bred children donot burp out loud, and ifthey do by mistake, theycertainly don’t laugh aboutit. Instead they say,"Excuse me”. They neversimulate a burb to be funny,because they know it’s notfunny but rude.51. Well-bredchildren do notthrow fits ofanger whendenied whatthey want.32. Well-bredchildren do not pushothers out of the wayto get to somethingfirst, especially not ayounger child or anadult.58. Well-bredchildren neveruse their sleeveto wipe theirnose or mouth.77. Well-bredchildren do notshare theirparent’s mistakesfor others to laughat.3. Well-bredchildren holdthe dooropen for theelderly.25. Well-bredchildren nevercomplain about beingbored. They aregenerally not in thehabit of complaining.95. Well-bredchildrenclean up theirmesses inthe kitchen.1. Well-bredchildren lookpeople in theeye when theyspeak to them.10. Well-bredchildren say "thankyou" to showappreciation whensomeone doessomething for them.96. Well-bredchildren do notexpect to bepaid for doingdaily chores.2. Well-bredchildren listenattentively totheir elderswhen theyspeak.13. Well-bredchildren leavethe bathroomtidy and cleanfor the nextperson.76. Well-bredchildren do noteat in the car orwhile walkingdown thestreet.52. Well-bredchildren whentaken out for hotchocolate by afriend's parents,do not ask forcake too.27. Well-bredchildren do notlie. They do nottattletale orwhine either.11. Well-bredchildren say "yesplease" and "no,thank you" whenthey are asked ifthey would likesomething.81. Well-bred childrendo not stareat others.6. Well-bredchildren openand closecupboardsquietly.40. Well-bredchildren aregenerallyconsiderate ofother people.16. Well-bredchildren covertheir mouthswhen coughingor yawning.26. Well-bredchildren do nottalk back totheir parents orelders.87. Well-bredchildren wait to beserved when theyare a guest insomeone's home.46. Well-bredchildren do not moanand groan about thefood they are served,and they eateverything on theirplate whether theylike it or not.30. Well-bredchildren keeptheir teethclean and theirhair brushed.69. Well-bredchildren do not lookover someone'sshoulder to seewhat they arereading or writing.14. Well-bredchildren do not enteranother’s roomwithout permission.They also knockbefore entering whenthe door is closed.39. Well-bredchildren do notplay music loudlywhen it mightdisturb othersincluding theirneighbors.48. Well-bredchildren do notshow-off or tryto make otherpeople lookfoolish.68. Well-bred childrendo not flatterpeople toseek favors.41. Well-bredchildren do notcomplain abouttheir parents totheir friends.97. Well-bredchildren do notswear, use crudelanguage, or talkabout private thingsthat should betreated with modesty.19. Well-bredchildren chew withtheir mouthsclosed, and theydon't talk with foodin their mouths.71. Well-bred childrendo not spy oreavesdrop.38. Well-bredchildren engage withtheir guests eitherwhen they haveguests in their home,or when they are aguest in someoneelse's home.101. Well-bredchildren greet thehost and hostesswhen they arrive,and they say thankyou when theyleave.85. Well-bredchildren do not getup from the dinnertable without firstasking permission.100. Well-bred childrenspeak politely to theirparents and nevershout to them fromanother room. Instead,they go to where theirparents are and saywhat they need to say.90. Well-bredchildren donot get angryat the tablewhile eating.18. Well-bredchilden try hardnot to yawn whenin company so asnot to appearbored.37. Well-bredchildren make aneffort to keep upfriendly conversationwhen in company orwhen sharing meals.42. Well-bredchildren take theirclothes out of thelaundry room as soonas they are done incase someone elsewants to use it.64. Well-bredchildren do notthink they arebetter thanother people.91. Well-bredchildren do notmake fun ofothers for beingkind and good.75. Well-bredchildren do notblame others, butthey takeresponsibility fortheir actions andchoices.83. Well-bred childrenkeep theirpromises.59. Well-bredchildren reply incompletesentenceswhen they arespoken to.79. Well-bredchildren do notburst out laughingin company withoutreasonable cause.73. Well-bredchildren do not mockothers, especially nottheir parents, ormake fun ofimperfections oridiosyncrasies otherscannot help.54. Well-bred childrenknow how toshare withothers.53. Well-bredchildren sendthank you noteswhen they receivea gift even if theydon't like the gift.5. Well-bredchildrendon't slamdoors.24. Well-bred childrenobey therequests ofadults.98. Well-bredchildren do notdrop wrappers orgarbage on theground when outin public60. Well-bredchildren do notmumble. They speakclearly and loudlyenough for others tohear them withouthaving to strain theirears.47. Well-bredchildren showrespect towards theirgrandparents andmake the effort toengage in pleasantconversation withthem.70. Well-bredchildren do notread otherpeople'sjournals ordiaries.7. Well-bredchildren hang uptheir coats and puttheir shoes in thecloset when theyget home.99. Well-bredchildren do notspeak so loudlyas to disturbothers when in apublic space.45. Well-bredchildren practice theGolden Rule: Dounto others as youwould have them dounto you.23. Well-bred childrenalways offeran elder theirchair or seat.50. Well-bredchildren helptake care ofyounger siblingsand are kind tothem.67. Well-bredchildren keeptheir nails cleanand short. Theydo not bite theirnails.89. Well-bredchildren do notrinse theirmouth withdrink at thetable.56. Well-bredchildren donot put theirfingers in theirears or noses.62. Well-bred childrendo not jumpon furnitureor beds.63. Well-bredchildren do not tell afriend about a partythe friend wasn'tinvited to or anythingelse that might makethe friend feel left out.66. Well-bredchildren do notroll their eyesor curl theirupper lip atothers.78. Well-bredchildren do notbrag about theiraccomplishmentsor grades.92. Well-bredchildren don'tinterrupt adults whenthey are talking, andthey do not join theconversation unlessthey are invited.82. Well-bred childrenmind theirownbusiness.12. Well-bred childrenapologize if they breaksomething that belongsto someone else. (Anastute parent mayeven have themreplace it at their ownexpense.)65. Well-bredchildren do not yell(unless they areoutside playing) ortalk loudly overothers.

