CLUTCH CRIT!! A sacrifice was made RAID!!! Half the team dies in one battle Hampy does their complete stick A Pokémon Dies Hampy does Math RUN IS DEAD Hampy uses Google Pokémon evolves Hampy gets a Pokémon that wasn't caught "CALLED IT!" Hampy curses a game mechanic ESCAPE ARTIST Hampy mimics a 'Mon "You just made the list!" Hall of Fame- encounter Gym Badge won Fail to catch a New Pokémon Grinding or Feeding time™ Status condition Death by crit?! Hampy can't English Hampy critiques Pokémon CLUTCH CRIT!! A sacrifice was made RAID!!! Half the team dies in one battle Hampy does their complete stick A Pokémon Dies Hampy does Math RUN IS DEAD Hampy uses Google Pokémon evolves Hampy gets a Pokémon that wasn't caught "CALLED IT!" Hampy curses a game mechanic ESCAPE ARTIST Hampy mimics a 'Mon "You just made the list!" Hall of Fame- encounter Gym Badge won Fail to catch a New Pokémon Grinding or Feeding time™ Status condition Death by crit?! Hampy can't English Hampy critiques Pokémon
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
A sacrifice was made
Half the team dies in one battle
Hampy does their complete stick
A Pokémon Dies
Hampy does Math
Hampy uses Google
Pokémon evolves
Hampy gets a Pokémon that wasn't caught
Hampy curses a game mechanic
Hampy mimics a 'Mon
"You just made the list!"
Hall of Fame-encounter
Gym Badge won
Fail to catch a New Pokémon
Grinding or Feeding time™
Status condition
Death by crit?!
Hampy can't English
Hampy critiques Pokémon