Dragon Rider Lance Any Raksha Codex Make Royal Crossbow Pernix Chaps Mazcab Ability Codex Seismic Drop Get any drygore Telos Orb Set >:) Broadcast from a Clue Kerapac Broadcast Complete Araxxor Leg Obtain unique from each gwd1 boss Make Lanikea Spear from scratch Sigil from Corp 3 Kiln Kills Virtus Robe Top Croesus Broadcast Complete Ascension Crossbow Obtain dragon axe from DKS Any GWD2 Crest Arch Glacor Broadcast Torva Boots Rise of the six Shield Barrows Set Any Boss Pet Dragon Rider Lance Any Raksha Codex Make Royal Crossbow Pernix Chaps Mazcab Ability Codex Seismic Drop Get any drygore Telos Orb Set >:) Broadcast from a Clue Kerapac Broadcast Complete Araxxor Leg Obtain unique from each gwd1 boss Make Lanikea Spear from scratch Sigil from Corp 3 Kiln Kills Virtus Robe Top Croesus Broadcast Complete Ascension Crossbow Obtain dragon axe from DKS Any GWD2 Crest Arch Glacor Broadcast Torva Boots Rise of the six Shield Barrows Set Any Boss Pet
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
N-Dragon Rider Lance
B-Any Raksha Codex
N-Make Royal Crossbow
G-Pernix Chaps
I-Mazcab Ability Codex
N-Seismic Drop
N-Get any drygore
Telos Orb Set >:)
N-Broadcast from a Clue
O-Kerapac Broadcast
I-Complete Araxxor Leg
B-Obtain unique from each gwd1 boss
B-Make Lanikea Spear from scratch
G-Sigil from Corp
O-3 Kiln Kills
O-Virtus Robe Top
I-Croesus Broadcast
G-Complete Ascension Crossbow
I-Obtain dragon axe from DKS
I-Any GWD2 Crest
G-Arch Glacor Broadcast
B-Torva Boots
O-Rise of the six
G-Barrows Set
B-Any Boss Pet