Salem Trails Federalists Senate Quartering Act House of Representatives Anti Federalists 5th amendment Thomas Jefferson Bias News Cohens vs Virginia 2nd Amendment King George Democratic - Republic Party No Taxation without representation The Revolutionary War 1st Amendment XYZ Affair Sacajawea Constitution Native Americans Stamp Act John Adams Peace Treaty Madbury vs Madison John Winthrop French & Indian War The Declaration of Independence Alexander Hamilton Salem Trails Federalists Senate Quartering Act House of Representatives Anti Federalists 5th amendment Thomas Jefferson Bias News Cohens vs Virginia 2nd Amendment King George Democratic - Republic Party No Taxation without representation The Revolutionary War 1st Amendment XYZ Affair Sacajawea Constitution Native Americans Stamp Act John Adams Peace Treaty Madbury vs Madison John Winthrop French & Indian War The Declaration of Independence Alexander Hamilton
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
G-Salem Trails
O-Quartering Act
N-House of Representatives
N-Anti Federalists
O-5th amendment
N-Thomas Jefferson
O-Bias News
I-Cohens vs Virginia
G-2nd Amendment
B-King George
G-Democratic - Republic Party
B-No Taxation without representation
B-The Revolutionary War
B-1st Amendment
G-XYZ Affair
I-Native Americans
N-Stamp Act
O-John Adams
N-Peace Treaty
I-Madbury vs Madison
B-John Winthrop
I-French & Indian War
O-The Declaration of Independence
B-Alexander Hamilton