Submissionof amisconductreportNotifies a studentthat behavior isinconsistent withexpectations but hasno immediate effectupon a classes orstudent's statusBy placing anumber nextto eachdefinitionbelowFaculty, staff, orstudent submittingreport about apotential conductviolation that mayhave occurredUniversityprocedureto processviolationsNot prejudicedtowards oragainst anyparticular sideor party; fairan action ordirective focuseson the needs ofthe victims andthe offenders, aswell as communityDescribes behaviorinconsistent withUniversity valuesand steps forhearing, violationsand sanctionsrepresenting thewords or ideas ofanother as one’sown in anyacademic exerciseSelected bycomplainant orrespondent toaccompanythrough thehearing processan action ordirective focuseson the needs ofthe victims andthe offenders, aswell as communityassigned as aresult of beingresponsible for acode violation, thepurpose of whichis to redirectbehaviorReviewing todetermine whethera student is “morelikely than not”responsible formisconductAn allegationthat a specificsection of theCode may bebrokenStudent namedin Conductreport aspotentially inviolation ofcode of conductRequest forcasereview aftera hearingRequiring astudent to leaveuniversitypermanently ormay be prohibitedfrom campusremoval from theuniversity for one-semester+; tofosterresponsibility,decision-makingand changeprocess ofthoughtfullyweighing options,usually prior togroup deciding thefinal decisionNot prejudicedtowards oragainst anyparticular sideor party; fairformal meetingwhere reportingperson, cited studentto hear statements,experience and/orobservationsDOS staff memberwho manages aconduct case,schedules ,facilitates thehearing and guidesperson who hasinformation onincident andasked to statewhat they haveobserved orexperiencedDescribes behaviorinconsistent withUniversity valuesand steps forhearing, violationsand sanctionsSubmissionof amisconductreportNotifies a studentthat behavior isinconsistent withexpectations but hasno immediate effectupon a classes orstudent's statusBy placing anumber nextto eachdefinitionbelowFaculty, staff, orstudent submittingreport about apotential conductviolation that mayhave occurredUniversityprocedureto processviolationsNot prejudicedtowards oragainst anyparticular sideor party; fairan action ordirective focuseson the needs ofthe victims andthe offenders, aswell as communityDescribes behaviorinconsistent withUniversity valuesand steps forhearing, violationsand sanctionsrepresenting thewords or ideas ofanother as one’sown in anyacademic exerciseSelected bycomplainant orrespondent toaccompanythrough thehearing processan action ordirective focuseson the needs ofthe victims andthe offenders, aswell as communityassigned as aresult of beingresponsible for acode violation, thepurpose of whichis to redirectbehaviorReviewing todetermine whethera student is “morelikely than not”responsible formisconductAn allegationthat a specificsection of theCode may bebrokenStudent namedin Conductreport aspotentially inviolation ofcode of conductRequest forcasereview aftera hearingRequiring astudent to leaveuniversitypermanently ormay be prohibitedfrom campusremoval from theuniversity for one-semester+; tofosterresponsibility,decision-makingand changeprocess ofthoughtfullyweighing options,usually prior togroup deciding thefinal decisionNot prejudicedtowards oragainst anyparticular sideor party; fairformal meetingwhere reportingperson, cited studentto hear statements,experience and/orobservationsDOS staff memberwho manages aconduct case,schedules ,facilitates thehearing and guidesperson who hasinformation onincident andasked to statewhat they haveobserved orexperiencedDescribes behaviorinconsistent withUniversity valuesand steps forhearing, violationsand sanctions


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Submission of a misconduct report
  2. Notifies a student that behavior is inconsistent with expectations but has no immediate effect upon a classes or student's status
  3. By placing a number next to each definition below
  4. Faculty, staff, or student submitting report about a potential conduct violation that may have occurred
  5. University procedure to process violations
  6. Not prejudiced towards or against any particular side or party; fair
  7. an action or directive focuses on the needs of the victims and the offenders, as well as community
  8. Describes behavior inconsistent with University values and steps for hearing, violations and sanctions
  9. representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise
  10. Selected by complainant or respondent to accompany through the hearing process
  11. an action or directive focuses on the needs of the victims and the offenders, as well as community
  12. assigned as a result of being responsible for a code violation, the purpose of which is to redirect behavior
  13. Reviewing to determine whether a student is “more likely than not” responsible for misconduct
  14. An allegation that a specific section of the Code may be broken
  15. Student named in Conduct report as potentially in violation of code of conduct
  16. Request for case review after a hearing
  17. Requiring a student to leave university permanently or may be prohibited from campus
  18. removal from the university for one-semester+; to foster responsibility, decision-making and change
  19. process of thoughtfully weighing options, usually prior to group deciding the final decision
  20. Not prejudiced towards or against any particular side or party; fair
  21. formal meeting where reporting person, cited student to hear statements, experience and/or observations
  22. DOS staff member who manages a conduct case, schedules , facilitates the hearing and guides
  23. person who has information on incident and asked to state what they have observed or experienced
  24. Describes behavior inconsistent with University values and steps for hearing, violations and sanctions