Walkstairs 3days thisweek!Take aminimum of3,000 stepstoday!Take a 10minute stretchbreak at work3 times thisweek!Do a set of20 sit-ups,for at least 3days thisweek!Do a health/wellnessscreen atwork thisweek!Do 1 thing forself- care thisweek! ( Yoga,Nap, Nails,YOU TIME!)Do somethingactive you'venever done !Bespontaneous!Exchange 2snacks thisweek with ahealthysnack!Do 1randomact ofkindness!Sit down with agood book orreading material2 times thisweek beforebed!Make ahealthy mealchoice 3times thisweek!Enjoy natureby walking orbiking 3times thisweek!Schedule anyphysicals,screenings, orexams you needto check on yourhealth this year!Do a differentform ofworkout 3days thisweek!Take a mentalhealth break!Check out ourmental healthresources onSCS webpage!Count yourcalories 3days thisweek!Eat 1-2servings offruit 3 daysthis week!Drink 60ozof water 5days thisweek!Exercise witha coworker orfriend 3 timesthis week for30 minutes!Park Fartherfrom yourbuilding 3times thisweek!Keep a food journal 3days this weekrecording what,when, and howmuch you ate! ( ordownload a nutritionapp) ( Myfitnesspal)Watch a funnymovie with afriend thisweek, or find away to LAUGH!ReplaceSoda orCoffee withWater 3 timesthis week!Surprise aCoworkerwith ahealthy treat!Walkstairs 3days thisweek!Take aminimum of3,000 stepstoday!Take a 10minute stretchbreak at work3 times thisweek!Do a set of20 sit-ups,for at least 3days thisweek!Do a health/wellnessscreen atwork thisweek!Do 1 thing forself- care thisweek! ( Yoga,Nap, Nails,YOU TIME!)Do somethingactive you'venever done !Bespontaneous!Exchange 2snacks thisweek with ahealthysnack!Do 1randomact ofkindness!Sit down with agood book orreading material2 times thisweek beforebed!Make ahealthy mealchoice 3times thisweek!Enjoy natureby walking orbiking 3times thisweek!Schedule anyphysicals,screenings, orexams you needto check on yourhealth this year!Do a differentform ofworkout 3days thisweek!Take a mentalhealth break!Check out ourmental healthresources onSCS webpage!Count yourcalories 3days thisweek!Eat 1-2servings offruit 3 daysthis week!Drink 60ozof water 5days thisweek!Exercise witha coworker orfriend 3 timesthis week for30 minutes!Park Fartherfrom yourbuilding 3times thisweek!Keep a food journal 3days this weekrecording what,when, and howmuch you ate! ( ordownload a nutritionapp) ( Myfitnesspal)Watch a funnymovie with afriend thisweek, or find away to LAUGH!ReplaceSoda orCoffee withWater 3 timesthis week!Surprise aCoworkerwith ahealthy treat!

Selma City Schools Wellness Bingo Challenge! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Walk stairs 3 days this week!
  2. Take a minimum of 3,000 steps today!
  3. Take a 10 minute stretch break at work 3 times this week!
  4. Do a set of 20 sit-ups, for at least 3 days this week!
  5. Do a health/ wellness screen at work this week!
  6. Do 1 thing for self- care this week! ( Yoga, Nap, Nails, YOU TIME!)
  7. Do something active you've never done ! Be spontaneous!
  8. Exchange 2 snacks this week with a healthy snack!
  9. Do 1 random act of kindness!
  10. Sit down with a good book or reading material 2 times this week before bed!
  11. Make a healthy meal choice 3 times this week!
  12. Enjoy nature by walking or biking 3 times this week!
  13. Schedule any physicals, screenings, or exams you need to check on your health this year!
  14. Do a different form of workout 3 days this week!
  15. Take a mental health break! Check out our mental health resources on SCS webpage!
  16. Count your calories 3 days this week!
  17. Eat 1-2 servings of fruit 3 days this week!
  18. Drink 60oz of water 5 days this week!
  19. Exercise with a coworker or friend 3 times this week for 30 minutes!
  20. Park Farther from your building 3 times this week!
  21. Keep a food journal 3 days this week recording what ,when, and how much you ate! ( or download a nutrition app) ( Myfitnesspal)
  22. Watch a funny movie with a friend this week, or find a way to LAUGH!
  23. Replace Soda or Coffee with Water 3 times this week!
  24. Surprise a Coworker with a healthy treat!