Write a storywheresomebodytells a lie &regrets itWrite aboutan event inyour life whichhas angeredyou the most.Write about ascene in whichsomeonechooses to staysilentResearch theorigins of a certaininvention & writeabout how/why itwas made.Choosesomeone fromthe past & writea story aboutthem in themodern world.Write astarter'sguide for oneof yourhobbiesDescribe the1st memoryyou canremember.Write a newsarticle that talksabout yourmost recentachievement.Choose aconspiracytheory toprove/disprove.Recall alesson thatparents triedto impart onyou as a childMap out a road tripacross the countrywith 5 stops. Writewhy people shouldvisit theselocations.Create a list ofyour top 10favorite songs &an explanation forwhy you love eachtrack.Describe ascene aboutsomeonebeingstereotypedThe walls in Ms.Hildebran'sroom can nowtalk. What dothey see/hear?Describe thebest mealyou've evereaten inEXTREMEdetailWrite areview foryour lunchtoday.Write a shortbiographicalarticle abouta person youadmire.Pick a piece ofart, tell its story,and write aboutwhat the artistintended with itPick a currentsocial mediatrend & writeabout how itbegan.Write a piecesupportingan unpopularopinion youhave.Create a timelineof events formyour life by usingnewspaperheadlinesChoose ahistoricwar/battle &write from thelosers point ofviewWrite aboutan experiencethat led to abig change inyour life.Think aboutyour goals inlife & write amissionstatement.Write a storywheresomebodytells a lie &regrets itWrite aboutan event inyour life whichhas angeredyou the most.Write about ascene in whichsomeonechooses to staysilentResearch theorigins of a certaininvention & writeabout how/why itwas made.Choosesomeone fromthe past & writea story aboutthem in themodern world.Write astarter'sguide for oneof yourhobbiesDescribe the1st memoryyou canremember.Write a newsarticle that talksabout yourmost recentachievement.Choose aconspiracytheory toprove/disprove.Recall alesson thatparents triedto impart onyou as a childMap out a road tripacross the countrywith 5 stops. Writewhy people shouldvisit theselocations.Create a list ofyour top 10favorite songs &an explanation forwhy you love eachtrack.Describe ascene aboutsomeonebeingstereotypedThe walls in Ms.Hildebran'sroom can nowtalk. What dothey see/hear?Describe thebest mealyou've evereaten inEXTREMEdetailWrite areview foryour lunchtoday.Write a shortbiographicalarticle abouta person youadmire.Pick a piece ofart, tell its story,and write aboutwhat the artistintended with itPick a currentsocial mediatrend & writeabout how itbegan.Write a piecesupportingan unpopularopinion youhave.Create a timelineof events formyour life by usingnewspaperheadlinesChoose ahistoricwar/battle &write from thelosers point ofviewWrite aboutan experiencethat led to abig change inyour life.Think aboutyour goals inlife & write amissionstatement.

Creative Writing Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Write a story where somebody tells a lie & regrets it
  2. Write about an event in your life which has angered you the most.
  3. Write about a scene in which someone chooses to stay silent
  4. Research the origins of a certain invention & write about how/why it was made.
  5. Choose someone from the past & write a story about them in the modern world.
  6. Write a starter's guide for one of your hobbies
  7. Describe the 1st memory you can remember.
  8. Write a news article that talks about your most recent achievement.
  9. Choose a conspiracy theory to prove/disprove.
  10. Recall a lesson that parents tried to impart on you as a child
  11. Map out a road trip across the country with 5 stops. Write why people should visit these locations.
  12. Create a list of your top 10 favorite songs & an explanation for why you love each track.
  13. Describe a scene about someone being stereotyped
  14. The walls in Ms. Hildebran's room can now talk. What do they see/hear?
  15. Describe the best meal you've ever eaten in EXTREME detail
  16. Write a review for your lunch today.
  17. Write a short biographical article about a person you admire.
  18. Pick a piece of art, tell its story, and write about what the artist intended with it
  19. Pick a current social media trend & write about how it began.
  20. Write a piece supporting an unpopular opinion you have.
  21. Create a timeline of events form your life by using newspaper headlines
  22. Choose a historic war/battle & write from the losers point of view
  23. Write about an experience that led to a big change in your life.
  24. Think about your goals in life & write a mission statement.