Misshapenred cells canstick together,blocking bloodvesselsRO subtypemuch morecommon inthe blackpopulationRO will notalways beon line 4 ofthe DSCRO is avariation ofsubtype of theRh Positiveblood groupsystemRO Bloodis rare andin highdemandRO blood can beused for treatmentfor Sickle CellDisease and otherspecific illnessesExtensivelymatchedblood isbetter whentreating SCDRO is anextremely rareblood typefound in only3% of donorsOrgan failure,excruciating pain,Swelling & manyothers are allsymptoms of SCDWe can offerprioritybookings forRO donors300+ babiesare borneach yearwith SCDO Neg canbe used as asubstitute forRO bloodWe onlybleed ROsubtype intoFQE packsRed cell exchangeis the when thepersons red cellsare removed &replaced with donorred cellsROdonation isimportantand valuedRO blood isso rare itsonly found in1% of thepopulationDemand forRO blood isincreasingby 10-15%each yearSickle celldisorder cellsare misshapenred blood cellsDuring the red cellexchange theperson’s plasmaand platelets arenot altered andsimply returned15,000people inthe UKhave SCDMisshapenred cells canstick together,blocking bloodvesselsRO subtypemuch morecommon inthe blackpopulationRO will notalways beon line 4 ofthe DSCRO is avariation ofsubtype of theRh Positiveblood groupsystemRO Bloodis rare andin highdemandRO blood can beused for treatmentfor Sickle CellDisease and otherspecific illnessesExtensivelymatchedblood isbetter whentreating SCDRO is anextremely rareblood typefound in only3% of donorsOrgan failure,excruciating pain,Swelling & manyothers are allsymptoms of SCDWe can offerprioritybookings forRO donors300+ babiesare borneach yearwith SCDO Neg canbe used as asubstitute forRO bloodWe onlybleed ROsubtype intoFQE packsRed cell exchangeis the when thepersons red cellsare removed &replaced with donorred cellsROdonation isimportantand valuedRO blood isso rare itsonly found in1% of thepopulationDemand forRO blood isincreasingby 10-15%each yearSickle celldisorder cellsare misshapenred blood cellsDuring the red cellexchange theperson’s plasmaand platelets arenot altered andsimply returned15,000people inthe UKhave SCD

RO Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Misshapen red cells can stick together, blocking blood vessels
  2. RO subtype much more common in the black population
  3. RO will not always be on line 4 of the DSC
  4. RO is a variation of subtype of the Rh Positive blood group system
  5. RO Blood is rare and in high demand
  6. RO blood can be used for treatment for Sickle Cell Disease and other specific illnesses
  7. Extensively matched blood is better when treating SCD
  8. RO is an extremely rare blood type found in only 3% of donors
  9. Organ failure, excruciating pain, Swelling & many others are all symptoms of SCD
  10. We can offer priority bookings for RO donors
  11. 300+ babies are born each year with SCD
  12. O Neg can be used as a substitute for RO blood
  13. We only bleed RO subtype into FQE packs
  14. Red cell exchange is the when the persons red cells are removed & replaced with donor red cells
  15. RO donation is important and valued
  16. RO blood is so rare its only found in 1% of the population
  17. Demand for RO blood is increasing by 10-15% each year
  18. Sickle cell disorder cells are misshapen red blood cells
  19. During the red cell exchange the person’s plasma and platelets are not altered and simply returned
  20. 15,000 people in the UK have SCD