MANNERS - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 4. Well-bred children do not pull out a book and start reading or looking at their phones when in company, nor do they bring their phones to the dinner table.
  2. 94. ( "Excuse me, but..." is an interruption and not something well-bred children do.)
  3. 20. Well-bred children take small bites of food and finish chewing before they put fork to mouth again.
  4. 93. Well-bred children stand where their parents can see them, wait for their parents to pause in their conversation, and only speak when their parents have given them permission to.
  5. 84. Well-bred children do not constantly contradict others.
  6. 49. Well-bred children know right from wrong, and they act accordingly.
  7. 72, Well-bred children do not show happiness at another's misfortune, even if it is someone they don't like.
  8. 57. Well-bred children do not blow their noses at the table during meals and if they must, they do it very discreetly.
  9. 61. Well-bred children do not correct adults unless they are very discreet about it or in the case of an emergency.
  10. 36. Well-bred children offer to help someone out of consideration, and they try to offer before they are asked.
  11. 55. Well-bred children do not seek to be the center of attention.
  12. 74. Well-bred children do not argue with others for the sake of arguing.
  13. 21. Well-bred children wash their hands before and after eating.
  14. 9. Well-bred children do not touch things that do not belong to them without the owner's permission.
  15. 86. Well-bred children do not put their elbows on the table or lounge in their chairs when at meal.
  16. 88. Well-bred children do not blow on their food to cool it.
  17. 43. Well-bred children don't complain about their teachers to their parents without due cause such as physical harm.
  18. 22. Well-bred children dress respectfully and modestly so they don't offend others.
  19. 33. Well-bred children do not help themselves to the last serving of a dish at mealtime without offering it to others first.
  20. 80. Well-bred children don't speak hurtful words even in jest.
  21. 29. Well-bred children always make a third person feel welcome, and they don’t whisper when other people are present.
  22. 31. Well-bred children do not put their feet on the tables in their homes, and they would be ashamed to put their feet on a table in public or be seen with someone who does.
  23. 17. Well-bred children don't talk while yawning, and they do their best to cover the sound of a sigh.
  24. 8. Well-bred children pick up after themselves and put their things away when they are finished using them.
  25. 35. Well-bred children do not make unnecessary noises that may disturb others like tapping their feet on the floor or their fingers on the table.
  26. 34. Well-bred children always greet others with a pleasant expression or a smile. They ask others how they are upon first meeting, and they are genuinely interested in the reply.
  27. 44. Well-bred children do not use their cell phones when in company, and if for some reason they must, they take permission to step outside where it won't disturb the others.
  28. 28. Well-bred children do not gossip.
  29. 15. Well-bred children do not burp out loud, and if they do by mistake, they certainly don’t laugh about it. Instead they say, "Excuse me”. They never simulate a burb to be funny, because they know it’s not funny but rude.
  30. 51. Well-bred children do not throw fits of anger when denied what they want.
  31. 32. Well-bred children do not push others out of the way to get to something first, especially not a younger child or an adult.
  32. 58. Well-bred children never use their sleeve to wipe their nose or mouth.
  33. 77. Well-bred children do not share their parent’s mistakes for others to laugh at.
  34. 3. Well-bred children hold the door open for the elderly.
  35. 25. Well-bred children never complain about being bored. They are generally not in the habit of complaining.
  36. 95. Well-bred children clean up their messes in the kitchen.
  37. 1. Well-bred children look people in the eye when they speak to them.
  38. 10. Well-bred children say "thank you" to show appreciation when someone does something for them.
  39. 96. Well-bred children do not expect to be paid for doing daily chores.
  40. 2. Well-bred children listen attentively to their elders when they speak.
