Fannie LouHamerOne of themostinfluentialBlack votingrights activists    Jackie Ormesthe first Blackwoman cartoonistand creator of theTorchy Brown comicstrip and the Patty-Jo 'n' Ginger panel   bell hooksHer writing on genderand race helped pushfeminism beyond itswhite, middle-classworldview to includethe voices of Black andworking-class women.Known for “Ain’t I awoman?”    WiltChamberlainRegarded as one ofthe best basketballplayers ever, he isthe only player toscore 100 points in asingle NBA game    Lewis LatimerHe created a filament thatextended the life of thebulb. This made the lightbulb cheaper and moreefficient, making it possiblefor them to be used on thestreets and in the averageperson’s home.   CathayWilliamsthe only documentedBlack woman toserve in the UnionArmy. She served for3 years under theguise of being a man.   MistyCopelandthe first AfricanAmerican FemalePrincipal Dancerwith theprestigiousAmerican BalletTheatre   BessieColemanShe became thefirst AfricanAmerican womanto get both anational andinternational pilot’slicense.   DebiThomasShe is the onlyAfrican-Americanto win a medal infigure skating inthe WinterOlympics,     Claudette ColvinRefused to go tothe back of thebus in 1955(March 2), 8months beforeRosa Parks did(Dec 1)    Steve HensonCredited withcreating whatwe know todayas Ranchdressing    Fannie LouHamerOne of themostinfluentialBlack votingrights activists    Jackie Ormesthe first Blackwoman cartoonistand creator of theTorchy Brown comicstrip and the Patty-Jo 'n' Ginger panel   bell hooksHer writing on genderand race helped pushfeminism beyond itswhite, middle-classworldview to includethe voices of Black andworking-class women.Known for “Ain’t I awoman?”    WiltChamberlainRegarded as one ofthe best basketballplayers ever, he isthe only player toscore 100 points in asingle NBA game    Lewis LatimerHe created a filament thatextended the life of thebulb. This made the lightbulb cheaper and moreefficient, making it possiblefor them to be used on thestreets and in the averageperson’s home.   CathayWilliamsthe only documentedBlack woman toserve in the UnionArmy. She served for3 years under theguise of being a man.   MistyCopelandthe first AfricanAmerican FemalePrincipal Dancerwith theprestigiousAmerican BalletTheatre   BessieColemanShe became thefirst AfricanAmerican womanto get both anational andinternational pilot’slicense.   DebiThomasShe is the onlyAfrican-Americanto win a medal infigure skating inthe WinterOlympics,     Claudette ColvinRefused to go tothe back of thebus in 1955(March 2), 8months beforeRosa Parks did(Dec 1)    Steve HensonCredited withcreating whatwe know todayas Ranchdressing

PASS Black History Month Bingo- Hidden Figures - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. One of the most influential Black voting rights activists
    Fannie Lou Hamer
  2. the first Black woman cartoonist and creator of the Torchy Brown comic strip and the Patty-Jo 'n' Ginger panel
    Jackie Ormes
  3. Her writing on gender and race helped push feminism beyond its white, middle-class worldview to include the voices of Black and working-class women. Known for “Ain’t I a woman?”
    bell hooks
  4. Regarded as one of the best basketball players ever, he is the only player to score 100 points in a single NBA game
    Wilt Chamberlain
  5. He created a filament that extended the life of the bulb. This made the light bulb cheaper and more efficient, making it possible for them to be used on the streets and in the average person’s home.
    Lewis Latimer
  6. the only documented Black woman to serve in the Union Army. She served for 3 years under the guise of being a man.
    Cathay Williams
  7. the first African American Female Principal Dancer with the prestigious American Ballet Theatre
    Misty Copeland
  8. She became the first African American woman to get both a national and international pilot’s license.
    Bessie Coleman
  9. She is the only African-American to win a medal in figure skating in the Winter Olympics,
    Debi Thomas
  10. Refused to go to the back of the bus in 1955 (March 2), 8 months before Rosa Parks did (Dec 1)
    Claudette Colvin
  11. Credited with creating what we know today as Ranch dressing
    Steve Henson