Dr. FrankPinderHe was the firstUSAID MissionDirector. Heserved asUSAID/GhanaMission Director1966–1971.     Edward E. DudleyHe was the first BlackAmbassador. He wasappointed Minister toLiberia in 1948 andpromoted toAmbassador toLiberia in 1949.      John LewisOne of the "Big Six"leaders of the civilrights movement inthe 1960s, hecontinued to fight forpeople's rights sincejoining Congress in1987.    EbenezerBassettFirst appointedAfrican-Americandiplomat. He wasMinister Residentand Consul Generalin Haiti from 1869 to1877.    Colin PowellHe was the firstappointed UnitedStates Secretary ofState. He wasappointed byPresident GeorgeW. Bush.     Linda Thomas-GreenfieldShe was nominated byPresident Joseph R. Biden,Jr. to be the Representativeof the United States ofAmerica to the UnitedNations as well as the USArep in the Security Councilof the United Nations onJanuary 20, 2021. Prior tothis appointment    Patricia RobertsHarrisShe was the firstAfrican AmericanWoman in U.S. historyto hold the rank ofambassador when shewas appointed asAmbassador toLuxembourg on June4, 1965.    ThurgoodMarshallHe was the Court'sfirst African-Americanjustice; he serveduntil 1991. He wasalso a lawyer andcivil rights activist.   MarcusGarveyHe was a Jamaican-bornBlack nationalist and leaderof the Pan-Africanismmovement, which sought tounify and connect people ofAfrican descent worldwide.In the United States, hewas a noted civil rightsactivist.     Susan E. RiceThe AssistantSecretary ofState forAfrican Affairsof the UnitedStates   Ruth A.DavisThe first African-American woman tobe promoted to therank of CareerAmbassador, thehighest rank in theForeign Service.    Dr. FrankPinderHe was the firstUSAID MissionDirector. Heserved asUSAID/GhanaMission Director1966–1971.     Edward E. DudleyHe was the first BlackAmbassador. He wasappointed Minister toLiberia in 1948 andpromoted toAmbassador toLiberia in 1949.      John LewisOne of the "Big Six"leaders of the civilrights movement inthe 1960s, hecontinued to fight forpeople's rights sincejoining Congress in1987.    EbenezerBassettFirst appointedAfrican-Americandiplomat. He wasMinister Residentand Consul Generalin Haiti from 1869 to1877.    Colin PowellHe was the firstappointed UnitedStates Secretary ofState. He wasappointed byPresident GeorgeW. Bush.     Linda Thomas-GreenfieldShe was nominated byPresident Joseph R. Biden,Jr. to be the Representativeof the United States ofAmerica to the UnitedNations as well as the USArep in the Security Councilof the United Nations onJanuary 20, 2021. Prior tothis appointment    Patricia RobertsHarrisShe was the firstAfrican AmericanWoman in U.S. historyto hold the rank ofambassador when shewas appointed asAmbassador toLuxembourg on June4, 1965.    ThurgoodMarshallHe was the Court'sfirst African-Americanjustice; he serveduntil 1991. He wasalso a lawyer andcivil rights activist.   MarcusGarveyHe was a Jamaican-bornBlack nationalist and leaderof the Pan-Africanismmovement, which sought tounify and connect people ofAfrican descent worldwide.In the United States, hewas a noted civil rightsactivist.     Susan E. RiceThe AssistantSecretary ofState forAfrican Affairsof the UnitedStates   Ruth A.DavisThe first African-American woman tobe promoted to therank of CareerAmbassador, thehighest rank in theForeign Service. 

PASS Bingo- Blacks in Gov and Foreign Policy - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. He was the first USAID Mission Director. He served as USAID/Ghana Mission Director 1966–1971.
    Dr. Frank Pinder
  2. He was the first Black Ambassador. He was appointed Minister to Liberia in 1948 and promoted to Ambassador to Liberia in 1949.
    Edward E. Dudley
  3. One of the "Big Six" leaders of the civil rights movement in the 1960s, he continued to fight for people's rights since joining Congress in 1987.
    John Lewis
  4. First appointed African-American diplomat. He was Minister Resident and Consul General in Haiti from 1869 to 1877.
    Ebenezer Bassett
  5. He was the first appointed United States Secretary of State. He was appointed by President George W. Bush.
    Colin Powell
  6. She was nominated by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. to be the Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations as well as the USA rep in the Security Council of the United Nations on January 20, 2021. Prior to this appointment
    Linda Thomas-Greenfield
  7. She was the first African American Woman in U.S. history to hold the rank of ambassador when she was appointed as Ambassador to Luxembourg on June 4, 1965.
    Patricia Roberts Harris
  8. He was the Court's first African-American justice; he served until 1991. He was also a lawyer and civil rights activist.
    Thurgood Marshall
  9. He was a Jamaican-born Black nationalist and leader of the Pan-Africanism movement, which sought to unify and connect people of African descent worldwide. In the United States, he was a noted civil rights activist.
    Marcus Garvey
  10. The Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs of the United States
    Susan E. Rice
  11. The first African-American woman to be promoted to the rank of Career Ambassador, the highest rank in the Foreign Service.
    Ruth A. Davis