  41. 13. Well-bred children leave the bathroom tidy and clean for the next person.
  42. 76. Well-bred children do not eat in the car or while walking down the street.
  43. 52. Well-bred children when taken out for hot chocolate by a friend's parents, do not ask for cake too.
  44. 27. Well-bred children do not lie. They do not tattletale or whine either.
  45. 11. Well-bred children say "yes please" and "no, thank you" when they are asked if they would like something.
  46. 81. Well-bred children do not stare at others.
  47. 6. Well-bred children open and close cupboards quietly.
  48. 40. Well-bred children are generally considerate of other people.
  49. 16. Well-bred children cover their mouths when coughing or yawning.
  50. 26. Well-bred children do not talk back to their parents or elders.
  51. 87. Well-bred children wait to be served when they are a guest in someone's home.
  52. 46. Well-bred children do not moan and groan about the food they are served, and they eat everything on their plate whether they like it or not.
  53. 30. Well-bred children keep their teeth clean and their hair brushed.
  54. 69. Well-bred children do not look over someone's shoulder to see what they are reading or writing.
  55. 14. Well-bred children do not enter another’s room without permission. They also knock before entering when the door is closed.
  56. 39. Well-bred children do not play music loudly when it might disturb others including their neighbors.
  57. 48. Well-bred children do not show-off or try to make other people look foolish.
  58. 68. Well-bred children do not flatter people to seek favors.
  59. 41. Well-bred children do not complain about their parents to their friends.
  60. 97. Well-bred children do not swear, use crude language, or talk about private things that should be treated with modesty.
  61. 19. Well-bred children chew with their mouths closed, and they don't talk with food in their mouths.
  62. 71. Well-bred children do not spy or eavesdrop.
  63. 38. Well-bred children engage with their guests either when they have guests in their home, or when they are a guest in someone else's home.
  64. 101. Well-bred children greet the host and hostess when they arrive, and they say thank you when they leave.
  65. 85. Well-bred children do not get up from the dinner table without first asking permission.
  66. 100. Well-bred children speak politely to their parents and never shout to them from another room. Instead, they go to where their parents are and say what they need to say.
  67. 90. Well-bred children do not get angry at the table while eating.
  68. 18. Well-bred childen try hard not to yawn when in company so as not to appear bored.
  69. 37. Well-bred children make an effort to keep up friendly conversation when in company or when sharing meals.
  70. 42. Well-bred children take their clothes out of the laundry room as soon as they are done in case someone else wants to use it.
  71. 64. Well-bred children do not think they are better than other people.
  72. 91. Well-bred children do not make fun of others for being kind and good.
  73. 75. Well-bred children do not blame others, but they take responsibility for their actions and choices.
  74. 83. Well-bred children keep their promises.
  75. 59. Well-bred children reply in complete sentences when they are spoken to.
  76. 79. Well-bred children do not burst out laughing in company without reasonable cause.
  77. 73. Well-bred children do not mock others, especially not their parents, or make fun of imperfections or idiosyncrasies others cannot help.
  78. 54. Well-bred children know how to share with others.
  79. 53. Well-bred children send thank you notes when they receive a gift even if they don't like the gift.
  80. 5. Well-bred children don't slam doors.
  81. 24. Well-bred children obey the requests of adults.
  82. 98. Well-bred children do not drop wrappers or garbage on the ground when out in public
  83. 60. Well-bred children do not mumble. They speak clearly and loudly enough for others to hear them without having to strain their ears.
  84. 47. Well-bred children show respect towards their grandparents and make the effort to engage in pleasant conversation with them.
  85. 70. Well-bred children do not read other people's journals or diaries.
  86. 7. Well-bred children hang up their coats and put their shoes in the closet when they get home.
  87. 99. Well-bred children do not speak so loudly as to disturb others when in a public space.
  88. 45. Well-bred children practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  89. 23. Well-bred children always offer an elder their chair or seat.
  90. 50. Well-bred children help take care of younger siblings and are kind to them.
  91. 67. Well-bred children keep their nails clean and short. They do not bite their nails.
  92. 89. Well-bred children do not rinse their mouth with drink at the table.
  93. 56. Well-bred children do not put their fingers in their ears or noses.
  94. 62. Well-bred children do not jump on furniture or beds.
  95. 63. Well-bred children do not tell a friend about a party the friend wasn't invited to or anything else that might make the friend feel left out.
  96. 66. Well-bred children do not roll their eyes or curl their upper lip at others.
  97. 78. Well-bred children do not brag about their accomplishments or grades.
  98. 92. Well-bred children don't interrupt adults when they are talking, and they do not join the conversation unless they are invited.
  99. 82. Well-bred children mind their own business.
  100. 12. Well-bred children apologize if they break something that belongs to someone else. (An astute parent may even have them replace it at their own expense.)
  101. 65. Well-bred children do not yell (unless they are outside playing) or talk loudly over others.