Studentsshould comeprepared &ready to learnBarrier fromthe employerperspective isSTAFFINGStudentsshould striveto leave therotation abetter personBenefit ofintegratingstudents intopractice includedecreasingmedication errorsStudentextenders canimprovepatient safety& outcomesStudents areintegrated into thenew rotationalmethods byinteracting withthepreceptor/mentorStudentextenderscan improvecoremeasures#2 barrier forstudents aspharmacistextenders isRESOURCESStudentsshouldensurepatientconfidentialityStudentextenders canADVOCATE forthe profession& patientStudentextendersallow focuson directpatient careStudentextenderscan increasesatisfactionStudents can beintegrated into thenew rotationalmethods long term(partnership)#1 barrier forstudents aspharmacistextenders isTIMEBarrier fromthe employerperspective isTRAINING#3 barrier forstudents aspharmacistextenders isSTUDENTATTITUDEStudent extendersare able to applyknowledge andbecome practice-ready pharmacistsStudentsintegrated into thenew rotationalmethods willpossess residencypotentialIntegratingstudents intopractice can leadto an increase inRx and decreasein readmissionsPharmacistextender- personnelwho is overseen bya pharmacist &allows pharmacist tobroaden his/herscope of practiceStudentsshould strive toleave therotation betterthan you founditBenefit ofintegratingstudents intopractice includeincreasing MTMinterventionsStudentsshouldensurebusinessconfidentialityBarrier from theemployerperspective isKEEPING UPWITHDOCUMENTATIONStudentsshould comeprepared &ready to learnBarrier fromthe employerperspective isSTAFFINGStudentsshould striveto leave therotation abetter personBenefit ofintegratingstudents intopractice includedecreasingmedication errorsStudentextenders canimprovepatient safety& outcomesStudents areintegrated into thenew rotationalmethods byinteracting withthepreceptor/mentorStudentextenderscan improvecoremeasures#2 barrier forstudents aspharmacistextenders isRESOURCESStudentsshouldensurepatientconfidentialityStudentextenders canADVOCATE forthe profession& patientStudentextendersallow focuson directpatient careStudentextenderscan increasesatisfactionStudents can beintegrated into thenew rotationalmethods long term(partnership)#1 barrier forstudents aspharmacistextenders isTIMEBarrier fromthe employerperspective isTRAINING#3 barrier forstudents aspharmacistextenders isSTUDENTATTITUDEStudent extendersare able to applyknowledge andbecome practice-ready pharmacistsStudentsintegrated into thenew rotationalmethods willpossess residencypotentialIntegratingstudents intopractice can leadto an increase inRx and decreasein readmissionsPharmacistextender- personnelwho is overseen bya pharmacist &allows pharmacist tobroaden his/herscope of practiceStudentsshould strive toleave therotation betterthan you founditBenefit ofintegratingstudents intopractice includeincreasing MTMinterventionsStudentsshouldensurebusinessconfidentialityBarrier from theemployerperspective isKEEPING UPWITHDOCUMENTATION

Students as Pharmacists Extenders - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Students should come prepared & ready to learn
  2. Barrier from the employer perspective is STAFFING
  3. Students should strive to leave the rotation a better person
  4. Benefit of integrating students into practice include decreasing medication errors
  5. Student extenders can improve patient safety & outcomes
  6. Students are integrated into the new rotational methods by interacting with the preceptor/mentor
  7. Student extenders can improve core measures
  8. #2 barrier for students as pharmacist extenders is RESOURCES
  9. Students should ensure patient confidentiality
  10. Student extenders can ADVOCATE for the profession & patient
  11. Student extenders allow focus on direct patient care
  12. Student extenders can increase satisfaction
  13. Students can be integrated into the new rotational methods long term (partnership)
  14. #1 barrier for students as pharmacist extenders is TIME
  15. Barrier from the employer perspective is TRAINING
  16. #3 barrier for students as pharmacist extenders is STUDENT ATTITUDE
  17. Student extenders are able to apply knowledge and become practice-ready pharmacists
  18. Students integrated into the new rotational methods will possess residency potential
  19. Integrating students into practice can lead to an increase in Rx and decrease in readmissions
  20. Pharmacist extender- personnel who is overseen by a pharmacist & allows pharmacist to broaden his/her scope of practice
  21. Students should strive to leave the rotation better than you found it
  22. Benefit of integrating students into practice include increasing MTM interventions
  23. Students should ensure business confidentiality
  24. Barrier from the employer perspective is KEEPING UP WITH DOCUMENTATION