Lane change/Merge accident Insured hit a deer Insured struck while p/u with ID on V2 Stereo stolen Insured struck a stationary object Insured has no COL coverage/Members assist Vandalism with stolen items Insured rearended V2 Repo Claim Solo Loss Insured struck City property (Pole, etc) Insured policy ends with a 7 Insured vehicle caught fire Insured struck a vehicle on the policy Loss involving insured in a hertz car Insured struck a parked vehicle V2 injured and triaged to casualty Insured lives in Stockton Hit & Run, no ID on V2 Parking lot backing loss Insured vehicle stolen Any three car accident Claim involving a bicyclist State Farm insurance reported the loss Lane change/Merge accident Insured hit a deer Insured struck while p/u with ID on V2 Stereo stolen Insured struck a stationary object Insured has no COL coverage/Members assist Vandalism with stolen items Insured rearended V2 Repo Claim Solo Loss Insured struck City property (Pole, etc) Insured policy ends with a 7 Insured vehicle caught fire Insured struck a vehicle on the policy Loss involving insured in a hertz car Insured struck a parked vehicle V2 injured and triaged to casualty Insured lives in Stockton Hit & Run, no ID on V2 Parking lot backing loss Insured vehicle stolen Any three car accident Claim involving a bicyclist State Farm insurance reported the loss
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Lane change/Merge accident
Insured hit a deer
Insured struck while p/u with ID on V2
Stereo stolen
Insured struck a stationary object
Insured has no COL coverage/Members assist
Vandalism with stolen items
Insured rearended V2
Repo Claim
Solo Loss
Insured struck City property (Pole, etc)
Insured policy ends with a 7
Insured vehicle caught fire
Insured struck a vehicle on the policy
Loss involving insured in a hertz car
Insured struck a parked vehicle
V2 injured and triaged to casualty
Insured lives in Stockton
Hit & Run, no ID on V2
Parking lot backing loss
Insured vehicle stolen
Any three car accident
Claim involving a bicyclist
State Farm insurance reported the loss